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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85 He Needs Your

Amanda hurried over and asked with an anxious expression, “Doctor, how is he? Is he


“He’s out of critical condition now. We’ve finished stitching him up and he’ll be transferred

to the ward for 24-hour observation. Remember that he shouldn’t eat anything during

these 24 hours. The only thing he can have is water. The doctor gave her some

postoperative instructions.

“Alright, doctor. I will keep that in mind.”

As the doctor was about to leave, he remembered something and added, “By the way, if

the patient regains. consciousness after the surgery, don’t say anything that might upset

him to avoid reopening the wound.”

Amanda nodded and at that moment, the door to the operating room opened and Elias

was pushed out in a wheelchair.

He was still under anesthesia and he looked weak wearing an oxygen mask.

However, she was relieved that he was out of danger.

An hour later, Amanda sat by the bedside in the ward and gazed at the man as he slept.

She couldn’t help. recalling the words Elias had said in the woods.

It was something about karma.

So, the people from the Winters Family believe that my enigma of a father-in-law’s fatal

accident is due to karma? Is this related to Elias indulging Grace? I have never thought

that Elias is a superstitious person… But it is a bit creepy that he got into a car accident on

his birthday. Then again, I finally understand why he got so angry at me on his birthday

four years ago. It turns out that there is such a tragic story behind everything…

All of a sudden, someone pushed the door to the ward open. Amanda turned around, only

to see Elias” grandfather hobbling in with a cane, his expression as dark as could be.

“Elias, Elias…”

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Howard, who had always been hostile toward his grandson, was now shedding tears as he

shakily approached the bedside while his bodyguard helped him up.

“Grandpa, the doctor said Elias is no longer in critical condition. He’ll wake up once the

anesthesia wears off. Please don’t worry Amanda also stepped forward to help Howard

steady his feet.

Hearing that, Howard looked at Amanda and suddenly asked, “Were you the one who

found Elias? You found him by yourself?”

“Ah… yes. I thought of searching along the roadside and finally noticed some scratches on

a tree trunk. I was just checking when I walked into the woods to take a look, but I actually

found him. I brought him to the hospital after that.”

Amanda proceeded to give Howard a rough summary of the incident. However, she

decided not to mention the talk about retribution that Elias had brought up. She didn’t

want to further upset Elias” grandfather.


Chapter 85 He Needs You

15 Bonus

Overcome with emotion, Howard swiftly held Amanda’s hand and exclaimed. “You

wonderful child! That astrologer wasn’t wrong at all. You are Elias’ lucky star! You are the

only one who can save him!”

“Astrologer? What astrologer?” Amanda looked utterly bewildered. She couldn’t

understand what Howard was saying.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Elias being safe and sound is all that matters. This happened on his

birthday again, huh? Is this really retribution?” Howard unknowingly muttered to himself.

Amanda had heard that word so many times today that she probably had callous on her

eardrums. It seemed like everyone in the Winters Family was starting to believe in the

concept of retribution.

Elias getting into an accident on his birthday only further solidified the notion

But is this really retribution?

Amanda began to ponder this question that she didn’t have an answer to

“I’m sure you’ve had a long night, Amanda. Go home and rest. I’ll stay here with him. I’ll

call and let you know as soon as he wakes up”

Howard then sat on a nearby chair as she prepared to keep his beloved grandson

company throughout the


“That won’t do, Grandpa. How can you stay up all night at your age? Let me do it. I’ll be

fine-” Amanda couldn’t bear to let an elderly man stay up all night like this.

Before she could finish her sentence, Howard looked into her eyes and explained, “Elias’

father also died in a car accident on Elias’ birthday.”

The entire ward fell silent at those words.

As the old man glanced at the bodyguard standing behind him, the latter tactfully exited

the room and closed the door, granting them privacy for their conversation.

Amanda, on the other hand, quietly looked at Howard.

The elderly man slowly recounted the past. “Elias” birthday is the most dreaded day for

the Winters Family. I know that you were wronged four years ago. He even made you cry

on his birthday, but we can’t blame him. His birthday is a huge burden for him.”

Amanda did not reply as she looked at the man still in a deep slumber in the hospital bed.

Even she thought that he had to shoulder immense pressure.

“Amanda, do you understand how I felt back then? To have my son go before an old man

like me.. He was even completely crushed to the point where we couldn’t even see his

body. That feeling.” As Howard spoke, he started to cry and his voice choked with emotion.

It was heartbreaking to hear an elderly man sob and tell the tragic story of his son.

“Grandpa……” Amanda didn’t know what else to say, but her voice was also choked with


Howard continued, his voice filled with sorrow, “Elias’ father was the pride of my life, but

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he died before me! How was I supposed to come to terms with something like that?

Waldo’s body couldn’t even be pieced



Chapter 85 He Needs You


+15 Bonus

The old man gently pulled up the covers for his beloved grandson. “Since then. Elias’

mother went insane and was sent to a nursing home. I’ve been telling everyone all these

years that my son and daughter-in-law settled abroad but in reality- Ha!”

“Grandpa, I understand why you did what you did-”

“You don’t understand, my dear. Everything I’m doing now is to protect Elias and preserve

the bloodline of our family. Elias is the sole heir of the Winters Family, but he doesn’t even

have a child. If something were to happen to him and if he were to meet an untimely

death, then the Winters Family would truly come to an end.”

Growing increasingly agitated, Howard forcefully hit the floor with his cane.

Amanda’s tears welled up and trickled down her face as she sobbed. That won’t happen,

Grandpa. Don’t think like that. Nothing will happen to Elias. You can see how well he is

today. He’s incredibly fortunate. The accident scene where his car flipped over was so

terrible that I thought. But I found Elias and he’s alright. He’s perfectly fine!”

That’s because you were there to protect him. If someone else had gone looking for him

today, they might have found his lifeless body!” Howard sighed heavily.

“How could that be.” Amanda’s voice grew weaker for she, too, wasn’t certain if someone

else would have found him.

It was raining heavily at the time and if she hadn’t carefully scrutinized that particular tree

by the roadside, she would never have thought the car could have veered into the woods.

And if she hadn’t entered those woods and instead only searched along the way, she

would never have found Elias, especially when it was raining so heavily.

Howard looked up at Amanda, his gaze fixed on her. “Amanda, please don’t leave Elias,

alright? He needs you. I can feel more at ease when you are by his side”