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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77

Alex mulled over it for a moment, his eyes darting around before he said, “My mom’s

gonna be here any minute, we gotta have a game plan! Best case scenario, she comes

and you two get hitched.”

“You’re kidding, right? You think marriage is child’s play? We need to prepare, it takes

time! And your mom, with her personality. I don’t see her saying yes to me anytime soon.”

Elio sighed, I can’t get a read on her, she doesn’t think like normal people.”

Alex rolled his eyes, “Look at you, already chickening out before you’ve even started! How

are you gonna win my mom over like this?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I got your back! I think you’d make a good dad, way better than anyone

else! I only have one condition, when you become my dad, you gotta keep loving me like

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you do now, buy me toys, and no criticizing!”

Elio playfully flicked him on the forehead, “Already laying down the law, huh?”

“Don’t I need to? Otherwise, why would I help you woo my mom?”

“Alright, alright, I’ll agree to anything you say!” Elio thought to himself, how silly he was.

Who’d have thought he’d be relying on a kid for something like this.

“Also… I want steak tonight!” Alex stuck out his tongue, “And can we skip changing my

bandages today? It hurts too much!

“We can have steak, but no negotiating on changing your bandages! Do you wanna be

stuck in bed forever?”

Alex quickly shook his head, “No, no, no, I wanna get up! I don’t wanna be paralyzed!”

“Then you gotta listen to the doctor! Otherwise, you might end up bedridden for life, and

you’d be screwed!”

“Well, guess I’ll change the bandages then!” Alex sighed, “But it… really hurts…”

“You’re a tough guy, remember?”

“Even tough guys are afraid of pain!”

Afraid of falling behind on work, Clara came to the office early the next day to get things

in order.

Her flight was in the afternoon, so she still had some free time.

When she woke up this morning, Emmett and Aiden were both gone! “Ah, Emmett is such

a hard guy to figure out!”

As Clara walked into the office, she felt something was off!

The security room was eerily quiet with no sounds of morning training.

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Even the usual front desk staff were gone.

Something’s not right!

Clara had a bad feeling, something was definitely off.

She quickly headed towards her office.

Clara had barely taken a few steps-

Suddenly, a pungent scent hit her nostrils and a figure appeared in front of her, acting


Before she could react, suddenly-


A crisp sound echoed.

A slap landed hard on Clara’s face.

Her cheek stung, and then she quickly recognized who was standing before her!