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The Unbreakable Bond By Cornelia Darwin

Chapter 32
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“Didn’t your father wake up? Why are you !

you still so worried?”

Chapter 32

It was not a sport. That day, Rosalind promised to treat Jonas to dinner but broke the date. Jonas

asked the others and learned that the Jansen family had gone to the hospital and that Rosalind’s father

was a vegetable but had suddenly woken up

After knowing Damian for so many years, Jonas also knew what had happened to the Jansen family

five years ago. He was afraid of touching Rosalind’s bad memories, so he didn’t dare to as much.

“Tep, my father has been awake for half a month and now his health is getting better. I don’t need to

worry about my father’s body Damian and I want to buy back the old house we used to live in, but we

can’t find the owner of the Jansen villa now, so we are a little worried.”

“It’s easy. You can go to the Land Registry and check it.”

“I did go there. But the Land Registry didn’t want to tell us.”

“It’s not easy to keep the Land Registry shut up. The buyer must be powerful. So you go to the charity

banquet tonight to inquire about the buyer of the Jansen villa?”

Jonas finally understood why Rosalind suddenly attended this banquet. People like them generally

would not attend such a banquet in person.

“Yes!” Rosalind nodded weakly and continued, “We’ve been investigating for more than half a month,

but there is no news. That’s why I am worried”

“Don’t worry. I’ll ask someone to inquire about it. You can definitely find the buyer. You are so tired.

Why don’t you sleep for a while?”


It took half an hour to get to the Lybabwe Hotel without a traffic jam. Rosalind was really tired, so she

decided to sleep.

But what Jonas didn’t expect was that Rosalind had fallen asleep when Rosalind just finished speaking

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for a few seconds

Looking at the soundly sleeping Rosalind, Jonas smiled helplessly.

He didn’t expect this charming and proud woman to be so cute when she fell asleep, like a kitten.

Looking at Rosalind’s lovely sleeping face, listening to Rosalind’s even breathing, and feeling the warm

afterglow of the setting sun, Jonas suddenly felt very happy at this moment.

if Rosalind could stay with him all the time, it would be good to go on like this.

When it was getting dark, they finally arrived at the gate of the Lybabwe Hotel. The lamps around had

already lit the hotel up. It was still early before the banquet began, Jonas smoothly pulled over the car

but didn’t want to wake Rosalind up

Feeling the breeze coming through the window was a little cold, Jonas took off his jade white suit and

gently put it on Rosalind

Looking at Rosalind’s closed eyes, eyelashes fluttering slightly, a few strands of hair resting on her face

and down her cheeks on her watery lips, Jonas reached out and gently pulled the hair to Rosalind’s

ears, revealing Rosalind’s delicate features

Looking at the sleeping Rosalind, Jona s’s eyes fell on Rosalind’s blood red watery lips. When he got

close to Rosalind, he could still smell a faint fragrance. He didn’t know whether it was the smell of

lipstick or the smell of Rosalind’s body, which seemed to be luring him into kissing Rosalind.

Jona s’s throat tightened. His sanity told him that he shouldn’t kiss Rosalind. It was not his style to take

advantage of others’ unpreparedness, But there seemed to be another voice shouting in his mind, “Kiss

hert Kiss her

There was a war in Jon a s’s mind. Just when Jonas couldn’t control himself and wanted to kiss

Rosalind, a harsh horn suddenly sounded.

Two dazzling lights shone from the opposite side.

Then the lights kept flashing towards their side.

Jonas was shocked and ipfmediately sat up straight. He squinted at the opposite side,

But the lights were too bright for Jonas to see the person opposite. Jonas could only see a black

Bentley on the other side, with low beams and high beams flashing Alternately

Rosalind was also woken up by the harsh horn and dazzling lights.

“What happened?” asked Rosalind.

Rosalind’s voice was soft, with a newly awakened laziness and raucity, sounding extremely tempting

“It’s okay. There may be something wrong with the driver on the opposite side. He even h o nked and

turned on the lights when he arrived at the

“ph, we arrive at the hotel? Did I sleep for a long time? Your sult.. Thanks!”

Shce there was nothing wrong, Rosalind didn’t care.

Seeing that there was a white suit cost on her body, she knew it was Jo na s’s, so she handed the suit

to Jonas

“You’re welcome!”



Jonas took the suit cost and put it on. It seemed that there was sill a faint perfume smell from Rosalind,

which was very light but comfortabe

Jo nas’s face flushed slightly when he thought that he almost couldn’t control himself just now.

He was afraid that Rosalind would notice, so he buriedly changed the topic.

“You didn’t sleep long. I just parked the car and it was at the right time!”

“Well, it’s almost time. Let’s go in!”

Rosalind had the Elusion that Jonas was a little strange at

They walked towards the hotel.

ge at this moment, but she couldn’t tell why. She just felt that Jonas seemed a little nervous.

Jonas Nowned and looked at the parking space opposite. The lights over there had been turned off, so

he couldn’t see anything.

Seeing that Rosalind and Jonas had entered the hotel, Jarnh spoke tentatively, “Mr. Brooks, are we still


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What are we wacing for? Wait for the food? It’s getting late, Let’s go inside!” said Leonardo.

Then Leonarda pushed open the car door and walked inward the hotel.

Jacob was a little confused and thought, “Didn’t Mr. Banks just ask me to wait? He even asked me to

whistle and flash the light. Eidn’t he want to preet Amanda?”

Seeing Leonardo got off the car and walked to the hotel, Jacob followed Leonants into the hotel.

In the banquet hall of the hotel, Rosalind and Jonas chatted with a group of attendees while del

berately or unintentionally inquiring about the Jansen vila.

Although Rosalind was from Haldonn, there were not many people who knew her in the upper class

because she got married after graduation and hadn’t attended any banquets to communicate with


Now everyone knew her because she was Amanda, the design director of BUT Group and a cutting-

edge designer in the world. They didn’t think she was Rosalind of the Jansen Group.

So no one was surprised that she had asked about the Jansen LEŠA,

After all, most of the people who came to this kind of banquet exchanged information while

communicating with each other. They were originally here for mutual benelt. Maybe they could make a

lot of money when getting the news they want. Se na one thought Rosalind was strange

However, after taking with a lot of people, Rosalind didn’t get any useful news.

Jonas saw Rosalind was a lile upset, he handed Rosalind a glass of wine and said, “What’s wrong?

oeg? Haven’t you gotten any news?

“Tes!” Rosalind’s red lips slightly opened. She took a sip and asked, “What about you? Did you get any


There was a trace of expectation in Rosalind’s eyes

Jonas shook his head. He just heard that no one bought the Jansen villa for a long time after it was

used to cover debts. Half a month later, someone bought it at double the price, but there was no

information about the buyer,

“So mysterious!”
