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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121

Ben's heart skipped a beat when he saw Katherine's increasingly grave expression. Subconsciously,

he asked, "How is he?"

Instead of answering him, Katherine merely took the scissors and cut open Joaquin's shirt to examine

his injuries. The man had one wound in his chest and one in his leg, both of which ruptured his main

artery, so it was normal for him to lose a lot of blood.

After examining the man's injuries, Katherine finally heaved a sigh of relief. "He can be saved. Any later

and he'd have to spend the rest of his life confined to a wheelchair." Such a situation was really a silver

lining. Joaquin had no nociceptive nerves, so he didn't notice immediately that he was injured. Because

of that, it was almost too late when his injuries were discovered.

Ben almost jumped on the spot while bursting into tears of joy. "You really are our savior, Miss Cornell!

Please be sure to save Mr. Levisay's life!"

"Leave us, and go get these things ready." Katherine frowned while dismissing him with a wave of her


After writing a list and handing it to Ben, she returned to the ward. Taking out her silver needle, she first

did acupuncture on Joaquin to stop his bleeding and keep him alive.

On the other hand, Ben went out soon afterward with the list in his hand. Area Seven had a powerful

intelligence network and many connections, so it was easy to obtain what Katherine asked for.

Moreover, the high-ups in the government had learned the news of what had happened to the supreme

commander of Area Seven this time. They gave direct orders to do everything for Ben's convenience,

allowing him to obtain all the items in less than half an hour.

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He came in while wiping the sweat off his forehead. After putting the items one by one on the cabinet

beside him, he looked up at Katherine, asking, "Miss Cornell, how can I help you?"

"Hand the scalpels to me, then." Katherine was sterilizing her surgical tools at this moment.

Ben didn't notice it at first, but after listening to her words, he finally took a glance at the set of scalpels

in her hands. The instant he saw them, his legs turned to jelly, causing him to fall to his knees at once.

When Katherine saw him like this, she paused what she was doing, and her lips twitched. "You don't

have to do this."

Ben stared at Katherine while looking ready to cry. "Hippocrates' Scalpels? Y-Y-Y-You're…"

Everyone in the field of medicine knew the famous Hippocrates' Scalpels! The mysterious doctor had

only appeared once, during which time she completely removed a spinal astrocytoma that had left

everyone at their wits' end. This was the only successful case in the world, and the patient was still

alive and kicking at present. However, the doctor had never shown up again since then. Ben and

Joaquin had spent lots of money hiring someone to look into the doctor's identity back then, but they

didn't manage to find out anything.

He really never expected the Hippocrates' Scalpels to be in Katherine's hands.

"Waste any more time spouting nonsense and he'll die." Katherine gave him a dirty look. Pulling the

scalpel, she then made a neat incision in Joaquin's chest with deft hands.

Ben felt his heart jump. Not daring to waste his breath talking anymore, he immediately watched

Katherine perform the surgery with avid attention. He was a highly accomplished physician himself,

having made his name as the top neurosurgeon in the country at a young age. Even so, he felt he was

no match for the woman before him in terms of surgical skills.

Fulfilling his role as an assistant, he watched in wonder and astonishment as Katherine completed the

surgery. When she carelessly tossed the scalpel in her hand aside at the end of the surgery, he nearly

dropped to his knees before her again. That's Hippocrates' Scalpels! I hear that they're a set of

specially made scalpels, but nobody knows who made them. In any case, this set of scalpels is

something that every surgeon dreams of! "Miss Cornell, this is Hippocrates' Scalpels! Do you know

how much this set of scalpels is priced at on the black market?" His heart ached as he picked up the

scalpel that she had carelessly tossed onto the tray and held it in both hands.

Katherine gave him a peculiar look. "It's just a set of scalpels, no?"

"That's nonsense! How could these scalpels be the same as others? Who doesn't want a set of

scalpels that can remove an astrocytoma? I'm telling you, this set of scalpels is currently priced at one

billion on the black market, and in pounds! They're priceless," Ben replied grumpily while rolling his


Katherine's eyes lit up instantly. She looked at him, her eyes glittering with excitement. "Are they that

valuable?" I've kept my nose to the grindstone for a month, but my company has only earned about

one billion pounds in net profit. Are these scalpels that valuable? In that case, why should I keep

working so hard? All I have to do is make a few sets of scalpels, no?

"How could they not be valuable? Nobody's been able to see them no matter how much they want to."

Ben gave her a resentful look while fondly holding the scalpel in both hands.

"Hehe." Katherine gave a chuckle. "I have a job for you, then. I'm not gonna ask for payment for Mr.

Levisay's medical treatment this time. Just help me sell this set of scalpels, and I'll give you one-tenth

of the money."

"What?" Ben looked horrified. Katherine wants to sell the Hippocrates' Scalpels? "D-D-Do you know

what you're talking about? We're talking about Hippocrates' Scalpels!" He looked at her with a

heartbroken expression.

Katherine rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I do. If I'd known earlier that they were worth so much money, I'd

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have sold them long ago." She was penniless when she first arrived in Fontan back then. If she had

known earlier that these scalpels were worth so much money, she'd have sold them long ago, and

Jennifer wouldn't have suffered.

Ben was speechless for a while, but he saw from her expression that she wasn't joking and that she

seriously meant it. He gathered the set of scalpels and packed them up without saying a word.

Katherine took Joaquin's pulse before knitting her brows. "His loss of blood is a bit of a problem. What

is his blood type?"

Ben managed to find time to answer her, "Oh, he's AB negative."

Katherine was startled for a moment before a peculiar expression came over her face. Is there such a

coincidence? Joaquin even has the same blood type as me. Her lips twitched for a moment before she

said to Ben expressionlessly, "Bring the blood-drawing kit over."

Ben stared at her in puzzlement. "What for?"

Katherine rolled her eyes at him. "What else is it for? Don't you see that he's in such bad shape? If he

doesn't receive any blood transfusion, his brain will lack oxygen for a long time. Do you want him to

become an idiot when he wakes up?" She seriously doubted how he had managed to enroll in a

medical college. How could he lack such common sense?

Ben's hands trembled, causing the scalpels in his hands to drop to the floor, but he couldn't be

bothered to feel bad about it. Staring wide-eyed at Katherine in shock, he stammered, "M-M-Miss

Cornell, you mean you have the same blood type as Mr. Levisay?"

"Hurry up before I change my mind," Katherine urged impatiently. It's not a good thing now that I'm

getting more and more involved with Joaquin. The point is, how many things have I revealed about

myself in front of him?

"Oh, okay! I-I'll go get it right away!" Ben replied before turning around and running off in a flash. Soon

after that, he brought the blood-drawing kit over and drew blood from her.

Katherine had just done acupuncture on Joaquin. At this moment, her face paled somewhat after she

had 500 milliliters of blood drawn from her.