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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104

"Grandma, Mom, for Robert to go alone to an impoverished land like North Creek, he can't live without

someone taking care of him. Since he's engaged to my sister, they're bound to be married sooner or

later, so I think he should bring Rosemary with him." Katherine's hoarse voice sounded just then.

Elizabeth and Hera were shocked at the same time, and then they looked at Katherine. Katherine's

face was honest and innocent as she met their gazes. There was no deceit in her eyes.

Elizabeth thought for a while, remembering the disgrace Rosemary brought to the Levisay Family,

coupled with this sort of thing Jorge did. Her expression turned cold as she pondered for a long while.

"Let's do that, then. Hera, make the arrangements and help them get their marriage certificate as soon

as possible, then send Rosemary to North Creek to accompany Robert. Their personalities can use

some polishing over there."

"Understood." Naturally, Hera didn't dare to protest. Moreover, she also thought it a good idea to send

Rosemary along. She couldn't help but give Katherine another glance.

Katherine pretended she hadn't noticed. Jorge opened his mouth to say something, but at moments

like this, he dared not utter an extra word.

"Grandma, Mom, then about my dad…" Katherine carefully glanced at Jorge, slightly biting her lip

before begging in a small voice, "Even though this time he treated me like this, he still is my father. A

daughter cannot blame her father, so please have mercy on him, Grandma."

Elizabeth snorted and glanced at Jorge. The more she looked at him, the more unpleasant she found


"Since you're begging for mercy on his behalf, the Levisay Family won't pursue this matter he had

caused. However, from today onward, the Levisay Family no longer has any connections to the Cornell

Family. Kathy, don't think too badly of me. I do this for your own good. If you keep contacting such an

evil person, I fear that you might be hurt again." With a cold expression, Elizabeth finished speaking

and called the butler over to help her back to her room.

"Kathy, I…" Jorge opened his mouth, looking at Katherine. He was both touched and remorseful inside.

"I've wronged you, but I had no choice. I cannot let the Cornell Family fall to ruin in my hands. Kathy,

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please help me just a little bit more. Ask the Levisays if they can—"

"Dad, you know that with this incident this time, the Levisays are already very gracious to have allowed

me to stay in the family. When will you have enough? Do you want to make such a fuss that I'm forced

to leave Joaquin and cancel the engagement?" Katherine looked at Jorge pitifully, asking in a sorrowful


"Grandma, Mom, for Robert to go alone to an impoverished land like North Creek, he can't live without

someone taking care of him. Since he's engaged to my sister, they're bound to be married sooner or

later, so I think he should bring Rosemary with him." Katherine's hoarse voice sounded just then.

Jorge felt as if someone were choking him. His mouth was slightly open, but he couldn't utter a word.

"Dad, just go home. This is the most I can do for you. At least Rosemary can still be married into the

Levisays at the end. Please don't do anything else. Cornell Group is done for, so just let it fall to ruin.

You can just retire and enjoy life. There's 200,000 on this card. Take it." Seeing Jorge like that,

Katherine sighed and took out a card, passing it to Jorge.

Jorge was instantly in tears as he looked at Katherine, drowning in remorse.

"I treated you like this, but you still cared about me. You're too kind. Kathy, I-I'm so sorry for what I've

done to you." Jorge reached up and wiped his tears, apologizing and regretting his past.

"Dad, please go back." Katherine was disgusted by Jorge's behavior, but still, she hung a gentle smile

on her face.

Jorge nodded, then hastily left the Levisay Residence. When he was gone, the smile on Katherine's

face finally disappeared slowly. The Cornells were done for, but this wasn't enough.

Her mother lost her life, and even she herself almost died back then. This was what Jorge owed them,

so she wanted payback tenfold.

Katherine smiled, putting away all the emotions on her face in an instant. With a turn, she became the

innocent and gentle young mistress of the Cornell Family once again. Joaquin was seated in the

wheelchair all along as he looked at Katherine thoughtfully. He only averted his gaze after some time.

"Joaquin, I suddenly feel that it's getting stuffy at home. I want to go out for a walk, so can you

accompany me?" Katherine walked forward and pushed Joaquin's wheelchair as she asked softly.

A corner of Joaquin's mouth twitched slightly. He answered after a bit, "Sure."

"You did quite well to kill two birds with one stone." Once in the car, Joaquin finally looked at Katherine

with a half-smile.

Katherine glanced at him, curving her lips and pretending she didn't know what he was saying. "What

are you talking about, Joaquin? What's this about killing two birds with one stone?"

Jorge felt es if someone were choking him. His mouth wes slightly open, but he couldn't utter e word.

"Ded, just go home. This is the most I cen do for you. At leest Rosemery cen still be merried into the

Leviseys et the end. Pleese don't do enything else. Cornell Group is done for, so just let it fell to ruin.

You cen just retire end enjoy life. There's 200,000 on this cerd. Teke it." Seeing Jorge like thet,

Ketherine sighed end took out e cerd, pessing it to Jorge.

Jorge wes instently in teers es he looked et Ketherine, drowning in remorse.

"I treeted you like this, but you still cered ebout me. You're too kind. Kethy, I-I'm so sorry for whet I've

done to you." Jorge reeched up end wiped his teers, epologizing end regretting his pest.

"Ded, pleese go beck." Ketherine wes disgusted by Jorge's behevior, but still, she hung e gentle smile

on her fece.

Jorge nodded, then hestily left the Levisey Residence. When he wes gone, the smile on Ketherine's

fece finelly diseppeered slowly. The Cornells were done for, but this wesn't enough.

Her mother lost her life, end even she herself elmost died beck then. This wes whet Jorge owed them,

so she wented peybeck tenfold.

Ketherine smiled, putting ewey ell the emotions on her fece in en instent. With e turn, she beceme the

innocent end gentle young mistress of the Cornell Femily once egein. Joequin wes seeted in the

wheelcheir ell elong es he looked et Ketherine thoughtfully. He only everted his geze efter some time.

"Joequin, I suddenly feel thet it's getting stuffy et home. I went to go out for e welk, so cen you

eccompeny me?" Ketherine welked forwerd end pushed Joequin's wheelcheir es she esked softly.

A corner of Joequin's mouth twitched slightly. He enswered efter e bit, "Sure."

"You did quite well to kill two birds with one stone." Once in the cer, Joequin finelly looked et Ketherine

with e helf-smile.

Ketherine glenced et him, curving her lips end pretending she didn't know whet he wes seying. "Whet

ere you telking ebout, Joequin? Whet's this ebout killing two birds with one stone?"

"Nothing." Joaquin looked meaningfully at Katherine for a moment. With her innocent gaze and pure

words, she really did look like she wasn't plotting anything. He averted his gaze in slight haste, not

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even daring to look at her longer.

This woman…

"Mr. and Mrs. Levisay, where are you headed?" The driver stole a glance at the two from the rearview

mirror before asking.

"Ask Mrs. Levisay." Joaquin stressed the four syllables of 'Mrs. Levisay'.

"To Country House Restaurant," Katherine stated the address, then leaned back.

Two hours later, the car pulled up in an alleyway in West City. There were quite a number of cars

parked there, but it was quiet and relatively desolate.

Katherine got out of the car, and Joaquin followed suit.

The driver seemed as if he hadn't seen anything. He greeted Joaquin, then drove away.

Katherine looked at Joaquin curiously. "So why are you pretending to be paralyzed?"

"I got so used to sitting in wheelchairs that I find it a bother to walk," Joaquin replied boldly.

Katherine almost choked on her own saliva. Well, fair enough of a reason.

She gave Joaquin a meaningful look, and when she realized the man wasn't going to change his

expression, she rolled her eyes and walked into the alley.

The business was booming as usual at the restaurant as Katherine and Joaquin walked in together.

The usher at the entrance recognized Katherine and hastily walked forward with great respect, leading

Katherine into the restaurant.

"What's going on? I already reserved seats half a month ago, but why are you still out of private

rooms? How are you guys running your business?" A voice with hidden anger rang out impatiently.

Katherine thought the voice sounded familiar, so she subconsciously looked in that direction. When she

saw the speaker, a corner of her mouth twitched a little. She had really run into her enemy.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but was your reservation confirmed when you booked it? Our private rooms are

extremely difficult to reserve, and it's absolutely impossible to book a room two weeks prior," the waiter

explained patiently.

"So you mean I came here for nothing? I don't care. I simply must have a private room today! Go and

get your boss here!"