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Winning Her Heart back (Emelie and William)

Chapter 223
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Chapter 223 Craving

Last night, Emelie had only been able to wipe herself down. But she still felt dirty, especially with the lingering

earthy smell in her hair. She toughed it out for a day but couldn't stand it any longer.

She asked the nurse for splastic wrap to cover her injured hand, keeping it dry and still. This allowed her to

use the showerhead cautiously to wash her body.

The VIP room was spacious, but its soundproofing was lacking. Thus, the sound of running water from the

bathroom was amplified.

William was on his hospital bed, conducting a video conference with an overseas client. The sound of running

water was making it difficult for him to concentrate. The client called out to him, “Mr. Middleton?”

William snapped back to attention, offering a casual “yes” as he took a sip from his now-cooled water.

Seeing him in a hospital gown, the client hesitated to push him too hard. “Mr. Middleton, if you're not feeling

well, we can wrap this up for now.”

“No need to stop. Let's keep going,” William pushed through. He needed the distraction of the meeting;

otherwise, he knew his mind would wander even more. Yet, despite his efforts, it was already consuming him.

Men and women really did think differently in sways.

Women would often remember a man’s kindness by recalling the small gestures he made, like giving her an

umbrella on a hot day or a scarf when it was cold. These seemingly Insignificant details could leave a lasting

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impression on her memory

But when men reminisce about the good times with a woman, they often recall the intimate moments.

He and Emelie were very compatible in that regard. Especially in their first year together, he frequently found

himself genuinely craving her. For someone accustomed to having everything at his disposal and usually

indifferent to most things, this was the first the truly desired something.

They spent a solid month commuting to work together every morning and returning to Eastbay every night. She

was inexperienced, knowing little and relying on him to teach her everything.

The water in the shower cut off abruptly, and with it, William's train of thought. He casually lowered his gaze,

smoothly suppressing any unruly impulses.

On the surface, he maintained an air of single-minded focus and undisturbed composure. But inside, the tendrils

of his desire had grown deeper than anyone could see.

Emelie walked out of the bathroom and heard him speaking fluentasteshese. He was deeply engrossed in his


Sheshmazed it off, drying her hair before glancing at the time-it was already 7:30 pm.

Samuel had delivered dinner before seven yesterday, but he hadn't arrived yet today, Emelie assumed he was

probably tied up at work.

Emelie debated sending Samuel a message, suggesting he skip dinner delivery if he was busy. She could grab

something from a shop nearby the hospital herself.

Just as William finished his meeting and closed his laptop, he rubbed his forehead and turned to Emelle. “Help

Emelie hesitated, clearly reluctant. Setting the laptop aside, William added, “It’s just for one more day.

Tomorrow, | should be able to shower on my own”

He was recovering quickly. Despite that, Emelie felt no relet

She shouldn't have been in this position in the first place. But she knew what would happen if she refused.

Emelie turned back toward the

bathroom. Grabbing a fog ien

she dampened © Sofdede out the

ekedds water, and then brought it

over to William at his bedside. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

William unbuttoned his hospital

gown, revealing a physique honed by

regular workouts ywel(efined Pecs

apdigbstat Yoke of strength. His

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skin, typically shielded from the sun,

had a porcelain—like quality under the

q ’ q q

hospital's stark lighting. The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Despite not having had a proper shower in two days, there was no unpleasant odor. Instead, a subtle, almost icy-

clean scent surrounded him.

Emelie quickly averted her gaze

William wiped his neck With Thc iowel

and casually asket Hale you made

up4our mind about the artificial

" .

heart?” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest B

chapter there!

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