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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141

"Are you happy?" Katherine squinted and looked at Jennifer, who had lowered her head and grabbed

the corner of the clothes, not knowing what expression to show.

Then, Jennifer glanced at Katherine before she protested in a whisper, "I just came out to look around.

That girl tried to trick me, so you can't blame me for doing that."

"Well, I can't very well blame you, can I? You haven't eaten, right? Aren't you hungry?" Katherine

scolded angrily but she also worried about Jennifer's health, so she grabbed Jennifer's hand to recheck

her pulse. After ensuring that Jennifer was weak from not eating, Katherine breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kathy, are you not angry anymore?" Jennifer peeked at Katherine and asked cautiously after seeing

that the latter had seemingly calmed down.

Katherine couldn't help but laugh at Jennifer's reaction. "I can't be angry at you. Let's go eat first. After

that, we'll settle the scores."

With that, she immediately opened the car door and let Jennifer in.

There was a famous Chinese restaurant nearby.

Jennifer had a light taste, so the dishes in this restaurant were just right for her.

The restaurant was trendy. Also, it was mealtime, so it was packed.

"Welcome! Do you have a reservation, sir?" The hostess at the entrance greeted Joaquin, Katherine,

and Jennifer politely as she saw them approaching.

"Yes. Peony Pavilion," Joaquin stepped forward and said calmly.

"What?" The hostess couldn't react for a while and froze.

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Then, Joaquin handed over a card in gold. "Take it to your manager and arrange for it as soon as


The hostess changed her expression after looking at the Gold Card in his hand, and she gestured

respectfully. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you're an honored guest. Please come with me; the Peony Pavilion

has always been empty. Our boss said that the Peony Pavilion is always ready for you if you're willing

to come."

"Lead the way," Joaquin instructed with a calm expression.

The hostess didn't say much and hurriedly led them inside.

When Joaquin, Katherine, and Jennifer had just entered the restaurant, they heard a sharp and

disgruntled voice. "Why can they go in early? Why do we have to wait in line here? What stupid game

are you playing? That's too much, isn't it? We've been waiting hours; why are they still cutting the


"Miss, they're not cutting the queue; they're…"

"What are they doing, then? Are you trying to tell me that they reserved a private room in your

restaurant? Everyone knows it's hard to book a seat in your restaurant, and getting a private room is

impossible. What is it? Do they have a special power that lets them book a private room here? Who are

you fooling?" The woman who spoke simply didn't like this and arrogantly interrupted the server.

The server looked embarrassed, as many customers who waited a long time were complaining.

Katherine and her group did not walk fast, so they heard the commotion outside.

The hostess smiled embarrassedly and continued to lead them inside. "I'm sorry. Someone will take

care of that, and I hope it will not affect your appetite."

"Kathy, let's watch the fun." Jennifer looked at the noisy crowd, wanting to watch the fun.

However, after she spoke, she saw Katherine look angry, so she kept quiet and smiled bitterly.

"We want to go to the room first. Ask the kitchen to serve a warm appetizer." Katherine ignored the

hustle outside and pulled Jennifer along to go into the private room as fast as they could.

Upon hearing that, the hostess turned away to make the necessary arrangements.

As soon as the hostess went out, she was yanked over by a server, and the server scolded severely,

"What's wrong with you? How can you bring random people inside? Don't you know how much of a

fuss you have caused outside because of your mistake alone? Hurry up and explain to the guests, or

you are fired!"

The hostess frowned and thought of Katherine's instruction. Hence, she whispered, "They have

reservations for a private room. I'm going to inform the kitchen to serve them some food, and I—"

"What kind of reservation? We don't have a reservation. You can lie to outsiders but not to me! You

must explain to the guests now." The server didn't listen to the hostess and pushed her violently.

The floor of the restaurant was slippery. Hence, with that strong push, the hostess fell. She hit her

forehead on the corner of the table, and blood immediately gushed out.

The commotion was so loud that everyone quieted down to look at them.

The server did not feel she did something wrong as she put her arms around her chest and looked at

the hostess on the ground. Then, she scolded, "Stop pretending. Why don't you get up and explain to

the guests now? You selfishly brought your own relatives inside for a meal. If the manager knows—"

"What's the matter?" Just as she spoke, the manager of the restaurant hurried over.

Michael Johnson felt his head spin as he looked at the rowdy guests around him.

"Mr. Johnson, it's good that you're here. It's all her fault. Sophia took her relatives into the private room

for dinner. Hence, the guests who had been waiting outside for a few hours were unhappy and made a

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scene." The server who had pushed Sophia hurriedly complained as she saw Michael coming over.

Sophia Miller, the said hostess, aggrievedly got up from the ground and the blood was still seeping

from her forehead. Seeing Michael was here, she hurriedly explained, "Mr. Johnson, I didn't do that.

They reserved a private room, and the gentleman has a Peony Gold Card."

"What?" Michael immediately changed his expression when he heard the words and asked excitedly.

"That gentleman—"

"What Gold Card Silver Spoon? Sophia, stop talking nonsense. You brought your poor relatives to eat

for free and opened a room for them. Now, you're—"

"Shut your trap!" Michael's mind was full of the Peony Gold Card and the guests, so he didn't want to

listen to the nonsense.

"Mr. Johnson, they're really guests of Peony Pavilion. The boss said if they come to the restaurant with

a Peony Gold Card, we must take them to the Peony Pavilion. I-I didn't mess around."

Michael nodded quickly. "Yes, you're right. Do those few guests have any orders?"

"The lady asked me to inform the kitchen to serve a warm appetizer. However, I haven't done that yet

because I was interrupted." Sophia lowered her head as she said that.

Michael turned pale as he glared fiercely at the dumbfounded server before softly speaking to Sophia.

"Go now. Don't interrupt the meal of our valuable guests. Hurry up. Just leave this to me."

Upon hearing that, Sophia responded, then lowered her head and trotted away.

Then, Michael coldly glared at the server, who had been causing trouble, and grunted. "You're fired.

Don't come to work here anymore."

"Mr. Johnson, please hear me out. They don't have the so-called Peony Gold Card at all. It was all

nonsense from Sophia to avoid responsibility. If you don't believe me, you can go to the room and take

a look. They definitely don't have a Peony Gold Card!"