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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 48
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Chapter 48


In the silence of the night. I could hear the gears in Millicent’s mind shifting.

Our day started well, and I won’t allow it to end like this. I’ve already made

progress with her last night, and I wouldn’t let that go to waste just because of


F ucking Sonja. I knew that meeting with her would f uckup, but not this


I took courage and gathered Millicent in my arms again. She fought me, but I

held her tight. Her muscles were tense, and her breathing was labored, so I

whispered into her ears. “You’re not going to askwhy I met her?”

She stopped resisting, figuring out whether to lethold her or punchin

the face. I sighed when she blew out a breath and softened in my arms, as

relaxed as she could be.

“Did you breach the contract? Something in her tone madenervous.

We were treading half-blind in this relationship, in the end, it was the contract

she trusted.

“What? I didnt-

“That’s good enough for me,” she cut my explanation off, her voice strained. “I’m

tired. I want to sleep.”

She shutout, withdrawing somewhere I can’t reach her.

“Talk to me, Millicent.” I murmured. This wasn’t part of my plans. I preferred the

emotional Millicent to this detached version of her. I’d rather she scream at me,

demanding an explanation, than givea cold shoulder.

“I have nothing to say to you. I just want to sleep.” She disentangled from my

hold, her tone sharper than a knife.

I groaned, forced her onto her back, and stretched on top of her I wanted to see

her face, look her in the eyes while defending myself. The timid glow of the

balcony lights illuminated the anger in her eyes. It leftstunned.

“I can’t read your mind, but I can see you’re mad. Why don’t you askwhat

happened so I can explain myself?”

“I don’t want to hear it.” She fiattened her hands on my chest, pushingaway.

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“And you don’t have to explain anything. I understand things perfectly.”

I grabbed her wrist, pinning them over her head. “What is it that you


She gazed atwith a passive expression, attempting to hide the pain and

sadness in the depths of her brown eyes. “I understand that I am just a

conquest to you, Damian. You got what you wanted, and now you’re probably

working things out with Sonja.” She fought against my restraints. She was a

trapped wildcat, ready to claw my eyeballs out with the first opening she’d get.

It’s f ucking turningon. What was wrong with me?

My c ock grew harder, punching against the fabric of my shorts the more

Millicent refused to succumb to my control.

*You understand sh it,” I said and removed the distance between our mouths.

My b*dy comes to life at the taste of her l*ps.

F uck me.

How cshe tasted better than the last tI k*ssed her?

She resistedat first, groaning and writhing beneath me. Everything she does

goes straight to my co ck. It was as hard as a steel seconds into k*ssing her. If

Millicent would stop fighting, she’d feel the dampness caused by her

stubbornness on my c ock.

I kept her beneath me, k*ssed her until she was pliant, shivering, and allowed

was no way she couldn’t feel how turned on I was.


09:29 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 48

“You feel that?” I rubbed myself on her like a f ucking dog marking his territory.

She whimpered, shutting her eyes as she bit her l*ps. Oh, she could feel that

right. “When I saw Sonja, my co ck didn’t even twitch. But with you, even when

you’re being difficult, it’s coming to life like a hungry beast.”

Her ch*st rose and fell rapidly as mine, her n*pples straining against her silk

top, begging for my mouth. And f uck if 1 wanted to give e what her b*dy

needed. “Is that supposed to makefeel better?” she groaned. “News fiash,

Damian, it’s not.”

“Hearout. If you still feel the sway after, then I’ll leave,” I said against

her mouth, fighting every cell in my b*dy to take what I wanted. And talking

wasn’t even on that list.

Millicent’s searching brown eyes roamed over my face. As though she found

what she was looking for, she nodded. “Fine. explain

I rolled onto my back, the tent on my boxer not going away. Licking my l*ps, I

started my confession. “I went to California and spoke to this guy who could do

a background on Rome.”

Millicent’s b*dy stiffened as a pole beside me. I reached for her hand, and to my

relief, she allowedto twine our fingers. “And this guy, he cto my office

this morning and gavethe documents I needed. There was a connection

between. Sonja and Rome.”

She looked atwith wide, questioning eyes.

“We believe Sonja was involved with Rome.”

Fear vibrated through Millicent’s b*dy, but she letcontinue,

I was supposed to pay her a visit in Cali, but we got information that she’s

already here in Roslin City”

“She’s already here even before you called her?”

“Someone is pulling the strings. Someone wanted her to be here, and I bet that

person also wanted you to know about my meeting with her.”

“I don’t thinkknowing about it is part of that someone’s plan” she muttered,

sounding so sure.

“Why would you say that?”

“Because Gian toldabout it,” she murmured. “He saw you at the cafe. He

didn’t even know who Sonja was.”

“The f uck?” Now it’s my turn to be mad. “And you’d rather be mad atbefore

knowing my side of the story?”


n would never hurt me, Damian,” she s natched her hand from my hold, sitting


I don’t know what hurtmore. Millicent sn atching her hand fromas

though my touch burned her or the reality that she’d side with Cian. It felt like a

slap on my face.

“And I would?” Her trust issues were one thing, but choosing Gian’s side before

she even heard mine was even more painful. I sat up, slid a hand down my face.

“That’s it’s not like that,” she stuttered, her voice coming out small.

“Then what was it like? Because all I can see right now is you trusting Gian’s

words over mine.” I couldn’t hide the pain in my voice. It felt like she betrayed


“Because it’s easier to believe that you only said what you said last night to get

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

what you want, Damian!” she cried.

“Why can’t you take my words as it is, Millicent?” I took her face in my hand and

forced her to lookin the eye. “I want nothing to do with Sonja.”

“You know what? It’s really none of my business whether you want her or not.

You’re only here because of the contract.”

09:29 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 48

“Will you stop talking about the f ucking contract? I’m here because I want to be

here, because I want to be with you. Is that f ucking hard to understand?”

“I’m nothing like Sonja. I’m nothing like the girls you’ve been with!”

How can she makewant to pull my hair from my scalp and timon at the

stime? Her jealousy drivesf ucking


My co ck thinks it was hot, yet my mind knew this was f ucked up. Something

was definitely wrong with me, but who f ucking cares? Right now, my mission

was to let this stubborn woman know that she’s everything I want and more. I

k*ssed her again. She squirmed, fighting to be free, pushingaway. I trapped

her wrists together and k*ssed her until she was moaning into my mouth.

Pulling away to get sair, I said against her l*ps. “If my words can’t get

through your stubborn head, I will f uck my way through it.”


I didn’t allow her to say another word, cutting her statement off with another

k*ss. Weaving one hand through her hair, I palmed her a ss and lifted her onto

my lap.

“The only thing you’re allowed to say is my name. Millicent. Beggingto make

you come.”