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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 339
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Business ventures were like battlegrounds. More often than not, glory and disaster were separated only

by the finest of lines.

If Skylar had not been on hand to discover what was wrong with the formula for the anti-blemish cream,

Yulia would have fallen prey to Anderson’s malicious trap. The resulting consequences would have

been unimaginable.

Yulia’s mind was still on her narrow escape when she felt Skylar slipping an arm around her waist.

Before she could react, he leaned down and murmured warmly in her ear, “Don’t I deserve some sort of

reward for this, hmm?”

He was behaving in such a manner when there were so many reporters and invited guests present, as

well as Kareem Fashion’s staff and employees!

Skylar’s sudden display of intimacy was unexpected and a bit too much for Yulia. She gave an

involuntary start and hurriedly pushed him away. “Say what you have to say, but don’t stand so close to

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me, not in front of so many people!”

However, Skylar replied matter-of-factly, “So what? If we’re photographed, even better. I want everyone

in Cloudtopia to know that you’re my wife.”

“Skylar, you…! Can’t you be a bit less conspicuous?” Yulia was so embarrassed she turned beet-red,

but she could not prevent a warm feeling of bliss from sweeping over her.

“What’s my reward, then?” Skylar teased wickedly.

Yulia wavered, irresolute for the longest time before she finally gathered all her courage and planted a

very quick kiss on Skylar’s cheek. “You’re such a rascal!” She protested coquettishly, her face as red as

a ripe tomato.

She had actually kissed Skylar in front of so many reporters and just as many of her employees, no

less. Perhaps this was no big deal for most women, but her subordinates would be left gaping in

astonishment if they saw her.

Their domineering CEO, that proud, aloof goddess, was now behaving like a schoolgirl all because of a

man. Most would consider him lucky; that said, everyone was entitled to differences of opinion.

Skylar had no intention of letting Yulia off so easily, however. Instead of releasing her, he pulled her

even closer, shaking his head. “That’s not what I wanted, though,” he replied mournfully.

“What do you want then?” Yulia could not help asking, despite herself.

A trace of warmth briefly flared in Skylar’s eyes. “I’d like to hear you call me ‘Dear’ every day…I’d also

like to go into the room next door with you and spend the entire night and day together. You know what

I mean by that, right?” His voice became more enthusiastic as he spoke.

Right as he was about to indulge in a very pleasant flight of fancy, he suddenly felt sharp fingernails

stabbing into his waist.

“Ow! Not in front of so many people, Dear…at least leave me some dignity!” Skylar hastily apologized,

keeping his voice low.

“You’re finally paying attention to the fact that there are people present, eh?” Yulia rolled her eyes at

him and reached out to yank his earlobe like a mother might do to an errant child.

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“I apologize! I’m sorry, Dear! The last was just wishful thinking, please ignore it!” Skylar was so taken

aback he kept apologizing repeatedly.

However, Yulia showed no signs of releasing his ear just yet.

Skylar’s mouth worked a few times, then he steeled himself and pleaded, “Alright, how about we settle

for you calling me ‘Dear’ once at night and once in the morning, and forget about the other times?”

Yulia opened her mouth to reply and Skylar, afraid of what she might say, hastily amended, “Once

every morning! That’s the least I can ask for! If not, it won’t happen at all!”

When Yulia saw Skylar looking exactly like a hen-pecked husband, she burst out laughing. “Very well

then, I’ll call you ‘Dear’ once every morning!” As she released Skylar’s ear, she purposely paused for a

moment before adding, “To be perfectly honest, earlier I was going to say yes. But since you’ve

changed it to once every morning, then we’ll go with what you decided.”

“What? I…” Skylar was dumbfounded; unfortunately, there was nothing he could do now but suffer in

silence. He pursed his lips, looking rather discontented, then asked, “Dear, couldn’t we stick to once in

the morning and once at night like I said earlier?”

“Mr. Stone, aren’t you always teaching Lola that she should be a person of her word? If that’s the case,

then shouldn’t you…” Yulia deliberately let the end of the sentence trail off in a calculated fashion.