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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88

Meanwhile, at Somar, the researchers at SQ Laboratory were gathered together as they

celebrated how easily they managed to get the research data.

"I never thought that we could obtain the experimental report that easily this time round,

which is really great. Now that we have gotten our hands on the sample as well, we could

immediately replicate another dose after we have analyzed its components. By then, the

patent will definitely be ours!" One of the elderly professors was shaking from the sudden

wave of excitement.

The others standing around him couldn't hide their happiness too, as they stared at the

data displayed on the computer screen. They even fantasized about finally getting the

patent and winning international awards, which made their laboratory one of the best in

the world because of the data they obtained. So far, their laboratory was ranked third

internationally, and their ranking had been stagnant for some time now. It was a pleasant

surprise to finally be able to get a hold of the much-coveted data.

While they were lost in their reverie, the computer screen suddenly turned black. Noticing

that, the elderly professor immediately stretched his hand to press the start button, but

the computer didn't start, as if the source of electricity had been cut off.

"Quick, go get our lab's IT expert over to take a look at it." The elderly professor instructed

his staff anxiously.

Soon, the lab's IT expert got there, and after taking a look at the computer, he inserted a

USB before typing on the keyboard. Finally, the computer turned on, which was a relief to

everyone. However, when the computer was switched on, they noticed that all of the data

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in it had been deleted.

"How did this happen?" The elderly professor was so angry that he almost passed out

while the others were anxious about it too. All of them stared at the IT expert that they

had spent a fortune recruiting.

After the IT expert checked the computer's recycle bin and checked some of the settings,

he turned over to the elderly professor and said, "What were all of you watching from the

computer earlier on? I detected a very advanced Trojan computer program that had

destroyed all the files on the computer. Based on my expertise, I cannot retrieve the data.

Unfortunately, I doubt that anyone in the world will be able to recover the data."

"What?" A few of them were startled to find out about it. The elderly professor couldn't

take the bad news and fainted on the spot.

"Quick, check whether the other computers are affected!." The other professor managed

to stay calm and knew they should also check the data on the other computers.

A few of them instructed the other staff members in the laboratory to perform checks on

all the computers in the laboratory. Once all the computers had been checked, they were

utterly disappointed by the findings, as every single bit of data that they had stored on

their server was wiped off. Based on what their IT expert said, there was no way for them

to recover the lost data, which meant that all the experimental data that they had worked

so hard on was gone.

It was a huge blow to everyone, and all of them were despaired by it. They found solace in

remembering that they still had a sample of Sa-1 reagent on hand, but the bad news that

followed had crushed their last hope. The Sa-1 sample had somehow evaporated from the

test tube without any warning. They suffered a double whammy, as not only did they not

get hold of the data after spending a fortune, they had lost their laboratory's research

results that they had been working on for many years.

"Darn it! We have been fooled by the woman from Cechirus! She will pay for this!" The

researchers of SQ Laboratory were so mad at Beatrice that they blamed everything on her.

Meanwhile, in Cechirus, Beatrice realized that she was lying in one of the wards of

Hovington Hospital when she woke up. At the same time, she couldn't feel her legs, which

befuddled her. When she finally made sense of the situation, she immediately stretched

her hand out to touch her thigh, but she got the shock of her life and suddenly screamed

as if she had already lost her legs!

When Joaquin received a message from the doctor, it was already afternoon when he

reached the hospital. Beatrice had gone ballistic as she cried and screamed incessantly.

She bawled the moment she saw him.

"Johdy, Johdy, m-my legs…"

Seeing her that way made his heart ache. He then walked toward her and caressed her

head. "Don't worry. I won't leave you."

"Johdy, you will call off the wedding with Katherine and marry me, right? Promise me that

you won't abandon me. Please don't abandon me… I-I have lost everything." At that

instant, she couldn't afford to let him leave her alone anymore because she had been


Theodore didn't care about his granddaughter's feelings and agreed to her amputation

without getting her consent nor informing her about it. She hated him for it so much that

she felt that it was a shame that he survived the car crash.

"Don't worry. I will never leave you. Don't be too devastated about it, and rest well in the

hospital. You can leave the rest to me, alright?" He comforted her and tried to calm her


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Hearing that, she nodded as right now, Joaquin was the only one that she could rely on.

She would have felt lost if he abandoned her. After everything, she was relieved that he

was still bound by what happened five years ago, and since he was a responsible man, he

had promised to look after her for the rest of her life. On top of that, he believed what she

said about what happened five years ago and had never doubted her words. The thought

of it had calmed her anxious heart down.

After Joaquin managed to calm Beatrice down, he hurriedly left the hospital, as there were

still a lot of matters that required to be resolved at Area Seven. The existence of Area

Seven was of great significance, and most of its members were undercover agents who

were sent to perform tasks in various countries and regions. However, due to the accident,

the list of personnel was leaked, which was no trivial matter. They would need to call back

everyone who was performing undercover operations in order to avoid casualties.

It had only been a day since the list was leaked, but they were afraid that many forces had

already taken action against their undercover members. The accident this time round had

caused them major losses.

Joaquin looked glum when he reached Area Seven. Jeremy and the others stood in front of

him and looked down when they noticed him walking in.

"Have you done a thorough check? How could the name list of our members be leaked?

Do you know what this means? It meant that all of our hard work had gone down the

drain, and we had put our brothers' lives in danger." Joaquin criticized coldly, not intending

to hide his distress.

"Joaquin, the IT team is still checking on it. But what we had found so far was that our

system had been hacked, and the hacker was extremely skilled, as they managed to stay

undetected after breaking through our firewall to obtain the name list. It was already too

late when we found out about it because the data had already been leaked."