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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 1155
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 1155

Though the gourd-shaped entrance was rather narrow, Gerald swam in just fine and the other two followed swiftly

behind him.


After swimming through it, the trio found themselves in an area that felt almost alien. Soon enough, they came to

yet another cave entrance, though there was one stark difference to this one.

There was Dead Annie pollen floating around everywhere inside!

“Cover your nostrils and remain focused!” ordered Gerald as he looked at the dashboard of the tracking device.

While the old woman was nowhere to be seen on it, she had last been spotted right where they currently were. She

was undoubtedly inside.

How absolutely cunning of her… If he had been any less cautious, then he would’ve definitely fallen straight into her


It was at that moment when both Yume and Chester began feeling slightly uncomfortable. Gerald figured that it was

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due to the fact that the pollen at the cave’s entrance was denser.

Even though he was aware of that and was actively trying to retain control over himself, Gerald still found himself

being unable to resist the strong mental impact caused by the Dead Annies.

That old woman must be up to no good!

Soon enough, Chester and Yume ended up blacking out again while Gerald continued persevering through the

strongest mental impact yet.

However, at long last, Gerald failed to endure through it. As his surroundings became distorted, Gerald saw a

strange and ugly face appearing before him before he finally passed out.

After an unknown period of time, Gerald eventually woke up again.

As he slowly recovered his bearings, Gerald thought about how the pain from the mental assault was no different

from the time he had received the memories of that deity or even when he was physically attacked with martial

arts skills! In fact, if he had to argue, the mental impact hurt far more than either of those!

Regardless, Gerald was thankful that he had the water repellent stone with him, otherwise, they would’ve all

drowned by now, seeing that they were still underwater.

Turning to his side, Gerald saw that the now extremely pale-faced Chester was still unconscious.

Enduring the pain of his headache, Gerald then turned to his other side to see how Yume was doing.

However, much to his surprise, Yume was nowhere to be found. What could’ve happened to her?

With Yume’s disappearance sobering him up quite a bit, Gerald then supported Chester over his shoulder as he

began looking around for her.

However, no matter how much he searched, there was simply no trace of her anywhere!

‘Could something have happened to her…?’ Gerald thought to himself, feeling slightly guilty. However, he knew that

this wasn’t the time to be hesitant.

After all, he was still alive and the king of the ocean’s palace was now extremely close to them.

As Gerald woke Chester up, he truly hoped that Yume had just gone deeper into the cave where the Dead Annies

had once been.

Soon enough, Chester awoke and both of them continued moving forward.

After swimming down the path for quite some time… Both of them were suddenly hit by a massive surge of water

that seemed to be pulling both of them forward! As Chester and Gerald attempted to hold their ground, both of

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them looked at each other, silently agreeing that they were currently caught in a hidden undersea current.

Despite Gerald using all his force to resist being pulled in, he still ended up losing to the immensely strong current.

Naturally, Chester failed to resist the current as well.

With their bodies now being flung deeper into the cave, Gerald noticed that it was quickly getting considerably


“Use Bone crush!” shouted Gerald as the space continued getting smaller and smaller.

Hearing that, both Chester and Gerald immediately began performing the skill to actively adapt their bodies to their


With the cave’s size now getting to the size of a toddler—and rapidly continuing to get even smaller—Gerald knew

that if they had performed the bone crush skill any later, even he would’ve ended up getting crushed to death

despite having such a frightening physique.

At long last, they flung out of the other end of the cave!

The first thing that Gerald found surprising about where they had just landed was the fact that there was no

seawater here. It was a completely dry space.

Regardless, the second he saw how injured Chester looked, Gerald immediately helped him up.

“I-I’m sorry for being so useless, sir!”