Chapter 0941 "Did he say anything?" "No, sir. He just identified the body, took the ashes, and lef" "No funeral? No service?" "Not that I'm aware of. He just went on with his life." Moriarty sighed, shaking his head. “Unbelievable. That family went from sunrise to sunset in just a few years, don't you think? Two or three years ago, they were one of the most powerful families in the country. Their businesses provided jobs to thousands. And then, they shut everything down and left it all in Frank's hands-now that was a surprise." "You never know who you're working for, sir. My own parents worked for one of their companies back in the day.' "The Palmer family is finished. With Leonardo's death, that chapter is closed for good." "Well... there's still Peter Palmer." "Yes, but he changed his last name-Slovenian ancestry, remember? Legally, he's no longer a Valentían Palmer." "So, with Leonardo gone... the Palmer family is officially extinct in Valentia?" "Exactly. And Peter? I highly doubt he has any intention of taking over his father's business. Maximus has already instructed the lawyers to declare every Palmer company bankrupt." "Generations of wealth and power-wasted." "That's what happens when arrogance runs unchecked. Catherine was the worst of them all. Once the business fell into her hands, she ruled with an iron fist, all in Leonardo and Maximus's name. She tried to make things right at the end, but let's be honest-she barely scratched the surface of all the crimes her family committed. In the end, divine justice caught up with them." "If we're talking bloodlines, though... Peter is the only one who turned out decent." "Yes. Let's see how his children and grandchildren carry that legacy. After all, Leonardo Palmer's blood still runs through Peter's veins-and through each of his kids." "He seems like a good man. He's been through a lot. I don't see him turning to crime. If anything, he just wants to live-he just beca father again." "Let's hope he stays that way. The last thing I need is more trouble from him or Marcus Bartz." "Do you think Peter will leave the country?" "Honestly?" "Yes." "I doubt it. His eldest daughter is here, and she's about to marry Peter's son. I highly doubt he'd leave her behind." "Mmm..." The assistant nodded, then cleared his throat. "Speaking of leaving, everything is set for your trip to New Zealand. I even contacted Sebastian-he's a good kid, and he's made all the arrangements for your arrival." Moriarty raised an eyebrow, staring at his assistant like he had just spoken in tongues, "Lucius? Being helpful?" he scoffed. "What the hell happened to him? Since when is he so accommodating?" 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 0941 "Sir, I'm sure it's just because Angela and little Valentina are going with you. Or... maybe the girl he's been admiring every day is softening him up, making him less of a pain in the ass." Moriarty smirked. “We'll see... When I get there, I'll know for sure. In the meantime-tell me, what did you with Frank Levett Sr.?" do
"I moved him to another nursing home. But, sir, we really need to stop old man looks relocating him. The weaker every day, and it's a hassle moving him around so much." "He needs to understand that he put himself in this situation. All I'm doing is making sure no one gets to him.” "For now, he's safe. But I don't know for how much longer." "Let's hope that if Lucius really does start dating that girl, he forgets about this stupid revenge plan."
"I did sdigging on her-she's a good woman. Her father is a doctor in Madad, Louis well-known doctorin Hayward She's 20 years old, studying law-just like Lucius. She's smart, but she has a strong personality. I was surprised she caught his eye." "If she can keep him in check, even better. That way, I won't have to keep babysitting him."
"You miss him, though. At least you had someone to argue with. The kid was a worthy opponent," the En.
assistant teased. Moriarty shot him a glare.
"Sounds like you want to be replaced as my assistant. Is that what I'm hearing?" "No, sir. I'm just stating the obvious-you do care about that boy. Admit it."