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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 46
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Chapter 46

1 million dollars?!

Everyone turned to the person who made such a ridiculous bid. Of course, it was none other than Darius


Darius took another sip of the wine from the glass cup in his hand, but his gaze was fixed on the wine on

display, ignoring the stares he got from other people. However unlike the first time when he bid $100,000

for the painting the others didn’t back down this time. This time around the bigshots were involved in the

bidding war.

“$1.1 million!” Someone shouted a few seconds after Darius raised the bid. “$1.15 million!” Another

person counter bid. “$1.2 million!” “$1.3 million!” “$1.5 million!”

the bid. 1.5 million dollars? Wasn’t that a bit

There was a brief pause immediately too much?

Everyone turned to face the person who made the bid. This time around it was David Lesley who placed

such a high bid. A

David felt proud when he saw many people looking at him. $1.5 million dollars wasn’t a little sum, but he

could afford to spend that much. He only had $500,000 left before the money allocated to him by his

father ran out.

He however believed that that amount of money was enough to win the bid for the wine. David had little

to no interest in wine. However he felt the need to win the bid for the wine. He didn’t want Darius to steal

the spotlight anymore.

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Unfortunately, David underestimated the interest the bidders had in the wine. As someone who wasn’t a

wine lover he didn’t understand the appeal a 150 year old wine held to them.

“$2 million.”

It was Darius who raised the bid this time. He knew at once what was running through David’s mind, but

was unbothered about his behavior. He didn’t want to involve himself in David’s

childish competition, which was why he raised the bid by half a million dollars.

Darius thought that this bid would end the bidding war, as many people abstained from bidding when

they heard Darius bid. Although they were indeed very interested in the wine, $2 million was too much of

a price for just a bottle of wine.

A few seconds passed and there was no other bid.

“$2 million going once! Twice! …”

David gritted his teeth in anger. He couldn’t afford to bid anymore as he would be unable to

outbid Darius; but at the same time he didn’t want to see Darius win this bidding war.

Sarah on the other hand couldn’t believe that the person in question was truly Darius. How did Darius

become so rich to be able to spend $2 million so casually on something as silly as wine?!

Just as the announcer was about to confirm Darius as the winner of the bidding war, a voice interrupted


“$2.5 million.” Everyone burst into loud chatters when they heard the price. This was way too much for

the bottle of wine. Everyone, including Darius, all turned to see the bidder but were rendered speechless

at the identity of the bidder.

It was none other than Pearl Chamberlain

he third ranked beauty of Kingston University!

Pearl looked at Darius with fire blazing in her eyes. She finally knew why Darius looked so familiar. It was

because he was the shameless and disgusting pervert who grabbed her breasts in public!

Although Darius had changed drastically from how he was before, no matter how handsome he looked to

Pearl, he was still nothing but a shameless pervert.

She had sworn to get back at the pervert, but who would have thought that the pervert was actually rich

enough to pay $2 million for a bottle of wine?

Darius also recognized Pearl as the lady he ran into at the restaurant. He had looked for her severally to

apologize and clear up the misunderstanding she had of him, but he was unable to find her anywhere.

Now that he had finally found her, she was now in a bidding war with him.

Darius sighed. While he might be sorry for his actions towards her, he didn’t plan on losing out on the

wine because of her. He was sure that he would win the bidding war, and with that thought, he placed his

new bid. “$3 million.”

Loud gasps could be heard when they heard his bid, but it was cut short by Pearl’s counter bid.

“$3.2 million.”

Pearl glared at Darius as she made her bid, however Darius ignored her glare. Instead, he placed his

own bid, which was a shocking amount.

“$4 million.”

Pearl looked at Darius with fire in her eyes. If looks could kill Darius would have died tons of time.

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Unfortunately, no matter how hard she glared at Darius, she couldn’t kill him.

This time around the amount he offered was way past the amount Pearl could afford. She had no choice

but to accept defeat.

“$ 4 million going once! Twice! And sold!” the man announced happily. Although the money was meant

for charity, he was still happy that people would spend so much for the sake of charity.

When the man announced Darius as the winner of the bidding war for the wine, everyone couldn’t help

but start clapping. The way they all looked at Darius changed drastically. He

could no longer be associated with the word ‘poor’.

Helen knew that Darius was rich, but she didn’t expect him to be this rich. He just spent $4 million for a

bottle of wine! It was a ludicrous expenditure!

Darius paid the stares they gave him no heed. He just drank from the glass cup he held in his hands


After Darius won the bid for the wine, several other items were auctioned. This time around Darius

refrained from participating in any of the bidding wars. He was content with his painting and wine. A few

hours later, the whole charity gala finally came to an end. The auction had generated over $30 million in

profits, which was a very huge sum of money. It would go a very long way in aiding the people in need.

Darius could feel the stares of various people on him as he exited the hotel lobby. He knew that by the

time his feat at this year gala spread, he would no longer be seen as a poor person anymore.

Darius got into his car and drove to his apartment. He took his shower and had a light dinner before lying

on his bed.

He thought about the events at the charity gala and broke out in a huge smile. He made sure to fulfill his

objectives at the charity gala, and he did just that. Now, nobody would look down on him anymore. With

such thoughts flashing through his mind, a feeling of accomplishment overwhelmed him and Darius went

to sleep with a smile on his face.