spottedand rushed after me, but I didn't slow down.
The streets were busy this tof day, and I picked up speed, weaving through the crowd.
I just needed a few minutes alone. Just a little distance from Alexander.
My wolf whined at the separation, but I pushed through it needed to get far enough away that she would stop reacting to him. I needed to get my thoughts straight.
Then something slammed into my back.
I crashed to the sidewalk, my breath knocked from my lungs. Before I could stand, powerful hands clamped over my arms.
I twisted, trying to see who was grabbing me, but suddenly I was moving-hauled through the air.
A car trunk slammed shut, the sound ringing in my ears.
And that was when I realized what was happening.
I was being kidnapped.
Again, Today's Bonus Offer GET IT NOW X The trunk lamuned shot and it felt like my heart stopped rating Khan t know how long 1 lay there, pain shocked, trying to register what had happened. One second, I was storming oft in a hit, the rest, I was being kidnapped.
I could hear James yelling my name, but not in a panicked ay. That meant he hadn't witnessed it he was just trying to figane out where I had run off to. He had no idea.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI opened my mouth to call out to him, then the engine roared to life and my voice was drown out. Then the car started moving.
I took several deep breaths, forcing myself to stay calm. I wasn't a fool I had been ffirough this before and survived. As sick as I felt about the situation, I wasn't completely panicked.
But I did feel like an absolute idiot.
I should have known better than to storm off like that. The whole reason I was mad at Alexander was that I felt he wasn't taking the danger seriously enough-so what was my brilliant solution? To run off and put myself in even more danger.
God, how could I be so dumb? I forced myself to steady my breathing. I needed to think clearly, to find a way out.
Trunks usually had an emergency release to prevent people from getting trapped inside, so I felt around in the dark, searching for it. When I couldn't find anything, I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight.
The ride was rough, the car jostlingaround, making it hard to focus. But then I saw it-a damaged spot where the emergency release should have been.
My blood ran cold.
Whoever had takenhad modified the car to make escape impossible.
That, combined with the quick and effortless way they had grabbed me, made it obvious that this was worse than I had imagined. They planned this carefully. They knew what they were doing.
They were professionals.
As terrifying as that realization was, I knew that I had to control myself. Panic wouldn't helpnow.
The car was moving fast, and I knew I had only a short window to figure something out. My eyes scanned the cramped space, looking for anything useful. There was nothing I could use to pry the trunk open-but I did spot a latch leading to the interior of the car.
It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing.
If I was able to surprise the driver, then I might be able to force him off of the road. Or maybe I could get the attention of another driver or someone on the street. I had to at least try.
I grabbed it and yanked hard. The seat folded forward, collapsing into the back of the car.
Without hesitating, I scrambled through the opening.
The driver made a startled sound and slammed on the brakes.
1/3 imnivinir forward. My head fill sline hari, and pain exploded behind my eyes. Dazed. the driver cursing as he threw the back de ropen.
feeling made it dimeilt to mact, but when he gebed my ankle and began pullingtowards him të të I kicked at him with all my strength, but he was huge well over six feet tall, broad and solld like a wall. There was no way could overpower him.
I began to scream as loud as I could. I couldn't see past him so I didn't know if there were any other people around. All I could do was hope that I was loud enough for omeone to hear, He climbed into the back seat, pinningbeneath his weight. My arms were wrenched behind me, bound tightly with something thin-shoelaces, maybe? It wasn't rope, but it still bit into my skin when I struggled.
"You're only going to make things worse if you keep this up," he said gruffly.
I didn't respond. My mind was spinning, trying to think of my next move-but I was drawing a blank.
He grabbedagain. I kicked, desperate, but it was just as useless as before.
With an annoyed grunt, he shovedback into the trunk and slammed the seat up, trappingin the darkness once more.
A sob escaped my throat, but it wasn't one of sadness or fear. It was frustration.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
I was angry-angry at being helpless again, angry that I had let this m happen Worst of all had no one to blbut myself. I had put myself in danger, and this was the result. Are you happy now? I thought bitterly to my wolf. This is where your angry tantrums get us.
It probably wasn't fair ofto blher. She had been lost in the darkness for so long-it was only natural that she would struggle with her emotions.
I shifted around, trying to free my hands, but it was useless. The more I struggled, the tighter the bindings became. If I didn't stop, I'd end up seriously injuring myself.
As I adjusted in the cramped darkness, my shoulder bumped something-suddenly, light flooded the small space.
My phone.
I must have knocked it into a position where the flashlight was visible again.
Hope flared insideas I wiggled toward it, but the moment was short-lived. My hands were tied behind my back. There was no way I could use the phone—at least, not easily.
I wasn't going to give up.
There had to be sway to alert Alexander. I didn't know where I was or where I was being taken, but if anyone could find me, it was him. He had his ways-his secretive, mysterious ways-and right now, I needed them. James was probably still looking for me. Not much thad passed. Or at least, it didn't feel that way.
I lowered my head beside the phone, and my cheek brushed the screen. A soft vibration followed. My heart skipped a beat. It had registered my touch-tellingthat I had failed to unlock it. Which meant...
It could still recognize my face.
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