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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140

"Three hundred thousand for that bracelet?" Jennifer took a look at the broken bracelet, before raising

her head to face the young salesperson in front of her. Her entire life would be a waste if she didn't

understand what had happened.

This was a blatant daylight robbery! She now understood why this shop was strategically located, but

there was not a single customer present.

"But of course. This jade is of high quality; of course it is worth three hundred thousand! Are you

implying that it isn't worth that much? Don't you dare divert the attention! You were the one who asked

me to hand it to you so you could look at it, and you didn't take it well! You must compensate us for the

cost of breaking it. Or else, I'll see you at the police station!" The salesperson said confidently,

indicating that this was not her first time doing so.

"High quality, you say. Three hundred thousand is really a bargain then. Oh, it is written here that you'll

compensate me ten times the price if your product is discovered to be fake. Is that true? If I buy this

jade from you for three hundred thousand and it is later proven that it is not genuine, will you be

compensating me for three million?" Jennifer asked casually as she pointed to the printed words on the


The salesperson took a glance at the direction Jennifer was pointing at and responded impatiently, "Of

course. As long as you can show that it is a forged piece, we'll compensate you."

Jennifer nodded at that. "Fine. Johdy, please lend me three hundred thousand. I'll pay for this jade first,'

she said as she turned around to Joaquin.

Hearing that, Joaquin immediately took out his checkbook and handed the salesperson a three-

hundred-thousand figure cheque.

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She accepted the check dubiously and called the bank to ensure that it could be cashed out. After

obtaining the confirmation, she smiled at Jennifer and said, "Please feel free to look around our other

jewelry, madam."

"I'm not sure I want to do it in case you can't afford to compensate me." Jennifer smiled back.

The salesperson's heart trembled when she saw Jennifer's smile as it gave her a bad feeling.

Just when she was about to respond, Jennifer said, "Johdy, pick the bracelet up for me. Let's show her

the real deal."

That made Joaquin smile. He then bent down to pick up the bracelet pieces and handed them to


She held them in her palm and looked at the salesperson as if she were a god of fortune. "Look

carefully. Let me show you what a true treasure should be."

This shop was always full of ways to defraud customers. Many people had fallen victim in the past.

Now that there were new customers being duped, many people gathered around to watch the fun.

When they heard Jennifer's words, they all looked at the bracelet in her hand with interest.

Jennifer then began to explain to the salesperson what a genuine piece of high-quality jade should look

like while holding the bracelet in her palm. However, the more she spoke, the worse the salesperson's

expression became.

But Jennifer had no intention of letting her go just yet. Pointing to the printed words on the cabinet, she

said, "Now that I've proven that the jade bracelet your shop sold me was a forgery, you have to

compensate me ten times the bracelet's price. Three million, please."

Half an hour later, Katherine hurriedly reached the mall. She felt a headache coming on when she saw

the raucous crowd in the jewelry store.

She pushed her way through the crowd, only to find Jennifer sitting in her wheelchair, happily munching

on some snacks. Joaquin was standing beside her, looking like her bodyguard, and two police officers

were taking statements from bystanders.

"What happened, Grandma?" Katherine quickly approached Jennifer, at the same time glancing at the

two police officers nearby. As she went near Jennifer, she saw the salesperson staring at Jennifer with

hatred and wondered why.

"I didn't create any trouble, Kathy. They were the ones who bullied an elderly woman like me! I'll have

you know that they…" Jennifer began to complain to Katherine aggrievedly.

Hearing that, Katherine was at a loss for words. At that point, she felt her headache was getting worse.

The two police officers had recorded the statements. Then, they approached Jennifer and politely

greeted her. "Madam, we now understand the situation. They will refund the three hundred thousand

you paid earlier and we will then consider the matter resolved; is that okay with you?"

"Of course not! She was the one who insisted that I break her bracelet and forced me, an elderly

woman, to compensate her. I'm just lucky that I've a friend with me who can lend me the money. Or

else, I'll really be forced to the corner by her! Furthermore, credibility is the most important aspect of

doing business. Since she was the one who promised to compensate me ten times the money I paid if

the product was forged, I am of course entitled to that amount now that I've proven it! I insist on the

amount right now. If you couldn't handle this for me, find someone who can. Kathy, call the consumer

association and ask them to send someone over to handle this situation." Jennifer was determined not

to let this deceptive shop off the hook.

Given the unknown number of customers they have previously cheated, they should really close down.

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"Let me handle this, Grandma. Have you had your lunch yet? You don't look fine. Go back and have a

rest first! Rest assured that I will not let them take advantage of you," Katherine said, her brows

furrowed. She had earlier grabbed Jennifer's hand, taken her pulse and found that it did not appear


Jennifer, on the other hand, pulled Katherine's hand and pointed at the salesperson. "You have to help

me, Kathy. I was bullied," she grumbled.

"Don't worry, Grandma. I'll call the shots for you." Katherine nodded.

After requesting Joaquin to send Jennifer back, she stood up and spoke to the two police officers,

"Follow what my grandmother said. If they refused to compensate, we will appoint a lawyer to follow up

on this matter. I believe that the sum involved is substantial enough for you to file a case and begin

investigations. I don't care what your excuse is; this shop has to be closed, and the perpetrator must be

arrested today. Otherwise, I'll bring this to light through the media."

Both police officers were terrified to hear that and did not dare to ignore her requests.

Hence, they arrested the salesperson on the spot and sealed the store's doors.

All the onlookers applauded in satisfaction when they saw that. As she exited the store, Katherine

continued, "I don't want the arrest to be just a formality. My lawyer will follow up on this matter. And

remember, the compensation owed to my grandmother has to be paid, not even a single cent less.

Don't defraud the elderly."

"I… I know. I'll pay her." The salesperson was on the verge of tears. She had not expected to meet her

jinx today.

Katherine then left the mall after settling the matter.

Meanwhile, Joaquin and Jennifer still hadn't left. As if they were mischievous students waiting for their

teacher's scolding, they both stood obediently outside, waiting for Katherine to meet them.