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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chatper 128
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28. Olivia

Didn't Malaky say something about a hunt? | initially thought he was referring to a normal hunt, but what if,

instead of animals, he is planning to track and kill Melany, me, and the rest of the women here?

My heart starts to beat fast. Could it be so easy? If so, | won't even put up a fight. | will wait for my end right

here. Despite the lack of drugs and the situation | am in, a feeling | have long forgotten creeps up on me-peace.

Who knew death could feel so peaceful?

For several minutes, | listen to men talk about business, cars, and other topics before they finally fall silent when

Malaky says, “Listen here bitches.” | ass“bitches’ is us women. “You have all been invited to a special hunt.

For the next few hours, you will run through the forest. When you are caught, the men can do what they want to

you, from fucking to killing. In fact, many of you will find your end here. That being said, Happy Hunting,


Someone fires a gun, and the women start screaming as they run. Fools. With their hands cuffed behind their

back and the blindfold preventing them from seeing anything, they will be caught in no time, but | guess hope is

a motherfucker as it gives people the false impression that they will make it. | know better. There is no hope for

those like me, nor do I need it.

The women head to the forest, or at least that is what | think, while | don’t move an inch. The men remain

behind and laugh or make scary sounds, inciting more fear.

Someone grabs my upper arm.

Finally, my end has come.

| get ready to take my last breath when Malaky says into my ear, “Run, you stupid bitch, or I will fucking skin and

then sell you to Azael.”



I might not be scared of being skinned alive, but | have heard of Azael and what he does to women. Not wanting

to end up in his hands, | force myself to move, but it is a little hard when my entire body is numb from the cold. |

think I will enter hypothermia soon. Maybe | can find a spot in the forest and wait there until | freeze to death.

With a new determination in my head, | start to run, wanting to be alone with my thoughts and to know what it

feels like to be free.



The snow is cold and harsh beneath my feet, and from tto time, | step over frozen branches, sof them

cutting me, splinters entering my flesh, or | even hit myself against a tree. When | trip, | get up, and when | hear

women screaming and shots echoing through the night, 1 force myself to move even faster. It doesn’t take long

to get so tired that my legs are aching from the effort, | switch from running to walking, but when | hear noises

coming from behind me, | push myself to sprint, wanting to find my end on my terms, while | think of that boy

who stole my entire heart and soul from the moment | saw him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| am breathing hard when | trip over a log and fall face down in the snow, cutting my forehead on a rock, making

Growls of wild beasts cfrom all over the place, and | freeze. Being eaten alive is not how | envisioned my

last moments on Earth, but there is nothing | can do about it. The growls get close, and it takesonly a few

seconds to realize the sounds are made by humans, not animals.

28. Olivia

“Look what we have here,” a man says.

“A little rabbit,” another says while | am forced on my back.

A pair of hands grab my tits and squeeze them hard. “At least she has boobs, not like all those skinny whores

with flat


“What about her pussy?”

My t-shirt is yanked up.

I let my mind wander, as | always do when | am fucked.

“Point the flashlight on her cunt, | want to see if she has any diseases before | stick my cock in there.”

| want to snort and tell him that’s not how you know if | am healthy or not, but my entire body is numb, | can


feel a thing, and | doubt | can even utter a word even if | want to..

My legs are spread open, and strong hands spread my labia wide open.

“Look at how nasty her cunt and ass are. She has taken so much cock, | would be surprised if she doesn’t have

at least a dozen STDs. | say we kill her and find another bitch to have fun with.”

“I have condoms.”

“Nah, | don’t think she is worth the trouble. | bet she doesn’t even feel good. And from the needle marks and

wounds | saw on her arms before, | bet she is sdruggy with rotten teeth. Imagine her sucking your dick. It

will rot and fall


The men laugh.

“Then get rid of her fast, and let's find another woman.”

My heart starts to pound in my chest as fingers lock around my neck, blocking my windpipe. A smile form a smile

that will be frozen on my face so that anyone who seesafter | am not anymore will know that





“Let's see her face,” one of the men says. “Maybe she is cute enough to have her clean the stable.”

“Have you seen the state of her cunt?”

“She won't be using her cunt to clean. On the contrary, she might even learn to clean it better so she won't have

any diseases.”

These men need ssex education classes.

“And shave it.”

It’s not like | have a bush down there, | keep my pubic hair trimmed and cleaned. Not that it matters.

28. Olivia

More laughter, but it sounds far off, as the lack of air makesdrift away from this world.

The blindfold is yanked away from my face, and my eyes lock on the mask the man who is stranglingwears

on his face. It’s a strange mask, like those used in theater, one half of it representing sadness and the other

happiness. His gaze falls on my face, and his back goes rigid.

Four other men are around me, wearing similar masks as the one who has his hands around my neck. One of

them is holding a flashlight, which allowsto see around me.

Someone whistles. “Pitty she let drugs ruin her. She is cute enough to fuck her a few times.”

The man lets go of my neck, and air rushes to my lungs. | want to cry out in protest, but the air is knocked out of

landing on my ribs as well, the sounds of bone cracking reaching my ears, followed by a scream. My scream.

Fearing the men will get angry, | bite my tongue and stop screaming.

One of the other four men pulls the one on top ofaway while shouting. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Killing her!”

I don’t mind being killed, but does he really have to be so cruel?

“We chere to find a woman to take hwith us, not to beat the living shit out of her. If you don’t like her,

fine, we can find another, but leave the killing to the others. You are too close to losing the battle, and taking

lives will only push you closer to madness.”

“After | kill her, my purpose on Earth comes to an end.”

The men look atwhile | try to keep as quiet as | can despite the pain radiating from my ribs.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“No way,” one of them says.

“She is the one?”

The one what?




More men appear from behind the trees, Malaky among them.

The one who broke several of my ribs stands. “She is mine.”

Malaky smiles. “My men and | already fucked her. She is a bit loose, but she is submissive and does everything

you ask

of her.”

“You fucked her?”

Malaky shrugs. “Her brother owedsmoney, so he letuse her last night. And since | am a generous

man, |


my men do as they pleased with her as well.”

“I don’t want your sloppy leftovers.”


128 Olivia

“Choose well because if you

“I can take her home?”

take her hand later change your mind, you won't get a refund.”

“Yes,” Malaky lets him know. “Your blood-brothers already paid.”


The five men that caughtare Lords. Since when are they making deals with the Dukes?

The man looks...

me, and despite my body being numb, a shiver runs down my spine.

“Excellent,” he says.