Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two I stood there for a moment, watching him, aware of every inch between us.
I stepped closer. "Daem-Trian, I..." The words wouldn't come. I wasn't sure if I was afraid of saying them or if I simply didn't know how. So instead, I rose onto my tiptoes reaching for him. But he was too tall, and my lips only grazed his jaw.
I lingered, searching his face, hoping he would understand what I couldn't say.
"For a demon, you have a surprising amount of self-control" "Every moment with you pushescloser to losing it." "Then why didn't you? Why didn't you make a move?" "After what I did to you, I have no right to touch you." I watched his fangs as he spoke, then lifted my gaze to meet his. Once again, he knew exactly what I wanted. He bared his fangs, allowingto touch them. Their tips were so sharp that with just a little more pressure, they could have easily pierced my finger. Like everything about him, his fangs were both beautiful and terrifying-they scaredjust as much as they amazed me.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"I dream about it. I dream about you feeding from me. I even fantasize about it." "I can't do that to you." He said he seemed to be barely trying to constrain himself.
"Why? You do it to them." Them-as in the other human girls.
ex "I don't care about them the way I care about you. It has disadvantages, Aliya. The more you are fed from, the more you want it, and I can't take chances... not with you." I couldn't hide my disappointment; a part offelt ashamed by his rejection.
Of course, he readeasily; he knew exactly how I felt. He brushed my silver hair aside, exposing my neck, and my breath hitched as I realized what he was about to do.
Cold lips met my skin, and then I felt his fangs. The pain was too brief to register- but then, all I felt was... pleasure. The tension I had felt earlier melted away, my whole body heating up. A deep, unfamiliar ache settled within me, and I could feel the wetness between my legs as he drank from me.
I moaned, and that only seemed to fuel his desire. In an instant, my clothes were gone, discarded without hesitation. His fangs still buried deep in me, he guidedtoward the bed. Only then did he pull away. I missed him the moment he did- but the hunger in his eyes promised I wouldn't be without him for long.
"I hope you're ready, because I have no patience left," he murmured, his voice rough, inhuman, his irises were rimmed with a sharp circle of red. His clothes coff even faster. I barely had tto take in the sheer perfection of the man beforebefore he spread my legs, settled between them, and, without another word, slammed into me.
I gasp from the shock of his abrupt entrance, the pain, and the pure pleasure. He thrusts intoagain, hitting a spot that getsmoaning his name. My fingers dig into his back, maybe drawing blood, but that too is a turn- on for him. The next thrust is even harder, going deeper. He is huge and hard, fillingup completely. His palms wrap around my breast, his fingers expertly flicking my stone-hard nipples.
He kissed my lips, this tmore fiercely.
1/2 Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmIt was clear, all his self-control had gone out the window. He kissed down my throat, and then he bit intoagain. The ecstasy from the bite and the next thrust were almost too much pleasure for my body to handle; I felt like I was in a completely different world, one I could stay in forever. When he pulled away, his hand settled on my waist, holdingstill as he slammed into me, going deeper than ever.
"Daemon," I cried out.
The snarl that tore from him was almost scary enough to sapback to reality. Almost.
He picked up his pace, pounding into me. The bed rocked with each thrust, and pressure built within me. With one more thrust, I shattered, my whole body shaking violently, Without givinga second to recover, he flippedover, his hands circling my throat in a firm chokehold as he drove intofrom behind.
I let out a cry. His other hand found my clit, rubbing against it with no gentleness. But sdon, I was growing even wetter, hungry for another moment with him. I jerked in his hold. "Please..."
Before I could let out another plea, he bit intofor the third time. This time, the pleasure was too much. I couldn't hold on... Darkness clouded my vision, and then I passed out.