Chapter 114 Chapter 114 Brooklyn The room is incredibly chic, as far as sex dungeons go.
My mouth falls open as I slowly scan the room, taking in everything and trying to figure out the function of each piece.
My heart pounds, my skin flushing. I've never felt like more of a virgin than this very moment.
I know, immediately, that I am out of my league here. Here I was thinking that all you needed for sex as a nice comfortable bed and...
Well, actually, that's here too.
I wander towards the huge four-poster bed at the center of the room. It's made of sturdy black wood and dressed in onyx satin sheets.
I run my hand over the blankets, marveling at the softness of the material before my eyes catch on the series of rings built into the headboard.
I look up at the posts next, and then at the square of wood that connects each of the posts above my head. Those all have rings, too.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtWhat the hell are those for? I snatch my hand away from the bed, bringing my fingers delicately to my mouth and turning to look around more.
It's actually...not at all what I might expect.
This room, while it's clearly built for sex-and for a very certain kind of sex-is...simpler, more elegant.
It suits Aden to have a BDSM sex room where most of the toys are neatly hidden away in tasteful, matching cabinets that line the walls.
Even in here, he keeps his secrets close to his chest, locking away everything until he's ready to reveal it. I'm standing, knock-kneed and wide-eyed, still staring around the room, when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.
I gasp, spinning, and see him there his muscular shoulders filling out the frof the door. My eyes go even wider.
Slowly, I let my hand drop from my mouth as he takes a step into the room and closes the door behind him. "Hello, little one," he says, slipping his hands into his pockets and staring atevenly, his voice perfectly controlled. "How was your date with Colsen?" I laugh, suddenly—a little huff of disbelief, really—at the ridiculous simplicity of the question. "Um, it was nice?" I hear myself say. "We had...tacos." Aden frowns a little, quickly putting together that we didn't go to the restaurant he arranged for us.
But he doesn't say anything. He just walks farther into the room, stopping when he's a few feet from me, close enough forto see the rough late-night stubble that has grown onto his usually clean-shaven face throughout the day.
Close enough forto look up into his hard green eyes.
"I don't show this place to everyone," he informs me, his voice soft. "And I would be... unhappy... if others were to learn about its existence. I like to keep my personal life private Is that understood?" en I nod slowly, even though the first thing that pops into my head is that I am definitely going to tell Jolie, who is going to lose her mind.
"You've signed a nondisclosure," Aden continues, looking atclosely. "If you break it, you'll lose... everything we agreed to." I nod again, still speechless.
"Good," he says, taking another step forward and reaching out to takeby the waist, pullinga stuttering step closer. "Are you ready to begin?" I blink suddenly, my eyelids moving rapidly. "B-begin?" I ask, my heartrate ratcheting up.
Oh my god. Is this for real? Is this is this actually happening to me? I begin to panic, just a little bit, as I stare up at him.
I think that a big part ofnever thought that this would actually happen. That Aden was just pushinguntil I caved.
But here I am, dressed in a corset and panties, in Aden's secret sex room, with him askingif I'm ready to begin.
My mouth goes dry, and I have absolutely no answer.
Because honestly...I don't know what I want- But then.
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I see Aden's mouth curve up, ever so slightly, as he sees the panic plain on my face. As he thinks that he's won.
And damn it, but it lights that fire in me.
And definitely in Lena.
She doesn't react to Colsen this way.
I snap my mouth shut and square my shoulders, pleased when I see that smile drop from his lips.
"Okay, Aden," I tell him, giving a
casual shrug, feeling a new confidence floodthat I didn't haveI ten minutes ago hell, thirty seconds ago. "I'm ready when you are Aden's eyes narrow and he takes a deep breath in through his nose.
I watch him closely, my breath and heart rate still raised as I sweep my ΟΠΙ eyes over him, noticing the swelt of his muscles beneath his shirt, the trim line of his body as it traces down to his hips, the- The heaviness there, at the front of his pants.
The panic and the thrill pulse throughanew at the sight of it, of what I've raised in him, and I feel a new perverse curiosity as well.
I want, suddenly, to unbuckle his belt, to let his pants fall to the floor. To see it for myself.