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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79

“Ah, you went to see Manny.” Alaric let out a sigh of relief and asked, “How is his injury?”

“He took a serious hit to his left rib. They might keep him at the hospital. for a few more days. | found him just

after he finished getting an IV,” Tabitha replied.

Tabitha’s voice took on a softer tone as she spoke about Emmanuel’s condition, sounding even more gentle than

her usual demeanor.

Malcolm, who had kept silent on the sidelines, could not contain his frustration. “Just save the talk about those

irrelevant people for later. Let's eat first.”

Tabitha could not tell whether it was intentional, but the word “irrelevant” seemed to escape through gritted

teeth. She could not help but glance at


“That's right. Go wash your hands and eat, Tabby,” Alaric said.

He guided Tabitha to sit beside him, motioning for Malcolm to take the

seat next to her.

The table was quickly filled with a spread of mouth-watering dishes. There were fish, chicken, and an array of


Observing that all the dishes had been served, Malcolm's satisfaction wast marred by a crease in his brow. The

specific dish he had been-anticipating was noticeably absent from the table. He could not help but ask, “Where's

the roasted turkey?”

Malcolm had been away from hwhen the roasted turkey was prepared, and by the the returned, Tabitha

and Alaric had already

eaten it.

Chapter 79

Tabitha then took the rest to the hospital.

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The cook hurriedly asked after explaining about the roasted turkey, “Do you want roasted turkey now, Mr.

Sinclair? | could make snow.”

Tabitha seemed to have changed. She had not even left a single portion.

for him.

Jealousy brewed within Malcolm. Emmanuel got into a fight at the bar, and not only did Tabitha cover for him, but

she also gave him all the roasted turkey she had made.

Failing to get a response from Malcolm, the cook grew uneasy and tentatively offered, “Mr. Sinclair, if you want, |

can start making them now. It won't take more than half an hour.”

Malcolm tightened his grip on the spoon.

Alaric seemed to remember something and asked playfully, “Hey, Malcolm, you've never really liked roasted

turkey before. What's the sudden craving? You crave it when you see us eating it?”

He wanted to subtly hint to Tabitha that everyone had a share of the roasted turkey, except for Malcolm.

It was a somewhat pitiful situation.

However, Tabitha seemed unbothered. She was only immersed in choosing her food without showing reactions.

“No need,” Malcolm mumbled with a tinge of disappointment. “Let's just


The dining table fell into an uneasy silence.

During previous Christmas Eve dinners, Tabitha would wrack her brains. to cup with amusing stories to liven

up the atmosphere. Alaric would join in, and the atmosphere could be said to be lively.


Chapter 79

However, this year, Tabitha did not speak a word, leaving Alaric and. Malcolm staring at each other, almost at a

loss for words.

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The Christmas Eve dinner thereby took on a particularly somber tone.

Malcolm was filled with anger, yet he was unable to express it and find an outlet for release. It was a rather

unpleasant feeling.

After dinner, Tabitha wanted to go upstairs to rest.

Alaric halted her, saying, “Can you cdown at 8 o'clock? ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ is showing. Will

you watch it with me?”

Naturally, Tabitha would not turn down a small request like that from Alaric. After taking a shower, she went

downstairs to join him.

The movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas was about to start and the TV station was broadcasting festive

greetings. Malcolm had also taken a seat in front of the TV.

He had changed into a new set of clothes. Dressed in a high-necked. sweater, Malcolm appeared quite homely.

His hair, unlike its usual meticulous style, was now casually falling, partially covering his sharp eyebrows, making

him seem a lot more. approachable.

Tabitha froze, her steps coming to a halt.

Alaric seemed oblivious to Tabitha’s discomfort. He dragged her to sit beside him and said, “Hurry up, the show’s

about to start.”

Alaric and Malcolm were initially sitting at opposite ends of the sofa. However, after dragging Tabitha to join

them, the former ended up sitting between the two of them.

When Malcolm observed her back stiffening instantly, his lips assumed a hint of seriousness.


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He wondered if she needed to avoid him like that when he was far from being a fierce creature.

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Tabitha saw the displeasure written on Malcolm and assumed he was also. being forced to watch “How the

Grinch Stole Christmas” with Alaric. She tried to keep her distance and leaned toward Alaric.

The look on Malcolm's face grew even more unpleasant.

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” was set to run for two hours, but Alaric, after barely making it through half

that time; started to complain about feeling worn out.

“I'm getting old, can’t stick around for too long. I'll head back to sleep. Malcolm, Tabby, you two continue

watching. Don’t young folks stay up for Christmas? Now, enjoy yourselves,” Alaric said before excusing himself.

With Alaric retiring to his room, Tabitha’s tense shoulder loosened up a bit. She dropped the act and slid the

other end of the couch, maintaining a cautious distance from Malcolm, like a wary cat ready to bolt at the

slightest hint of disturbance.

Malcolm frowned as he shot her a cold look.

Recently, Tabitha had been following the doctor's advice to get ample rest and recuperate. While her complexion

looked healthy, her lips still had a faint paleness that hinted at her lingering weakness.

The rage simmering in Malcolm's chest suddenly cooled, and he found himself speaking up, “Tabitha...”

Tabitha quickly interrupted him and said, “I'm also tired. | gotta crash. You take your sweet twatching.”

“Hold on.” Malcolm stopped her.

Unsure of his intentions, Tabitha flat-out refused, “I'm a bit tired.”


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Pursing his lips, Malcolm muttered in a low voice, “It won't take you much.


There was an unexpected note of pleading in his tone, catching even him off guard.

Despite Tabitha giving him the cold shoulder, he still wanted to get close and talk to her. However, no matter

how hard he tried, she just would not. show him the warm look she used to give him.

Malcolm felt frustrated by her attitude toward him and even a hint of anxiety.

Tabitha, too, sensed an unfamiliar side to Malcolm. “What do you want?” she asked.