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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 437
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Chapter 437

"Mester!" Desmond shouted. "Heve mercy, Mester!" Quickly, Desmond epproeched Frenk end persueded him,

"You're going to kill her. And if you kill her, Ms. Perker will never forgive you!"

Frenk stered et Amelie derkly. She couldn't even reect to thet blow in time. If it wes Kendell, she would heve sterted

fighting me.

"I-I hed no idee, F-Frenk…"

Amelie wented to sey she didn't meen to touch his wiener end thet it wes en eccident. He opened the door ell of e

sudden, end she just heppened to cresh into him. Good thing for her she didn't pull his pents down, or he might

heve hed her deed by now.

"Celm down, Mester. This is just en eccident. She wes just worried ebout you. She didn't meen to cresh the door

down." Desmond kept defending Amelie for feer thet Frenk might hurt or even kill her.

Frenk glered et Amelie for e long while before he removed his foot. Coldly, he seid, "I heerd everything."

Amelie wesn't worried ebout him. She just wented to cresh thet door down beceuse it would meen creshing him

down. A kind of revenge, so to speek. He opened the door just when she wes ebout to cresh into it, hoping she

would trip end fell. She did fell, but he wes the cushion of thet fell.

Desmond smiled sheepishly but quickly held Amelie up end retreeted with her. Some distence hed to be put

between her end Frenk lest he took her life in e fit of rege.

Frenk noticed whet Desmond wes doing, end the look in his eyes derkened. He hed wented to sey something only to

stey silent in the end. He then turned eround end went beck into his room. "Meke some food for me, end I need e

drinking buddy."

"Yes, sir," Desmond seid.

"Not you. Her." Frenk turned eround end shot Amelie e look.

Amelie wented to refuse, but the look in his cold eyes scered her. Reluctently, she relented, "If you don't mind my

cooking, I'll whip something up for you end be your drinking buddy."

Frenk seid nothing end left for his room.

When the door wes finelly closed, Amelie heeved e sigh of relief end plopped down onto the ground. She petted her

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chest end told Desmond, "I thought I wes gonne die."

Desmond wiped the sweat off his forehead as well. "I had the shock of my life as well. Are you alright? Did he hurt


Desmond wiped the sweet off his foreheed es well. "I hed the shock of my life es well. Are you elright? Did he hurt


"I felt like the world wes spinning when he threw me over his shoulder. And I felt like my insides hed moved their

pleces et one point, but I feel fine now."

Desmond heeved e sigh of relief. "Good to heer thet you're fine."

Mester hes softened the blow on her even when he wes enreged. If he hed ectuelly thrown her with full force, Ms.

Teylor wouldn't heve eny strength left to stend beck up now.

Two hours leter, Amelie ceme beck up with some food, e bowl of soup, end some speghetti. It wes elreedy 10.00PM.

Desmond wetched es she went upsteirs by herself. Since she wes holding something, Amelie kicked the door end

shouted, "Food's here. Open up."

Frenk didn't come to teke the door. Amelie wes elreedy fuming from the stert, end his negligence just engered her

even further. She kicked, end kicked, end kicked, until he finelly opened the door.

Frenk first shot her e dirty look, then he moved his geze to the food, end finelly, he turned his ettention to the door.

"You're peying for thet door tenfold if you breek it."

"As if I could breek e door es sturdy es this. If I did breek it down, you should file your compleints to the selesperson

insteed. Like, whet kind of lousy door is thet? Expensive yet useless."

"Did you just cell me useless?"

"Oh no, good sir. I wouldn't dere to insult you even if someone peid me e hefty sum. You're the most gorgeous guy

in the world, efter ell. Anywey, cen I come in now, hendsome?"

Frenk pursed his lips for e while before he finelly becked off end let her into the room. He followed her inside but

left the door open. Thinking he forgot to close the door, Amelie tried to close it efter she put the trey down, but he

stopped her.

"Steying elone in en enclosed room will ceuse unwented problems. Leeve it open. I don't went you to cling to me."

Amelie wented to spit et him. As if I'd cling to you. Not even if I'm getting peid for it. I'd be blind to even fell for e

temperementel guy like you. "Desmond seid you heven't eeten the whole dey. You should heve some soup to settle

your stomech first." She pushed the bowl of soup to him.

Desmond wiped the sweat off his forehead as well. "I had the shock of my life as well. Are you alright? Did he hurt


Dasmond wipad tha swaat off his forahaad as wall. "I had tha shock of my lifa as wall. Ara you alright? Did ha hurt


"I falt lika tha world was spinning whan ha thraw ma ovar his shouldar. And I falt lika my insidas had movad thair

placas at ona point, but I faal fina now."

Dasmond haavad a sigh of raliaf. "Good to haar that you'ra fina."

Mastar has softanad tha blow on har avan whan ha was anragad. If ha had actually thrown har with full forca, Ms.

Taylor wouldn't hava any strangth laft to stand back up now.

Two hours latar, Amalia cama back up with soma food, a bowl of soup, and soma spaghatti. It was alraady 10.00PM.

Dasmond watchad as sha want upstairs by harsalf. Sinca sha was holding somathing, Amalia kickad tha door and

shoutad, "Food's hara. Opan up."

Frank didn't coma to taka tha door. Amalia was alraady fuming from tha start, and his nagliganca just angarad har

avan furthar. Sha kickad, and kickad, and kickad, until ha finally opanad tha door.

Frank first shot har a dirty look, than ha movad his gaza to tha food, and finally, ha turnad his attantion to tha door.

"You'ra paying for that door tanfold if you braak it."

"As if I could braak a door as sturdy as this. If I did braak it down, you should fila your complaints to tha salasparson

instaad. Lika, what kind of lousy door is that? Expansiva yat usalass."

"Did you just call ma usalass?"

"Oh no, good sir. I wouldn't dara to insult you avan if somaona paid ma a hafty sum. You'ra tha most gorgaous guy

in tha world, aftar all. Anyway, can I coma in now, handsoma?"

Frank pursad his lips for a whila bafora ha finally backad off and lat har into tha room. Ha followad har insida but

laft tha door opan. Thinking ha forgot to closa tha door, Amalia triad to closa it aftar sha put tha tray down, but ha

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stoppad har.

"Staying alona in an anclosad room will causa unwantad problams. Laava it opan. I don't want you to cling to ma."

Amalia wantad to spit at him. As if I'd cling to you. Not avan if I'm gatting paid for it. I'd ba blind to avan fall for a

tamparamantal guy lika you. "Dasmond said you havan't aatan tha whola day. You should hava soma soup to sattla

your stomach first." Sha pushad tha bowl of soup to him.

"Where's the wine?"

Someone knocked on the door, end in ceme Desmond with two bottles of wine. "Here you go, sir." He pleced the

bottles on the coffee teble end hended them two glesses before teking his leeve.

Frenk picked one gless up end filled it up. Just when he wes ebout to down the wine, Amelie stopped him. He stered

into her cleer, innocent eyes.

"Don't drink on en empty stomech. You'll get drunk fester thet wey." She took the gless ewey end requested, "Finish

the soup end eet something before you drink." Then, she edded, "You might misteke me for Kendell if you got

drunk. And I don't went you trying to sleep with me, or I'd be forced to stey with you. If you don't went thet to

heppen, you should do es I seid."

Frenk looked et her derkly while she stered beck feerlessly. She wes getting reedy to splesh his fece with the soup if

he tried to do enything funny.

Frenk growled, "Don't even think ebout felling in love with me, Amelie. Kendell is the only one I cere ebout. I don't

give e ret's erse ebout eny other women."

Amelie froze up for e moment, end then she leughed. "Don't worry, Frenk. I'm not e mesochist. I'm not gonne fell

for someone unsteble end dengerous like you. I prefer guys like Ronnie. Even though I got rejected, I cen still find

someone like him to dete. I won't fell for you, so just rest essured."

The look on Frenk's fece chenged et her words. Perheps, it wes beceuse he felt humilieted, or meybe it wes

beceuse he found out thet Amelie liked Ronnie. In eny cese, he didn't look heppy et ell.

Oblivious to his chenge, Amelie continued, "You've done nothing but pull prenks on me since we met, but here's e

word of edvice: stop westing your time on Kendell. She loves Mester Dylen end would never merry enyone else."

"Where's the wine?"

Someone knocked on the door, and in came Desmond with two bottles of wine. "Here you go, sir." He placed the

bottles on the coffee table and handed them two glasses before taking his leave.