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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 2186
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Under a canopy of stars, six ethereal white orbs descended gently from the heavens.

Each of the six grooms, as if on cue, reached out to catch the falling stars. A simple touch of a hidden switch, and voila—a ring box

tumbled into the palms of their hands.

At this moment, Swift felt a lump in his throat, his eyes brimming with emotion. His voice, rich with feeling, echoed through the


"To the beautiful couples standing before us," he began, "are you ready to place these rings upon each other's fingers—symbols of

your eternal love and commitment?"

In unison, the couples declared, "We do."

The screens flanking the stage lit up with a wedding ode, and the guests recited in harmony: "Today, we bear witness to these

unions, to love in equality and respect. May your paths be woven with grace and your futures bright with promise."

As the last words fell away, the exchange of rings was complete.

"With these rings, you shoulder the dreams and duties of a shared future," Swift announced, his voice now filled with pomp and

ceremony. "And now, it is my honor to declare—you may kiss your brides!"

The couples kissed—a tender, lingering embrace—as the music swelled around them.

Leia, seated among the audience, watched Sean and Ophelia kissing on stage, her eyes shining with tears, her lips curling into a

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smile as she clapped for them.

Caden, too, had eyes glistening with emotion, his applause ongoing as he watched Romeo and Arabella wrapped up in their

heartfelt kiss.

Across the venue, Derrick, Timothy, and Jeffery watched the pair, their hearts swelling with joy for their friends’ happiness and yet,

tinged with a sense of longing.

The couples’ kisses were reluctant to end, but as the music gave way to a new tune, they began to dance on stage, lifting the

energy to a crescendo.

The brides, in their trailing gowns, moved through the steps with ease, beautifully in sync with their grooms.

Applause washed over them like waves, ceaseless and thunderous.

Amidst the joy and satisfaction on the faces of the newlyweds, the elders were visibly moved, their eyes red with emotion.

As the dance concluded, Swift spoke

again, "Givenihe sheer number of

guests, it's impractical for our “

newlyweds to toast each table Ng

individually. So, may | suggest our

bridesmaids bring the champagne

onstage? Let's invite the couples

femnilies up to raise a toasttogether,

ph ©

shall we?"


A resounding "Yes!" filled the room.

The families ascended the stage,

each handed glass. The

bridesmaids poured the champagne

sparingly7 ven when it cto the

groomsswho had their regular

glasses comically switched out for

towering champagne flutes by their

rédschievous groomsmepeliciting

roars of laughter from the crowd.

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Together, the couples and their families lifted their glasses in a toast to the guests, who, in turn, stood and returned the gesture,

draining their glasses in unison.

"And now," Swift declared, "let the feast begin!"

The exquisite dishes had been

crafted by Uriah himself, a masterful

blend of Hove presentation, and

auspicious.meaning. Though Urialy)~

was advériced in years and could™

only directly prepare the meal for

Arabsella's table, the other chefs had

sed non-disclosure ~~

agreements—these creations were

exclusively for this wedding,

unavailable at any price thereafter.

The large screens showcased the couples’ journeys—videos and photos illustrating how each couple met and fell in love, a

narrative eagerly followed by media and live stream viewers alike.

As the evening unfolded, with international stars serenading the crowd, idol groups heating up the dance floor, famed magicians

conjuring illusions, and comedians drawing laughter, the six couples enjoyed their meal amidst the festivities.