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Unspoken Pleasure by Erotica

Chapter 1657
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Girlfriend Loves Cock: 4 "So you would like to invite someone to join us?" "Someone with a big cock to fuck my married pussy while you watch. I would like us to do all sorts of things if we found the right guy." "That could be a problem. I can't very well go around asking guys if they want to fuck my wife." Jlaughed. "Yeah, that would attract all sorts. What about those two couples we met? You could try out snew pussy at the stime." "I'm not opposed to getting together with them. But my preference for now would just be a guy. I would like to watch you get fucked. We don't know anyone here so maybe someone from college days? We did those three- ways with John so he would be my pick." "I agree. We always had a good ttogether but I heard that he was getting married. He could be a pretty safe choice if his new wife doesn't know anything about what we used to do. He would have incentive to be discreet." "You know I liked watching him stick his big cock into you, spreading your pussy lips, his cock moving in and out, foamy cream between your pussy lips. But of course we weren't married back then." John had always been one of Janet's favorites. I called and we talked. His new wife was very conservative about sex and wasn't a candidate for swapping. But he was very interested in a little extra on the side. He lived within driving distance and we arranged to meet.

"Hi, John, good to see you again. Who would have guessed that we are both now married?" "Yeah, people move on. Given Janet's history we were all pretty shocked when you announced your engagement. She fucked a lot of guys that year and I was fucking her up to the day of your announcement. Jsaid you knew." "Yes, she toldyou guys fucked that afternoon. That evening I proposed and we celebrated in bed with sloppy seconds. Not everyone would understand but I accepted her love of cock and all the fucking she back did. I had my own history and we are actually quite compatible." "And how do I fit in?" "I'm a realist. Jis totally loyal tobut her libido didn't decline when we got married. I want to keep her happy and I want our marriage to last. So we decided to ask someone to join in. Do you remember those times when you and I did a three-way with her? We would like you to join us from tto tfor sex." "The three of us?" "Yes, you and Janet,and Janet, and scombinations. And if you want to do more we are open for possibilities." "You mean like you and me?" "I don't know if you have any inclination in that direction. After high school a couple taughtabout sex. I fucked her and sucked him, and he fucked me. Jand I do a lot of playing together and she fucksin the ass while I'm fucking her. But all that's optional. You get to fuck Jand I get to watch." "I'm not totally surprised, Jimmy. I did wonder if she would be satisfied with just one cock. I love my new wife dearly but our sex is pretty boring. I loved fucking Janet, she's a great piece of ass if you don't mindsaying so. I would love to join you guys in bed. And as to the optional possibilities I've had sexperiences in that direction so I'm interested." "Great. She will be hfrom work shortly. I suggest we go out for dinner and get reacquainted. Are you able to stay the night?" "This is a good weekend. My wife is visiting her parents so I just need to get back by mid-day Sunday. "Look who's here," I announced as Jreturned.

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"Great to see you, John," she gushed as they hugged. "I'm so glad you agreed to come. Givea few minutes and we can head over to the restaurant. We have plenty to talk about." "Tell us about your new wife," Jstarted the conversation.

"She is so nice and sweet and god, what a body. Only twenty years old. There was an instant attraction. I thought she might even be a virgin and we didn't fuck until our third date. She had a boyfriend in high school who took her virginity prom night. It didn't go well and she dropped out of the dating scene. I was able to persuade her to give it another try. It's fun being her tutor and she's willing to try new things. But I do miss our times together so I'm glad Jimmy called. You know we were all shocked when you guys got engaged." "Yeah, it would have seemed rather sudden. I actually fell in love with Jimmy months before. I was still fucking you and other guys but that was just sex." She giggled. "You were my very last fuck. My pussy was still full of your cum as Jimmy was proposing. An unusual way to start an engagement, wouldn't you say? We would like to add someone to our bed, someone discrete and good in bed. We thought of you. We found out you were married but pleasantly surprised that you were interested.

"What we have in mind is something similar to our days back in college but add a few new things that I hope won't be a problem. I sometimes fuck Jimmy with a dildo while he's fucking me. It would be really cool if you would do him. And I would like to watch the two of you suck cock. But mostly I want us to have fun in bed, one on one, two on one, whatever works for us.

"I'm cool with it all." "Great. How about if we head back to our place and get started?" **** "You know, honey, your cocks look so much alike," Jobserved as she fondled us both. "In the dark I wouldn't be able to tell you apart. Wouldn't that be cool: a mystery fuck? Now if this is ok with you I'd like John to fuckfirst. It's been a year and I want to feel him in my tight pussy. Then your turn." She turned on her tummy and lifted her butt to give him access. His hard cock jutted out, ready to plunge into my wife. On impulse I took his cock in hand and pulled it to her pussy. I moved his cock head up and down between her lips as her pussy started to glisten. As the head moved to her hole John pushed and two inches of cock slipped inside. He pulled out and I again moved it between her lips. Two inches again penetrated. He held that position and I removed my hand. He moved in and out ever so slowly as I watched from just a foot away. His big cock spread her labia and penetrated inch by inch until he was fully buried in my wife.

"Oh, John, you feel so good. I have so missed your cock. Take it slowly, I want this to last. Honey, you watching? Get your phone out and take a picture. First strange cock in my married pussy." John wanted a vigorous fuck and that's what he did. He held my wife's hips and pounded away, long strokes into her now engorged pussy. Foam appeared between her lips as she humped back. He shoved deep as his cock twitched and pumped cum into Janet. Seconds later she also orgasmed.

"Oh, wow, that was super, John. I need to catch my breath. Just like old times, huh? Did you watch, honey? That was quite a fuck, wasn't it? God, what fun! What a great cock you have." She babbled with excitement.

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"I saw everything and recorded on video." "Oh. A video of everything? I hope you didn't show my face." "Of course not, not in the position you were in. Just good close-up of your pussy and John's cock and your gaping pussy afterwards." "Give the phone to John so he can do video while you fuck me. Sloppy seconds, just like the night you proposed!"

Her stretched vagina was seeping cum. I rubbed my cock head between her lips to get lubricated and easily entered her just fucked pussy. I pounded away and soon her pussy was milking my cock and we exploded together. Jwas exhausted and needed a breather. I fixed sdrinks as we stood around the kitchen counter, still nude.

"Look at me! I have cum from both of you guys running down my leg! God, I've really been fucked. You know with two cocks a girl could fuck continuously for quite a while. One after another, sort of a marathon. Well, maybe two cocks wouldn't be enough. Maybe three or four? What do you think, honey? And you eat creampie between each fuck." I knew she was just teasing us and played along. "So you get your first extramarital fuck and now you want a gangbang? You are insatiable. Let's watch the videos." We played the two phone videos through our TV. From a one-foot distance Janet's pussy and his cock filled the entire screen.

"God, this is really cool. I always wondered what I looked like. John, your cock looks like it's a foot long. And look how it forces my vulva apart. Oh, and look at the foam around your cock. I must be getting close."

When he pulled out her pussy was momentarily wide open, her hole obscenely stretched. Her puffy labia slowly closed but left a gap from which pussy juice and@um_dribbled out. Next was my turn. This was the first tI had seen a video offucking. Damn, I have a good one as we watched my cock bang away, the shaft coated with cum. Her puffy red lips were gaped open. A mixture of her juices and the remains of John's cum had left a frothy white mess around her open pussy as I pulled out.