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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 545
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Chapter 545 On-site Bidding Meeting

“I’m asking you a question, so answer me directly. What does that have to do with

whether I’m on my period?” Amanda furrowed her brows and unhappily removed the

man’s hand.

The man was clearly averse to this question. Why did he imagine a love rival for himself


no reason?

“Amanda, what’s the point of discussing hypothetical situations? It won’t happen, and

even if it does, I won’t pay any attention to them, so you have nothing to worry about.”

Elias didn’t want her to worry about unnecessary things. Maybe being idle at home has

made her overthink things.

He continued, “Why don’t you continue working on your studio? Didn’t you want to open a

law firm? Though it got delayed because of the car accident and Aiden’s matter before,

you have plenty of time now.”

Amanda finally understood what he meant and smiled. “I understand. You think I’m bored

at home, which is why I’m thinking about these meaningless questions, right?”

“No, I just think you can do something you enjoy. Weren’t you passionate about upholding

justice before? You put in so much effort to become a renowned lawyer. It would be a

shame. to give it all up, don’t you think?”

“Of course it would be a shame. I will open my own law firm and plan to do it soon. But

back to the question I just asked, do you think I’m being unreasonable?”

Amanda suddenly felt aggrieved, like she had become an unreasonable and nagging

woman in the man’s eyes.

But if she were to tell Elias that Casey had confronted her today and said she wanted to

intervene in their marriage, he would certainly not believe it.

Elias realized that reasoning was futile, so he decided to take a more direct approach.

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He firmly held Amanda’s head in his hand and forcefully kissed her before she could react,

silencing her anger.

Amanda struggled to push him away, but he kissed her even more passionately.

As she pounded his chest with her fists, she gradually got caught up in the passionate kiss



After who knows how long, Elias finally let her go and watched her panting with a smile.

“Do you still wish to continue arguing? If you do, I’ll kiss you again. I am pretty free now.”

“You’re so shameless.”

“Is this how you should be speaking to your husband?” he said. “I advise you to take back

that statement. Otherwise, I won’t let you off so easily tonight.”

Speechless, Amanda’s face turned red in an instant, and she stood up, preparing to leave.

However, the man pulled her back into his arms and sat her on his lap. “Have lunch with

me, okay?”

“I don’t want to. You can eat by yourself. I’m going home to eat alone.”

“Dear, are you angry?”

“No, I’m not. I just don’t want to eat with you.”

Elias held her slender waist. “But I want you to eat with me.”

Amanda struggled to get up, but no matter what, the man wouldn’t let her leave his


During the interview session that afternoon.

Casey planned to apply for Winters Enterprise first because she had to find a reasonable

excuse to get close to Elias.

Now, she could be completely at ease because Amanda didn’t think she did anything

wrong at all and even planned to find the right time to confess everything to Elias.

In other words, Elias would sooner or later face that Amanda betrayed him.

Casey changed into a professional suit and stood outside the interview room with her.

resume in hand, waiting.

Suddenly, someone came out and shouted, “Casey Carter, it’s your turn.”

She stood up, took her resume, and entered the interview room.

When she entered, Casey was still nervous. After all, Winters Enterprise was an

international company, so the interview should be strict.

After sitting down, she looked at the row of interviewers in front of her, waiting for them to

ask questions.

Just as the interviewer was about to ask a question, the door of the interview room was

pushed open. Everyone instinctively looked over, and Casey was shocked to see that it


Elias himself!

She never thought the interview would also attract Elias.

She just wanted to enter Winters Enterprise unnoticed, so she instinctively lowered her


As Elias entered the room, his pitch-black eyes slightly widened when he saw Casey sitting

there. He didn’t expect her to come for an interview.

The Carter Family’s company seems to be doing well. Why would she come to Winters

Enterprise instead?

He just stood by and listened for about ten minutes, then left. After all, he was just passing

by and happened to come in and take a look.

Seeing the man leave, Casey was able to answer the questions confidently.

After the interview, Casey walked out and planned to go home.

Just as she reached the elevator, she ran into Elias, who was also walking over. What a


Elias Winters looked at her and took the initiative to speak. “Miss Casey, why did you think

of coming here for an interview?”

“I want to rely on my own efforts and see if I can succeed on my own. My stepmother is

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

quite. hostile toward me at home, and I have also fallen out with my father, so I can only

find a job. on my own.”

The man nodded. “I see. Then I wish you success in the interview. I’m sorry to say that I

have no control over the hiring process, so I won’t interfere with the results.”

“I understand. I didn’t mean to use any connections to get hired. If I don’t succeed in the

interview, it just means that I’m not suitable for Winters Enterprise, and I will send my

resume to other companies.”

“Alright, that’s good.”

With a ding, the elevator door opened, and Elias looked at her. “After you. I need to go up.”

Casey nodded and walked into the elevator.

Once the elevator door closed, Elias’ expression changed slightly. He thought of Casey’s

sudden appearance for an interview and the inexplicable things Amanda said to him in the


It was still necessary for him to keep his distance from Casey, or else Amanda might feel


A few days later, at the bidding conference.

Elias and Symeon personally came to represent their respective family businesses.

While waiting for the final bidding result, it was clear that although there were a total of 25

companies participating in the bidding, only one would be selected between Winters

Enterprise and the Lawrence Family business.

Yacob sat next to Elias and whispered, “I have someone keeping an eye on them, so there

shouldn’t be any tricks.”

“But now I am certain that we do have a mole within our organization,” Elias said


Yacob was taken aback. “Mr. Winters, why would you say that?”

Elias turned his head and observed Symeon’s composed demeanor, remarking, “Take a

look at the expression on his face. It looks like he’s anticipating a triumph. He must be

feeling confident, which explains his calmness.”