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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159

Several people had gathered at the entrance of the ICU with sad faces. One of them was a grey-haired

old lady sitting in a wheelchair. Her eyes were red, and her mood was unstable.

When Katherine and Theodore came over, there was little reaction from them.

Matthew then introduced both parties.

When Emma Bennett heard that, she raised her head and glanced at Katherine and Theodore.

However, when she saw Katherine, she froze as if she had been struck by lightning.

"Was it you who came up with the experimental drug? Do you know you almost killed my brother with

your stupid drug?!" A woman whose features resembled Emma gave Katherine a mean glance before

scolding her in a shrill voice.

However, Katherine did not look at her and said to Matthew, "Prepare an operating room. I will perform

an operation on him."

Matthew did not answer right away but subconsciously glanced at Theodore.

"Go." Theodore was unhappy and impatiently waved his hand.

It was only then Matthew hurriedly turned around and prepared an operating room for Katherine.

Jessica Rosenburg—the woman who was yelling at Katherine just now—immediately became angry as

Katherine was ignoring her. She then stepped forward to yank Katherine's hand and cursed in a sinister

tone, "What's wrong with you? Don't you hear me talking to you? What's the matter? My brother is now

in the ICU because of your drug. Are you not going to take responsibility?"

"Are you talking to me?" Katherine calmly looked at Jessica and inquired.

At that moment, Katherine's gaze made Jessica flustered. Jessica wondered if it was just her

imagination because that gaze somehow felt the same as how her father would look at her while he

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was still alive.

She felt discomfort, and so her tone became ruder. "Mind that tone and look of yours. There is

something wrong with the medicine at your institute! Didn't you tell us yesterday that he will be fine?

Why is he now in this state? My brother is dying—"

Emma, who had been shocked by Katherine's appearance, only returned to her senses when she

heard Jessica's words before shouting coldly, "That's enough! Alex won't die!"

Jessica was reluctant, but she did not dare to continue due to Emma's authority. However, that did not

stop her from glaring at Katherine.

Matthew soon returned and wiped the sweat from his forehead before speaking to Katherine. "Miss

Cornell, the operating room has been prepared. Will you carry out the surgery now?"

"Yes. Send the patient to the operating room now." Katherine nodded and turned around to leave.

Jessica opened her mouth as she wanted to say something. However, she immediately closed her

mouth obediently upon meeting Emma's eyes and dared not to say a word more.

Although she held her tongue, she could not help but still mutter out of spite, "She's way too young to

be capable of doing the surgery. Why must she be the one to do the surgery on Alex? If he died

because of her incompetence, then—"

"Shut your trap! If you hate to stay in the hospital, scram!" Hearing those inauspicious words, Emma

was unhappy and she threw a fierce glare at the woman who spoke out of turn.

Jessica then pouted and did not speak anymore.

On the other hand, Katherine changed into a surgical gown before entering the operating room with a

sullen face.

Alex was already in the room, and Matthew had arranged for a few people to assist her.

However, she did not even look at them and walked straight toward the operating table. She lowered

her head to look at Alex's pale face.

She then went to take a look at his brain CT image hanging in the back before walking back to him.

With a razor held in her hand, she started to shave off his hair. After that, she took a marker to draw a

cross on his head before picking up a scalpel to start the operation.

Everyone else looked at her with shock as she operated on the patient with swift yet accurate motions.

The surgery was the same as any other, but when she was the one behind the operating table, it

somehow made the sight more pleasing to the eyes as compared to others.

Throughout the whole process, Katherine did not call for any assistance as she performed the

operation by herself.

There were fragments of bullets that remained in Alex's skull since he was shot in the head back then.

As the fragments were located in a place covered with nerves, no one dared to perform a craniotomy to

take them out.

So, he had been in a coma ever since then. The bullet fragments remained where it was as he lay

there motionless. However, during the time he was discharged from the hospital yesterday, the bullet

fragments might have shifted from the original position due to the patient being moved around too

much, making his condition take a turn for the worse.

Before long, Katherine had successfully removed the fragments. After the surgical incision was stitched

up, she put the scalpel away and said, "I'm done. Send him back to the ICU first before moving him to

the general ward. As for postoperative care, you should be able to handle that, right?"

"Yes." In the operating room, everyone nodded in unison while looking at her with a gaze filled with


They had seen the best surgeon in the hospital perform surgery before, but it was not as fast and

delicate as her. So, the surgery earlier was simply an eye-opener for them.

"Miss Cornell, your skills are impressive. Where did you learn the medical skill?" Several nurses

approached Katherine with admiration and surrounded her.

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"Fontan," Katherine replied casually while taking off the blood-stained gloves and throwing them into

the trash can. "I'll take my leave and leave the rest to you."

"Miss Cornell, will you come to our hospital for future surgeries? I would like to be your assistant


"Me too! I would like to help out as well."

"Yeah, me too! I can wipe your sweat for you!"

"Bah! Shame on you. I will be the one wiping her sweat!"

"No, shame on you! It's my job!"

Right then, the three nurses started arguing, and Katherine shook her head at the sight. Then, she

decided to ignore them and turned around to leave.

As soon as she walked out of the operating room, Jessica walked up to her immediately while looking

at her with eyes filled with mockery. "What's the matter? Are you done with the surgery? Are you going

to tell us that the operation was successful and my brother will be fine? And that he'll wake up soon?"

Hearing Jessica's mockery, Katherine raised an eyebrow while glancing at Jessica. "You're quite


"Hmph. You sure know how to talk big, don't you? Someone like you can do surgery? Hmph, don't

make me laugh!" Jessica was seething in anger as she thought about how Katherine had made her

lose face and was reprimanded by Emma.

Jessica was especially vexed whenever she saw Katherine's face. For some reason, Jessica felt as if

she had seen Katherine before. Yet, she could not recall it.

"Move over. You're in the way." Katherine was in no mood to talk to such a person, so she shoved

Jessica away.

Jessica staggered. She then looked at Katherine furiously, not liking the latter's arrogant attitude.

After an operation, Katherine was so exhausted that she did not want to argue with Jessica. So, she

changed her clothes and took a hot shower. Then, she left the hospital right away.