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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 Dresses

Hearing the conversation of the three, someone immediately whispered to others.

Chapter 70 Dresses

“The Wilson family’s lady is living so poorly? How cshe didn’t even prepare a dress?”

“I don’t think it looks like any high-end designer. It's true what they say, you can’t judge a book by its cover.

People who like to put on airs are everywhere.”

“Heh, she got caught, and she still has the face to sit here. Having a man backing her up makes a difference.”

Evelyn's face remained indifferent. She raised an eyebrow and looked at Maya. “What about it? Am | in your


“Not at all,” Maya explained. “I just like to help others. If Miss Taylor doesn’t have a suitable dress, there are two

spare ones in the car. How about borrowing them first?”

Evelyn suddenly raised her eyelids, her calm eyes showing no emotion. She was about to speak when a strange

sound reached her ears.

Everyone eagerly shifted their gaze, shocked by the sudden appearance of a scene.

David walked ahead, followed by a row of attendants, each holding two dresses. The dresses were all limited

editions from renowned designers, and swere even discontinued.

Amidst the astonishment, what remained was envy and admiration.

“Did he collect all the beautiful dresses in the world? So pampered, | envy the lady so much.”

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“She has them, but she just doesn’t want to wear them!”

“Speople shamelessly offer to lend clothes to others, simply overestimating themselves.”


“Heh, | think she’s just putting on airs!”

The mocking remarks made Maya's face darken.

However, when she saw the dresses identical to those worn by her and Emily, she felt somewhat consoled.

So what if she’s The Wilson family’s lady? She still has to wear the sdresses as them.

Just as Maya was feeling pleased, David approached the three of them, frowning with evident


“Madam, what should we do with these dresses that you don’t like?” He cast a disdainful

glance at Maya.

Chapter 20 Presses

Originally, Boss had asked him to bring these as backups for the Madam. He hadn't expected

someone would be foolish enough to cause trouble at The Wilson family.

Emily's expression was as complex as Maya's...

Evelyn knew that Henry was once again saving her face. Her heart melted at how cute he was, and she longed

to rush into his arms.

Maintaining her poker face, Evelyn casually glanced at Maya and Emily, saying with a smile, “There are many

beggars in the east of the city: perhaps you could consider charity, give them

these clothes.”

Speople showed appreciative looks, while others retreated to the corner with unpleasant


Among these high-end dresses were not only the exact ones worn by Maya and Emily, but also those worn by

the people who mocked Evelyn earlier. This silent warning from Henry made everyone hesitant to express

jealousy openly, afraid of causing trouble. At this moment, Henry stood at the comer on the second floor,

observing everything.

“Boss, everything has been taken care of,” David reported back.

Seeing the man’s gaze fixed on Maya and Emily, David explained, “These two are friends of Miss Powers. The

one on the left, Emily, hired someone to harm the Madam. It seems she’s also the trouble maker in the incident

of Xylon just now.”

Henry's eyes darkened, and he instructed David, “Handle it.”

“Yes.” David understood; Boss wasn’t planning to let Emily off the hook this time.

Meanwhile, Emily went to the restroom to touch up her makeup. As soon as she took out her lipstick, she felt a

blunt hit on her neck.

When she woke up, everything was pitch black. After adjusting to the darkness for a while, she could barely

make out the furnishings in the room.

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It seemed to be a hotel.

She vividly remembered being at the banquet, so how...? The thought struck her, and Emily’s breathing became


Suddenly, there was smovement on the bed.

12:22 Wed, 21 Feb u

Chapter 70 Dresses.

“Hehehe, you finally woke up, a sinister and terrifying voice echoed.

“Who?” Emily looked over and was instantly horrified.


The man sitting up on the bed was Xylon. He had just dealt with his injuries, with his hands. and legs now in

casts. Due to the pain, his facial expression was grotesque and frightening. In his intense gaze, there was a deep

hatred and an almost perverse glint upon seeing her.

Emily was terrified. “What, what, what do you want? Don’t cany closer!”

She tried to run, but her feet were entangled with something. When she looked down, she discovered it was an

iron chain.

“Trying to escape?” Xylon, supporting himself with a crutch, walked over. “Causingin suc misery and you still

think you can just escape? How can such a good thing happen in this world?”

“Mr. Adams, it wasn’twho harmed you. It was that woman. She seduced you, and all the injuries you suffered

were because of her.”

“Her?” Xylon’s face darkened, accusing angrily, “You still want to deceive me?”