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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

Outside Hovington International Airport, a young man wearing a long black trench coat with a sour

expression stepped on the accelerator. As he glanced at the car that was chasing after him, he couldn't

help cursing.

"What the hell is going on? When did Hovington have someone so powerful to be able to track me

down?" Xavier Yates couldn't help but scold. He aggressively steered the car left and right in an

attempt to get rid of the car behind him, but the car seemed to be equipped with a radar as it kept

chasing after him. No matter how hard he tried to lose his pursuers, the other party could still lock on

his position again.

After Xavier cursed again, he shouted to his phone that he had set aside. "Give the Boss a call."

The screen of his phone lit up before it automatically jumped to the address book. A number marked as

'Boss' then popped up, and his phone started dialing.

The phone was picked up after three rings.

"Ah?" A lazy and impatient female voice rang out.

"Boss, I am being tailed. I can't get rid of them now. They seem to have very capable IT experts. Can

you please help me get rid of them? I may not be able to come to you otherwise," he pleaded pitifully.

As soon as she heard that, she couldn't help but bring her hand to her temples and massage them.

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything! I am such a good boy. I didn't do anything from the time I got on and off the plane.

Really! You have to believe me; I have turned over a new leaf," he explained as he felt wronged.

Katherine had already opened the door and entered her room by then. After typing in a series of codes,

the computer screen displayed a city map of Hovington with several different-colored dots. She moved

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the cursor and clicked the purple dot representing Xavier, then quickly entered a code with both hands.

Soon, a string of information popped out. The ID felt vaguely familiar to her, and when she glanced at

the IP address, she instantly fell silent.

It is people from Area Seven that are tailing Xavier?

Furthermore, they were using the system she helped upgrade the last time she went over.

Her mouth suddenly twitched and she quietly pressed the keyboard a few times to block Xavier's IP


In the computer room in Area Seven, a group of people were looking at the red dot on the screen. They

were closing in on it at first, but suddenly, the red dot disappeared into thin air; it was as if it had never


"What is going on? Where did he go?" Jeremy had been staring at the dot all this time. He couldn't help

the change in his expression the moment he saw Xavier disappear from their radar.

The others began to enter various codes one after another, but to their dismay, the computer screen

didn't respond. It was like Xavier had suddenly disappeared from the surface of Earth. They couldn't

find any trace of him no matter how hard they tried.

The whole episode left Jeremy dumbfounded. Looking at the blank computer screen, it took a while for

him to remember to call Joaquin to report this.

The moment Joaquin received the call and listened to Jeremy's words, he felt a strange feeling

suddenly rise in his chest. He then subconsciously looked out the window. For some reason, he

thought that this might have something to do with Katherine.

Joaquin rubbed his chin, and after a while, let out a smile as he nonchalantly instructed, "Got it. Since

Night Owl hasn't done anything in these years, and he hasn't hacked into Cechirus's security system,

let's just turn a blind eye to his arrival in the country. It was the United Confederation government, not

Cechirus, that issued the arrest warrant anyway."

He had no idea about how sad Jeremy and his colleagues were on the other end of the call, but he

chuckled after hanging up the phone.

Not many people could surpass Katherine's computer skills. He had witnessed it first hand when she

helped to upgrade the system last time. That was why he was so certain that she might be the person

pulling the strings behind the scene this time.

At this point, he was getting more curious about the secrets she would reveal in time.

"Kathy. Kathy!"

It was in the middle of the night when Katherine was awakened by a pale-faced Jennifer. The older

woman had barged into her room and reached out to grab Katherine.

Since she was still hazy with sleep, Katherine looked curiously at Jennifer, who stood in front of her.

"Grandma? What is wrong? Do you feel sick?"

As it had only been a while since Jessica woke up, Katherine had been very concerned about her

physical condition these days.

"It is not me. It is Noah. Hurry! Quickly check on her. She suddenly developed a high fever. It is

terrible!" Jennifer was so anxious that her tears were threatening to roll down her cheeks.

Katherine's expression changed slightly when she heard that, and she quickly got up and followed

Jennifer to Noah's room.

Noah's little body was curled up into a ball as she lay in bed. Her face now was scarily red because of

her high fever.

Katherine stepped forward and put her palm on the girl's forehead, only to feel how hot Noah was. She

then grabbed Noah's hand to take her pulse.

Seeing how Katherine's face further dimmed, Jennifer, who had been watching from the side, blurted

out, "What is the matter, Kathy? How is Noah?"

Katherine put down Noah's hand and got up to leave the room. She came back shortly after with a

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needle pouch.

After she opened the pouch, she swiftly took off Noah's clothes and unhesitantly poked the silver

needles in the girl's body.

It only took a minute for her body to be covered in silver needles, which was a terrifying sight to behold.

Katherine's face was solemn as her fingers quickly rolled the ends on the silver needles in Noah's

body. She only began to retrieve the needles after about a minute.

Jennifer continued to nervously watch without saying a word.

After Katherine kept the silver needles, she grabbed Noah's wrist again to check her pulse, her

expression still dark. "We have to take her to the hospital. I have temporarily stabilized her condition."


"Grandma, Noah has leukemia. She has a special condition. The only way we can cure her is for her to

undergo a marrow transplant. The medicine I prescribed can only delay the onset of the illness, but it

can't heal her." Katherine knew what Jennifer was thinking about, so she calmly looked at Jennifer and

explained in a solemn manner.

Jennifer opened her mouth and finally sighed. "Kathy, you know that there might be no second person

who has the same blood type as Noah. It won't be easy to find bone marrow that matches the blood

type. You haven't given up searching for years, but don't you see? It is impossible to find a match. Now

that you are married to Johdy, for Noah's sake, can you—"

"Grandma!" Katherine cut her off and took a stand. "Children are not objects. I can't just give birth to

them without thinking twice. I can't care and love them the best way they deserve it. I don't want to ruin

the life of another child."

It would be unfair if she were to give birth to another child for the sake of its cord blood or bone marrow

to save Noah.

Furthermore, she and Joaquin were not close enough to be wanting to have a child of their own.

Seeing how firm Katherine was about her opinion, Jennifer only turned around to quietly wipe away her

tears and stopped bringing the topic up after that.