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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott novel (Eugene and Melanie)

Chapter 841
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Chapter 841

Melanie felt Timothy's gaze on her and her body stiffened. Ever since she found out about Timothy's condition,

she had tried to avoid him as much as possible.

Now she wished even more that Timothy had never found out about her. After all, she still had Merry with her.

Fortunately, Timothy did not seem to recognize her.

He was still casually talking to his companion. Melanie heaved a sigh of relief. As the ride stopped, she picked up

Merry and turned to leave.

As soon as she got up, however, someone pressed down on her shoulder. Timothy's sinister voice sounded in her

ear. “I knew that brat was annoying. So she learned it from her mother.”

He put a lot of pressure on Melanie's shoulder. She was already half-crouching when she bent to pick Merry up,

and now she could not straighten up under Timothy's weight.

She hid Merry in her arms and tried her best to remain calm as she said, “Are you looking for me, Mr. Harmon?”

“Mr. Harmon?” Timothy smiled nastily. His hand turned to tug at her hair.

Melanie's hair was short, so when Timothy yanked at the roots, he also forced her to look up.

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He looked down at her with undisguised malice in his eyes. Melanie's pupils contracted, and he seemed to revel

in her fear.

He sneered and pushed her to the ground, half crouching down in front of her. “What are you afraid of? You were

a lot more arrogant the other day!”

There were a few other rich young heirs with Timothy. Melanie did not recognize any of them, probably because

they were not from Eugene's circle.

Timothy was about to say something more, but he ended up being interrupted by his phone. He glanced at the

screen, the anger in his eyes intensifying. Despite that, he answered the call and walked briskly away.

As soon as Timothy left, Melanie returned to the hotel with Merry in her arms.

It would be a lie to say that she was not afraid. The ruthlessness in Timothy's eyes just now was terrifying.

She immediately called Yvonne. She had to leave Jepton with Merry ASAP.

Yvonne was shocked to hear that she had met Timothy. “What an unpleasant coincidence. Why is Timothy still in


“I don’t know.”


“But you can’t leave now. Don’t you have to take Merry for another checkup? The appointment is right around

the corner. At most, you can just stay cooped up in the hotel. It's impossible for Timothy to follow you there,


Melanie fell silent. The problem was that Merry had inherited Eugene’s unique allergy to most drugs. Melanie

was worried about any unexpected complications, so she set an appointment for a follow-up checkup in the next

two days

Then again, Wonne was right. If she stayed in the hotel, there was no way Timothy could follow her


After that incident, Melanie was no longer in the mood to take Merry out for a walk. She could not risk another

encounter with that fearsbeast,

She just never expected Eugene to call.

When she saw his non her screen, Melanie's eyebrows twitched slightly. She had the urge to reject the call

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However, the caller kept persisting. Even Merry looked over curiously. Melanie hesitated for a moment before

finally answering.

She did not say anything at first, and it was also quiet on the other end. The only sound was Eugene's shallow


“Are you still in Jepton?” After a while, Eugene said in a low voice, “Grandpa is in the hospital. He wants to see


Since Merry had to go for a checkup too, Melanie took her to the hospital with her. However, after thinking for a

long time, she chose not to bring Merry to meet Henry. Instead, she called Yvonne over and asked her to help

take care of Merry for a while.


Henry was not getting any younger. This time, he was in the hospital for his high cholesterol and blood pressure.

He had to stay in the hospital for a few days. When he saw Melanie, he tried to sit up in bed, but she stopped


“Good, good. I'm glad you're doing alright.” Henry looked a little wistful Although he did not say so directly,

Melanie could tell that his concern for her was genuine. “By the way, didn’t you say that you have a daughter?

Where is she? Why didn’t you bring her here?”