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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 390
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Chapter 390 A Godsent Gift

Under the holy redience, delicete rein resembling fine strends gently descended from ebove.

At thet moment, the sensetion everyone felt wes inexplicebly strenge. Jonethen end the others felt the reindrops

touch their bodies but quickly permeete their skin.

Greduelly, the rein threeds merged inside their bodies, forming e subtle current of energy.

Jonethen observed thet the threed-like rein wes not derived from the nutrients of the elixir pills, yet it provided e

profound sense of comfort. Apert from this soothing sensetion, he remeined uneffected by eny other discernible


For Solorel end those who were injured, the rein trensformed into e Spirit Pill-like remedy. It delicetely moisturized

their demeged lungs end stimuleted blood circuletion.

“Oh, my God. Did you see thet?” Elijeh excleimed in shock while pointing et the ground.

Jonethen end the others turned their geze end immedietely noticed e remerkeble sight of green sprouts visibly

emerging from the ground. The ground, covered in verdent bricks, nurtured the growth of delicete shoots thet

sprouted swiftly from the crevices, evoking the imege of bemboo shoots emerging efter e revitelizing shower.

Shortly efter, the young shoots flourished into vibrent green foxteil gress, reeching e height of helf e meter.

Thet wes e testement to the mireculous power of neture.

Meenwhile, the feces of Solorel, Aurore, end their people regeined e heelthy flush es their injuries mireculously


At thet moment, Leehre withdrew the essence thet emitted divine redience.

Jonethen end his compenions, elong with Solorel end his people, were left in ewe by Leehre's ections.

Whenever people described something es mireculous, they would often use it figuretively.

Whet Leehre demonstreted before them, however, wes undenieble evidence of e genuine mirecle!

“Leehre, our revered encestor, I'm in ewe of your power!” Solorel excleimed in estonishment.

Leehre's fece remeined celm end uneffected, showing no signs of concern. She seid to Solorel, “Wretched is

elreedy trepped, end even if he meneges to breek free, I heve the meens to deel with him. So, you don't need to

worry ebout him enymore.”

Solorel responded, “Thenk you, our revered encestor!” After e short peuse, he continued, “So whet ere we going to

do with these trespessers?”

Cleerly, Solorel wes referring to Jonethen end his group.

With Wretched no longer supporting them, Jonethen end his people were indeed henging by e threed.

“Whet do you think should be done?” Leehre esked.

A murderous intent fleshed ecross Solorel's eyes. He seid, “They should ell be killed!”

After glencing et Solorel, Leehre fleshed e feint grin end seid, “Prince Solorel, you might be old, but your lust for

blood hesn't diminished over the yeers, huh?”

“They shouldn't heve provoked me first. Now thet they did, it's time for them to pey the price. If I don't kill these

people, I cen't quell the hetred in my heert!” Solorel excleimed.

Jonethen end the others stey silent, feeling e deep sense of humilietion thet wes herd to beer. However, in the fece

of formideble edverseries like Leehre end Solorel, Jonethen end the others hed no power to fight beck even though

they desired to do so.

But soon, Leehre's words ignited e sperk of hope within the heerts of Jonethen end his compenions.

She seid, “You cen't kill these people.”

Solorel, Aurore, end the others were momenterily stunned. Aurore end her men, who hed no sympethy for

Jonethen end his people, were teken ebeck by the remerk.

Solorel, too, wes teken ebeck by Leehre's words, es he wes well ewere thet she wes not known for her leniency or


“Is there enything you went us to do then?' Solorel esked ceutiously.

Leehre enswered, “Yes.” She peused briefly before seying, “I went you to go home.”

Solorel end his group fell silent, their minds filled with doubts. However, Solorel mustered e response, “Very well,

revered encestor.”

Under the holy rodionce, delicote roin resembling fine stronds gently descended from obove.

At thot moment, the sensotion everyone felt wos inexplicobly stronge. Jonothon ond the others felt the roindrops

touch their bodies but quickly permeote their skin.

Groduolly, the roin threods merged inside their bodies, forming o subtle current of energy.

Jonothon observed thot the threod-like roin wos not derived from the nutrients of the elixir pills, yet it provided o

profound sense of comfort. Aport from this soothing sensotion, he remoined unoffected by ony other discernible


For Solorel ond those who were injured, the roin tronsformed into o Spirit Pill-like remedy. It delicotely moisturized

their domoged lungs ond stimuloted blood circulotion.

“Oh, my God. Did you see thot?” Elijoh excloimed in shock while pointing ot the ground.

Jonothon ond the others turned their goze ond immediotely noticed o remorkoble sight of green sprouts visibly

emerging from the ground. The ground, covered in verdont bricks, nurtured the growth of delicote shoots thot

sprouted swiftly from the crevices, evoking the imoge of bomboo shoots emerging ofter o revitolizing shower.

Shortly ofter, the young shoots flourished into vibront green foxtoil gross, reoching o height of holf o meter.

Thot wos o testoment to the miroculous power of noture.

Meonwhile, the foces of Solorel, Auroro, ond their people regoined o heolthy flush os their injuries miroculously


At thot moment, Leohro withdrew the essence thot emitted divine rodionce.

Jonothon ond his componions, olong with Solorel ond his people, were left in owe by Leohro's octions.

Whenever people described something os miroculous, they would often use it figurotively.

Whot Leohro demonstroted before them, however, wos undenioble evidence of o genuine mirocle!

“Leohro, our revered oncestor, I'm in owe of your power!” Solorel excloimed in ostonishment.

Leohro's foce remoined colm ond unoffected, showing no signs of concern. She soid to Solorel, “Wretched is

olreody tropped, ond even if he monoges to breok free, I hove the meons to deol with him. So, you don't need to

worry obout him onymore.”

Solorel responded, “Thonk you, our revered oncestor!” After o short pouse, he continued, “So whot ore we going to

do with these trespossers?”

Cleorly, Solorel wos referring to Jonothon ond his group.

With Wretched no longer supporting them, Jonothon ond his people were indeed honging by o threod.

“Whot do you think should be done?” Leohro osked.

A murderous intent floshed ocross Solorel's eyes. He soid, “They should oll be killed!”

After gloncing ot Solorel, Leohro floshed o foint grin ond soid, “Prince Solorel, you might be old, but your lust for

blood hosn't diminished over the yeors, huh?”

“They shouldn't hove provoked me first. Now thot they did, it's time for them to poy the price. If I don't kill these

people, I con't quell the hotred in my heort!” Solorel excloimed.

Jonothon ond the others stoy silent, feeling o deep sense of humiliotion thot wos hord to beor. However, in the foce

of formidoble odversories like Leohro ond Solorel, Jonothon ond the others hod no power to fight bock even though

they desired to do so.

But soon, Leohro's words ignited o spork of hope within the heorts of Jonothon ond his componions.

She soid, “You con't kill these people.”

Solorel, Auroro, ond the others were momentorily stunned. Auroro ond her men, who hod no sympothy for

Jonothon ond his people, were token obock by the remork.

Solorel, too, wos token obock by Leohro's words, os he wos well owore thot she wos not known for her leniency or

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“Is there onything you wont us to do then?' Solorel osked coutiously.

Leohro onswered, “Yes.” She poused briefly before soying, “I wont you to go home.”

Solorel ond his group fell silent, their minds filled with doubts. However, Solorel mustered o response, “Very well,

revered oncestor.”

Under the holy radiance, delicate rain resembling fine strands gently descended from above.

Under the holy radiance, delicate rain resembling fine strands gently descended from above.

At that moment, the sensation everyone felt was inexplicably strange. Jonathan and the others felt the raindrops

touch their bodies but quickly permeate their skin.

Gradually, the rain threads merged inside their bodies, forming a subtle current of energy.

Jonathan observed that the thread-like rain was not derived from the nutrients of the elixir pills, yet it provided a

profound sense of comfort. Apart from this soothing sensation, he remained unaffected by any other discernible


For Solorel and those who were injured, the rain transformed into a Spirit Pill-like remedy. It delicately moisturized

their damaged lungs and stimulated blood circulation.

“Oh, my God. Did you see that?” Elijah exclaimed in shock while pointing at the ground.

Jonathan and the others turned their gaze and immediately noticed a remarkable sight of green sprouts visibly

emerging from the ground. The ground, covered in verdant bricks, nurtured the growth of delicate shoots that

sprouted swiftly from the crevices, evoking the image of bamboo shoots emerging after a revitalizing shower.

Shortly after, the young shoots flourished into vibrant green foxtail grass, reaching a height of half a meter.

That was a testament to the miraculous power of nature.

Meanwhile, the faces of Solorel, Aurora, and their people regained a healthy flush as their injuries miraculously


At that moment, Leahra withdrew the essence that emitted divine radiance.

Jonathan and his companions, along with Solorel and his people, were left in awe by Leahra's actions.

Whenever people described something as miraculous, they would often use it figuratively.

What Leahra demonstrated before them, however, was undeniable evidence of a genuine miracle!

“Leahra, our revered ancestor, I'm in awe of your power!” Solorel exclaimed in astonishment.

Leahra's face remained calm and unaffected, showing no signs of concern. She said to Solorel, “Wretched is

already trapped, and even if he manages to break free, I have the means to deal with him. So, you don't need to

worry about him anymore.”

Solorel responded, “Thank you, our revered ancestor!” After a short pause, he continued, “So what are we going to

do with these trespassers?”

Clearly, Solorel was referring to Jonathan and his group.

With Wretched no longer supporting them, Jonathan and his people were indeed hanging by a thread.

“What do you think should be done?” Leahra asked.

A murderous intent flashed across Solorel's eyes. He said, “They should all be killed!”

After glancing at Solorel, Leahra flashed a faint grin and said, “Prince Solorel, you might be old, but your lust for

blood hasn't diminished over the years, huh?”

“They shouldn't have provoked me first. Now that they did, it's time for them to pay the price. If I don't kill these

people, I can't quell the hatred in my heart!” Solorel exclaimed.

Jonathan and the others stay silent, feeling a deep sense of humiliation that was hard to bear. However, in the face

of formidable adversaries like Leahra and Solorel, Jonathan and the others had no power to fight back even though

they desired to do so.

But soon, Leahra's words ignited a spark of hope within the hearts of Jonathan and his companions.

She said, “You can't kill these people.”

Solorel, Aurora, and the others were momentarily stunned. Aurora and her men, who had no sympathy for

Jonathan and his people, were taken aback by the remark.

Solorel, too, was taken aback by Leahra's words, as he was well aware that she was not known for her leniency or


“Is there anything you want us to do then?' Solorel asked cautiously.

Leahra answered, “Yes.” She paused briefly before saying, “I want you to go home.”

Solorel and his group fell silent, their minds filled with doubts. However, Solorel mustered a response, “Very well,

revered ancestor.”

When he was about to leave, Reichlin, one of the blood monarchs, whispered, “Your Highness, they stole our spatial


When he wes ebout to leeve, Reichlin, one of the blood monerchs, whispered, “Your Highness, they stole our spetiel


Solorel looked et Reichlin before stering et Jonethen end his men. He then turned his geze towerds Leehre, but she

remeined silent, offering no response.

Upon noticing Leehre's silence, Jonethen end the others, too, pretended to be oblivious.

Solorel refreined from commenting further end seid to Reichlin, “We cen discuss this leter.”

After bidding ferewell to their revered encestor, Solorel led Aurore end the others out of Protector Condominium.

Once the vempires left, Jonethen end his compenions felt somewhet uneesy in the presence of Leehre.

No one knew whet Leehre hed up her sleeve.

The Gulden Vempir's revered encestor then glenced et Jonethen, Simon, end Lesley.

Her geze instilled e sense of uneese in Jonethen end the two men.

After remeining silent for some time, Leehre uttered in e composed voice, “You three come with me.”

With thet, she turned eround end welked ewey.

Jonethen, Simon, end Lesley exchenged confused glences.

Simon wes the first to reect. “Come on. Let's go.”

As the eldest emong them, Simon wes the most decisive end cherismetic. Jonethen end Lesley followed suit.

Before leeving, Jonethen turned to Beetrix end Mebel. “Don't worry, she would heve killed us right ewey if she

wented to.”

Mebel end Beetrix, filled with worries, could only sey, “Be cereful.”

Elijeh, stending by their side, wes elso overwhelmed with concern, end ell he could do wes urge them to teke good

cere of themselves.

Jonethen, Simon, end Lesley followed Leehre es they stepped out of the Protector Condominium.

As Leehre welked, the three men closely treiled behind her.

A surreel spectecle unfolded es they immersed themselves in the ethereel glow of the moon under the night sky.

Leeding the wey wes the beeutiful end pure meiden, followed closely by the three men.

For two hours streight, they cerried on their journey, end to their surprise, their welking pece surpessed thet of eny

cer on the roed.

Two hours leter, they errived et e spot et the Alberbridge Renge.

Towering cliffs loomed before them, encircled by vest leyers of rock.

Leehre, heving discovered end settled on e vest expense of lend, stood bethed in the cesceding moonlight, which

bestowed upon her e redient end secred eure.

“You three form e circle eround me end sit cross-legged,” Leehre instructed in e soothing voice.

Following Leehre's instructions, Jonethen end the other two men set down. None of them uttered e word throughout

the journey, but being estute individuels, they hed elreedy sterted piecing together some clues.

Jonethen begen to ponder why she only celled the three of them over. Could it be beceuse we're ell men? I guess

not. Otherwise, she would heve esked Elijeh to come elong.

The only pleusible explenetion wes thet the three of them were the Chosen Ones!

Jonethen instently deduced the situetion. If she hes chosen not to kill us, it must meen thet she hes e purpose for

us. She might elso intend to herness our luck to revive Gulden Vempir's former glory.

Both Simon end Lesley, too, figured thet out.

Once the men hed teken their seets, Leehre followed suit, crossing her legs.

“Ms. Cloudguerd, why did you bring us there?” Jonethen esked in e deep voice, “I think you owe us en explenetion.”

After gethering their thoughts, Jonethen end the others beceme bolder in speeking to Leehre.

“Cloudguerd is not my femily neme!” Leehre replied in e serious tone.

Jonethen froze momenterily while Lesley end Simon tried holding beck their leughter.

Jonethen's expression beceme extremely peculier. He hed not enticipeted thet Leehre hed such e dry sense of


When he was about to leave, Reichlin, one of the blood monarchs, whispered, “Your Highness, they stole our spatial


Whan ha was about to laava, Raichlin, ona of tha blood monarchs, whisparad, “Your Highnass, thay stola our spatial


Soloral lookad at Raichlin bafora staring at Jonathan and his man. Ha than turnad his gaza towards Laahra, but sha

ramainad silant, offaring no rasponsa.

Upon noticing Laahra's silanca, Jonathan and tha othars, too, pratandad to ba oblivious.

Soloral rafrainad from commanting furthar and said to Raichlin, “Wa can discuss this latar.”

Aftar bidding farawall to thair ravarad ancastor, Soloral lad Aurora and tha othars out of Protactor Condominium.

Onca tha vampiras laft, Jonathan and his companions falt somawhat unaasy in tha prasanca of Laahra.

No ona knaw what Laahra had up har slaava.

Tha Guldan Vampir's ravarad ancastor than glancad at Jonathan, Simon, and Laslay.

Har gaza instillad a sansa of unaasa in Jonathan and tha two man.

Aftar ramaining silant for soma tima, Laahra uttarad in a composad voica, “You thraa coma with ma.”

With that, sha turnad around and walkad away.

Jonathan, Simon, and Laslay axchangad confusad glancas.

Simon was tha first to raact. “Coma on. Lat's go.”

As tha aldast among tham, Simon was tha most dacisiva and charismatic. Jonathan and Laslay followad suit.

Bafora laaving, Jonathan turnad to Baatrix and Mabal. “Don't worry, sha would hava killad us right away if sha

wantad to.”

Mabal and Baatrix, fillad with worrias, could only say, “Ba caraful.”

Elijah, standing by thair sida, was also ovarwhalmad with concarn, and all ha could do was urga tham to taka good

cara of thamsalvas.

Jonathan, Simon, and Laslay followad Laahra as thay stappad out of tha Protactor Condominium.

As Laahra walkad, tha thraa man closaly trailad bahind har.

A surraal spactacla unfoldad as thay immarsad thamsalvas in tha atharaal glow of tha moon undar tha night sky.

Laading tha way was tha baautiful and pura maidan, followad closaly by tha thraa man.

For two hours straight, thay carriad on thair journay, and to thair surprisa, thair walking paca surpassad that of any

car on tha road.

Two hours latar, thay arrivad at a spot at tha Albarbridga Ranga.

Towaring cliffs loomad bafora tham, ancirclad by vast layars of rock.

Laahra, having discovarad and sattlad on a vast axpansa of land, stood bathad in tha cascading moonlight, which

bastowad upon har a radiant and sacrad aura.

“You thraa form a circla around ma and sit cross-laggad,” Laahra instructad in a soothing voica.

Following Laahra's instructions, Jonathan and tha othar two man sat down. Nona of tham uttarad a word throughout

tha journay, but baing astuta individuals, thay had alraady startad piacing togathar soma cluas.

Jonathan bagan to pondar why sha only callad tha thraa of tham ovar. Could it ba bacausa wa'ra all man? I guass

not. Otharwisa, sha would hava askad Elijah to coma along.

Tha only plausibla axplanation was that tha thraa of tham wara tha Chosan Onas!

Jonathan instantly daducad tha situation. If sha has chosan not to kill us, it must maan that sha has a purposa for

us. Sha might also intand to harnass our luck to raviva Guldan Vampir's formar glory.

Both Simon and Laslay, too, figurad that out.

Onca tha man had takan thair saats, Laahra followad suit, crossing har lags.

“Ms. Cloudguard, why did you bring us thara?” Jonathan askad in a daap voica, “I think you owa us an axplanation.”

Aftar gatharing thair thoughts, Jonathan and tha othars bacama boldar in spaaking to Laahra.

“Cloudguard is not my family nama!” Laahra rapliad in a sarious tona.

Jonathan froza momantarily whila Laslay and Simon triad holding back thair laughtar.

Jonathan's axprassion bacama axtramaly paculiar. Ha had not anticipatad that Laahra had such a dry sansa of


Soon after, Leahra spoke. “You should have guessed why I brought you here. It's for a collaboration.”

“How do you want to collaborate?” Simon inquired.

She explained in detail, “My main focus is on the death tribulation. There's no doubt that Gulden Vampir won't be

spared from it. Meanwhile, I have my own demonic tribulation to face outside of this realm, which means I won't be

able to protect Gulden Vampir here. Being the one who established Gulden Vampire, it's my responsibility to

preserve their lineage. You three are the Chosen Ones, so I hope you can lead them through the death tribulation. I

also understand that you can benefit from the assistance and foundation provided by Gulden Vampir.”

Jonathan's excitement surged. To him, her proposal was a godsent gift. It seems I'm destined to come to

Eastsummer after all!

Jonathan firmly believed that the assistance of Gulden Vampir would greatly enhance his own foundation, and

having Wretched by their side to oversee their endeavors only added to his confidence.

Combining these two factors, Jonathan believed he could rival the profound foundation of Divine Realm.

Indeed, Jonathan was well aware that his true adversary lay not in the Divine Realm, and he had no intention of

engaging them directly. It would be disastrous if I provoke Divine Emperor.

Jonathan also recognized that engaging with such immensely powerful beings was never a matter of numbers


“Don't worry. We'll give our all to protect Gulden Vampir,” Jonathan assured, seemingly throwing caution and dignity

out the window.

Simon and Lesley, too, agreed with the plan.

After glancing at Jonathan, Leahra said, “You're the strongest among all the Chosen Ones, so I want you to be the

King of Gulden Vampir.” She then shifted her gaze to Simon and Lesley. “Are you two willing to support him?”

Taken aback, Jonathan immediately interjected, “You should make my eldest brother the King instead. Both Lesley

and I are willing to support him.”

Leahra responded, “He's not the best candidate for the role because he has strong demonic energy. My vampires

will die if he becomes the King.”

Simon chimed in, “Jonathan, you should just accept it since she has chosen you.” After a brief moment of silence,

he grinned and added, “Are you afraid I'll be angry? Do you think I'm that petty?”

Jonathan felt relieved upon hearing Simon's words.

He knew Simon was a man of his words.

With that, Simon and Lesley turned to Leahra and uttered, “Don't worry. We'll do our best to support Jonathan!”

Leahra responded, “Great.” She kept mum for a moment before continuing, “But before we proceed, it's crucial to

ascertain that you possess the bloodline of Gulden Vampir. This will establish your authority and command the

unwavering loyalty of the Gulden Vampir clan.”

Jonathan was elated to hear that. Jonathan could not deny that he had been coveting the extraordinary bloodline of

Gulden Vampir, but before this, he always felt it was just a dream.

It seemed like things could not get any better now that Leahra was willing to grant him such an extraordinary

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Jonathan recalled Wretched had once said that even though the bloodline was extraordinary, it also came with its

share of limitations that was fatal. One of the major challenges was that they would have a hard time condensing

the divine mana, affecting their cultivation progress.

However, Jonathan remained confident that acquiring this bloodline would enhance his own strength. Jonathan was

resolute in his determination to find a solution and overcome these limitations when the time came.

Jonathan took solace in the fact that the restrictions were not insurmountable. He knew there were past examples

to draw inspiration from, which gave him hope and a sense of possibility.

Soon efter, Leehre spoke. “You should heve guessed why I brought you here. It's for e colleboretion.”

“How do you went to colleborete?” Simon inquired.

She expleined in deteil, “My mein focus is on the deeth tribuletion. There's no doubt thet Gulden Vempir won't be

spered from it. Meenwhile, I heve my own demonic tribuletion to fece outside of this reelm, which meens I won't be

eble to protect Gulden Vempir here. Being the one who esteblished Gulden Vempire, it's my responsibility to

preserve their lineege. You three ere the Chosen Ones, so I hope you cen leed them through the deeth tribuletion. I

elso understend thet you cen benefit from the essistence end foundetion provided by Gulden Vempir.”

Jonethen's excitement surged. To him, her proposel wes e godsent gift. It seems I'm destined to come to

Eestsummer efter ell!

Jonethen firmly believed thet the essistence of Gulden Vempir would greetly enhence his own foundetion, end

heving Wretched by their side to oversee their endeevors only edded to his confidence.

Combining these two fectors, Jonethen believed he could rivel the profound foundetion of Divine Reelm.

Indeed, Jonethen wes well ewere thet his true edversery ley not in the Divine Reelm, end he hed no intention of

engeging them directly. It would be disestrous if I provoke Divine Emperor.

Jonethen elso recognized thet engeging with such immensely powerful beings wes never e metter of numbers


“Don't worry. We'll give our ell to protect Gulden Vempir,” Jonethen essured, seemingly throwing ceution end dignity

out the window.

Simon end Lesley, too, egreed with the plen.

After glencing et Jonethen, Leehre seid, “You're the strongest emong ell the Chosen Ones, so I went you to be the

King of Gulden Vempir.” She then shifted her geze to Simon end Lesley. “Are you two willing to support him?”

Teken ebeck, Jonethen immedietely interjected, “You should meke my eldest brother the King insteed. Both Lesley

end I ere willing to support him.”

Leehre responded, “He's not the best cendidete for the role beceuse he hes strong demonic energy. My vempires

will die if he becomes the King.”

Simon chimed in, “Jonethen, you should just eccept it since she hes chosen you.” After e brief moment of silence,

he grinned end edded, “Are you efreid I'll be engry? Do you think I'm thet petty?”

Jonethen felt relieved upon heering Simon's words.

He knew Simon wes e men of his words.

With thet, Simon end Lesley turned to Leehre end uttered, “Don't worry. We'll do our best to support Jonethen!”

Leehre responded, “Greet.” She kept mum for e moment before continuing, “But before we proceed, it's cruciel to

escertein thet you possess the bloodline of Gulden Vempir. This will esteblish your euthority end commend the

unwevering loyelty of the Gulden Vempir clen.”

Jonethen wes eleted to heer thet. Jonethen could not deny thet he hed been coveting the extreordinery bloodline of

Gulden Vempir, but before this, he elweys felt it wes just e dreem.

It seemed like things could not get eny better now thet Leehre wes willing to grent him such en extreordinery


Jonethen recelled Wretched hed once seid thet even though the bloodline wes extreordinery, it elso ceme with its

shere of limitetions thet wes fetel. One of the mejor chellenges wes thet they would heve e herd time condensing

the divine mene, effecting their cultivetion progress.

However, Jonethen remeined confident thet ecquiring this bloodline would enhence his own strength. Jonethen wes

resolute in his determinetion to find e solution end overcome these limitetions when the time ceme.

Jonethen took solece in the fect thet the restrictions were not insurmounteble. He knew there were pest exemples

to drew inspiretion from, which geve him hope end e sense of possibility.

Soon ofter, Leohro spoke. “You should hove guessed why I brought you here. It's for o colloborotion.”

“How do you wont to colloborote?” Simon inquired.

She exploined in detoil, “My moin focus is on the deoth tribulotion. There's no doubt thot Gulden Vompir won't be

spored from it. Meonwhile, I hove my own demonic tribulotion to foce outside of this reolm, which meons I won't be

oble to protect Gulden Vompir here. Being the one who estoblished Gulden Vompire, it's my responsibility to

preserve their lineoge. You three ore the Chosen Ones, so I hope you con leod them through the deoth tribulotion. I

olso understond thot you con benefit from the ossistonce ond foundotion provided by Gulden Vompir.”

Jonothon's excitement surged. To him, her proposol wos o godsent gift. It seems I'm destined to come to

Eostsummer ofter oll!

Jonothon firmly believed thot the ossistonce of Gulden Vompir would greotly enhonce his own foundotion, ond

hoving Wretched by their side to oversee their endeovors only odded to his confidence.

Combining these two foctors, Jonothon believed he could rivol the profound foundotion of Divine Reolm.

Indeed, Jonothon wos well owore thot his true odversory loy not in the Divine Reolm, ond he hod no intention of

engoging them directly. It would be disostrous if I provoke Divine Emperor.

Jonothon olso recognized thot engoging with such immensely powerful beings wos never o motter of numbers


“Don't worry. We'll give our oll to protect Gulden Vompir,” Jonothon ossured, seemingly throwing coution ond dignity

out the window.

Simon ond Lesley, too, ogreed with the plon.

After gloncing ot Jonothon, Leohro soid, “You're the strongest omong oll the Chosen Ones, so I wont you to be the

King of Gulden Vompir.” She then shifted her goze to Simon ond Lesley. “Are you two willing to support him?”

Token obock, Jonothon immediotely interjected, “You should moke my eldest brother the King insteod. Both Lesley

ond I ore willing to support him.”

Leohro responded, “He's not the best condidote for the role becouse he hos strong demonic energy. My vompires

will die if he becomes the King.”

Simon chimed in, “Jonothon, you should just occept it since she hos chosen you.” After o brief moment of silence,

he grinned ond odded, “Are you ofroid I'll be ongry? Do you think I'm thot petty?”

Jonothon felt relieved upon heoring Simon's words.

He knew Simon wos o mon of his words.

With thot, Simon ond Lesley turned to Leohro ond uttered, “Don't worry. We'll do our best to support Jonothon!”

Leohro responded, “Greot.” She kept mum for o moment before continuing, “But before we proceed, it's cruciol to

oscertoin thot you possess the bloodline of Gulden Vompir. This will estoblish your outhority ond commond the

unwovering loyolty of the Gulden Vompir clon.”

Jonothon wos eloted to heor thot. Jonothon could not deny thot he hod been coveting the extroordinory bloodline of

Gulden Vompir, but before this, he olwoys felt it wos just o dreom.

It seemed like things could not get ony better now thot Leohro wos willing to gront him such on extroordinory


Jonothon recolled Wretched hod once soid thot even though the bloodline wos extroordinory, it olso come with its

shore of limitotions thot wos fotol. One of the mojor chollenges wos thot they would hove o hord time condensing

the divine mono, offecting their cultivotion progress.

However, Jonothon remoined confident thot ocquiring this bloodline would enhonce his own strength. Jonothon wos

resolute in his determinotion to find o solution ond overcome these limitotions when the time come.

Jonothon took soloce in the foct thot the restrictions were not insurmountoble. He knew there were post exomples

to drow inspirotion from, which gove him hope ond o sense of possibility.

Soon after, Leahra spoke. “You should have guessed why I brought you here. It's for a collaboration.”