Girlfriend Loves Cock: 1
Summary: Jwants to get married, | doubt one cock is enough.
My wife and | have been married for a year. This weekend we invited another guy to our bed.
Jand | have a very loving relationship. We met our last year in college, got engaged just before graduation,
and married four months later. Most men, I'm sure, would be aghast at the thought of sharing a wife. For us it
seems the logical progression of our somewhat unusual relationship.
I'm a rather good looking guy with a big cock. Those attributes have been of interest to girls and | have had my
share of pussy. | lost my virginity just after high school. A neighbor gal in her mid-twenties seduced me. Later
she was joined by her husband. By the tcollege started | had fucked and sucked both of them. My education
was extensive and | was an experienced freshman. Most young guys won't or don't eat pussy and once it got
around that | was really good at it | had lots of dates. Sgirls weren't ready for sex but very willing to suck
cock. | took what was offered.
My wife was, to put it simply, a slut. She loved cock. | was one of four guys she was fucking when we started
dating my senior year. She was a real looker and attracted guys like bees and honey. She welcomed many
between her legs. | felt fortunate to be one of the "regulars". My previous experiences servedin good stead.
My cock is an honest eight inches and really fat. Sgirls were reluctant to letfuck them so | learned to be
patient and sensitive of their responses. Jadmitted she was a size queen and that | was one of her regulars
because of my cock.
| was somewhat in competition with the others so had incentive to do my best. We did everything in bed,
including ass play. On occasion she would givea blowjob while fuckingwith a dildo. I then usually lasted
only a couple of minutes. Other times | would fuck her while using a dildo in her ass. Her favorite and mine was
pussy eating. | enjoyed going down on her, sometimes for as long as 20 or 30 minutes. She usually climaxed,
squirting into my mouth. | was very pleased to be able to satisfy her.
That neighbor gal and her husband taughtto eat creampie. | had been newly introduced to pussy eating and
she convincedthis was the next logical step. | was young and naive and followed directions. It was only later
that | learned that many girls and most guys would consider it really nasty. | also found out that those girls that
did go along were exciting lovers in other ways.
With Janet's encouragement | would eat her creampie after we fucked and it beca regular part of our times
together. She had a reputation and common conversation among guys was who was the latest between her legs.
At the moment one guy was only eighteen and was her plaything. The other two were my age and picked
because of their big cocks. She said | had an edge since | ate creampie. She had done sthree-ways with
them and asked if | would be interested. Again harking back to my neighbors’ training, | was all for it. She
decided it would beand John.
Naturally as soon as we were nude we checked out each other's equipment. Jselected well, we were both
equally big. She asked him to eat her pussy which he did quite expertly. Then it was my turn to fuck. | wanted to
look good in front of this guy. | started slow, rubbing my cock between her lips and then teasing her pussy hole.
Gradually | went deeper, first just the head, then a little more, and a little bit more. Half way in, | pulled out and
started again. This t| continued until | was fully inserted in her hot tunnel and then alternated short and long
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtstrokes.
As | sensed her growing excitement | used the full length of my cock, pulling out until just the head was in her
hole, then thrusting deep up to my balls. | picked up the pace as my cock started to tingle and | felt her pussy
muscles milk the shaft of my cock. We exploded together moments later. John got sloppy seconds. He was equal
to the task and fucked her hard and fast. | liked watching them fuck, his cock slamming in and out of her now
gaping pussy.
"Now, Jimmy, chere." | was embarrassed that Jwantedto eat her creampie. "Con, baby, my
pussy's all messy and needs cleaning up. You and I do it all the tand you know how much I love it." This was
my signature skill and she said none of the other guys would do it. But doing it in front of this guy was risky since
things like that get around. That | would taste both us was different but | didn't see how | could back out now. |
looked at John who smirked. That pissedoff. What was the big deal? Cum is cum.
Jpicked up on the interplay between him and us. "Jimmy's my number one guy because he eats my
creampie. | love what he does. Next tyou can give it a try, ok?"
Poor John was caught and nodded his head. Satisfied, | scooted between her legs and spread her labia with my
tongue. Her just-fucked pussy was red and engorged, cum already leaking. I licked and sucked at the copious
flow from the two of us. A few minutes later she pulled my head to her crotch, mashing my mouth against her
wide- open pussy. Jsquirts when she's really turned on and this was no exception. My face was covered
when | got up from between her legs.
"Super job, Jimmy, that's my absolute favorite. | think you liked all that cum, didn't you?" she laid it on thick for
John's benefit. "OK, guys, | think I'm done for the day. Four orgasms are pretty good, don't you think?"
"You're a real sport, Jimmy. | could tell you didn't like how John reacted to doing creampie. Don't let it bother you,
he's really a good guy. Not everyone is as liberal in their sexual attitudes as we are. You had a couple of good
mentors. By the way, what we do with your ass is also just between us. | certainly don't see anything wrong but
others might think otherwise. Agreed?"
As the months went on we spent more and more ttogether. Even though she continued to fuck other guys |
considered her my girlfriend, going out to eat, movies, that sort of thing. We enjoyed being together. She is the
best looking girl | ever dated and I liked showing her off.
"Have you ever thought about settling down?" she asked one day as we wound down from an hour in bed.
"Graduation is in three months."
"Yeah, tgoes by so fast."
"You and | get along really well. | enjoy your company both in and out of bed. These last few months of dating
have been really special to me. | never thought | would say this but | have fallen in love with you. What would
you think about us becoming exclusive?"
"You mean just you and me? You have becvery special to me, Janet. | suppose | also have cto love you.
| like the idea but to be practical what about the other guys that you fuck? | don't know that one cock could keep
you satisfied."
"Yeah, | thought about that too. Life after college will be different. Here I'm a slut, a slut that enjoys lots of cock.
Sex has been practically a hobby for me. Different guys, different cocks, and | loved it all. But I'm going to
change. | want more than a hard cock in my pussy. | never thought about a twhen | would want to settle
down. We will be working in the stown, different companies but sarea. We could be a couple." She
started to cry.
"I want to be your girl, just yours. I've stopped seeing everyone except John and if we decide to beca couple
that too will end. You are a wonderful lover and have the energy and skills to satisfy me. I'm sure of it. Could you
acceptfor what | want to be, not what | was? Could you be proud ofif | were your wife?"
Whoa. She looked atwith teary eyes, then turned away. | didn't know what to say. | turned her face back to
Several weeks went by with neither of
us bring the subject back up but it
was always on my mind. We
continued dating and she still fucked
John. Sooner OT EE (Would hale to
giverhedar answer It would be no.
She is a beautiful, sexy, and smart
woman, | could not do better. The
monkey in the room, as she correctly
observed, was her history. She called
herself a slut and she was. How
many guys had she fucked? Twenty,
2 3 f q q
fifty? | didn't mind when | was just
one of her lovers. But why would |
even consider marriage to a slut? The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Joften said her fucking was just
sex, a physical activity to be enjoyed.
f 9
I've bedded a goodly number of girls
with minimal emotional attachment.
Just sex. But society sets a different
f '
standard for guys Sls Gl
henest witbriyselt iked that she
was highly desirable to men. Guys
check her out when we go on dates,
smight have fucked her in the
past. | was proud she was now with
legs. Jwantsto look to the
future. On that basis | would be proud
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmto call her my wife. But could | forget
the past and could she be satisfied
q 9 0 (a
with just my cock? "Jimmy, have you
thought any more about what we
talked about several weeks ago?
1 PY] : I"
Yes, it's been on my mind." The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
"You can't get past all my fucking around, can you? Will I have to move someplace that doesn't know me, change
my name, make up a new past so | can find a guy that wants a future with me? Damn it, | want that future with
| hadn't seen her get mad very many
f : u
times, but she was pissed. "What
makes you such an arbitrator of what
q |
is sexually acceptable. You're no
saint. You had a three-swith
your reg Sek he
gby'sicock and let him fuck you. Then
you get to college and bed every girl
you can. You willingly becone of
my lovers. Not because we had a
relationship but because you wanted
the pussy | offered. Don't play the
holier than thou routine. But we have
changed these last months, we have
something really good going. I like
you, | love you. | had hoped that you
feel the sway. Maybe you do.
yon :
Maybe you don't." The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
The will be updated first on this website. Cback and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!