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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chater 65
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Chapter 65

On the phone was Haylan’s portfolio on the stock app. It was green and had already reached its upper


“What is this?”

Charlie and Felicia looked at each other in confusion.

Charlie and Felicia had worked hard their entire lives. They had only heard of the word stocks, but they

did not know what stocks were. At this moment, when they saw the various curves on the app, they

were puzzled and did not know what they were looking at at all.

Floris and Tracy also looked over in confusion.

Floris had also worked hard but had little money. She had never invested in stocks and did not know

how to interpret what she was seeing.

Evelyn was very good at reading people’s expressions. When she saw the expressions of Charlie and

the others, she immediately explained, “Today, Mapleturz Group held a media meeting and announced

that they had developed a blood–tonifying pill that can treat diabetes.

“Once this news was released, it swept through all the short video platforms and news media and

occupied the headlines.

“That’s why Mapleturz Group’s share price doubled.

“In other words, Haylan’s shares in their company have doubled in value. They’re now worth two million

dollars. He made 1 million dollars in just one day.”


As soon as she finished speaking, Charlie, Felicia, and Floris all gasped. They were so shocked that

their mouths were agape and they could not say a word.

Haylan made 1 million dollars in a day!

This was something they did not even dare to think about.

“Evelyn, i–is that true?” Charlie asked in a trembling voice.

“Absolutely!” she replied.

After receiving Evelyn’s affirmation, Charlie, Felicia, and Floris were

Chapter 65


Seeing them like this, Haylan smiled and took a bite of the food.

He had painstakingly called Evelyn over to convince his parents that he had the ability to earn money.

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Otherwise, he could not be bothered with such a snobbish classmate.

He felt rather sad that his parents were so shocked.

For ordinary people, two million dollars was a huge fortune that they would never be able to earn in

their entire lives.

His parents were obviously such people. They had been diligent and hardworking all their lives,

working hard to earn money, but they had never been able to earn a lot of money. When they heard

that it was two million dollars. They were so shocked that they were speechless.

Yet, Haylan had spent tens of millions of dollars on a banquet when he was on missions overseas.

“After Mom and Dad are convinced, I’ll think of a way to get all the debts. from Declan,” Haylan thought.

Two million dollars was just the beginning.

He could make an endless amount of money with this starting capital.

A long time later, Charlie and the other two finally came back to their


Charlie hurriedly said to Haylan, “Haylan, quick, take out the money. Let’s be satisfied and stop


In his mind, investing in stocks was gambling.

Haylan should leave the market now that he had earned so much money.

“Dad, don’t be anxious. I’ve been patrolling Mapleturz Group’s research and development department. I

have heard some rumors. Mapleturz Group will have another wave of drugs on the market. The share

price will definitely rise again,” Haylan said.

“It will go up again?

“Haylan, are you saying that it can increase to more than two million dollars?”

Charlie, Felicia, and Floris were all extremely shocked.

It was already at two million dollars, yet it could still increase. This was mind–blowing for them.

“It will increase again? Do you have insider news?”

Evelyn’s eyes lit up when she heard what Haylan said. She silently memorized this news.

If the price of the shares would continue to rise, she would follow Haylan and buy shares of the

Mapleturz Group even if she had to sell everything.

“It’s not really insider news. Anyway, they will launch another product. The market reaction will

definitely be very good. Just buy the shares,” Haylan said.

“Okay.” Evelyn nodded excitedly.

She knew that her chance to earn money had come.

Charlie and Felicia looked at each other in confusion.

“Evelyn, it must have been hard on you, rushing over as soon as you get off work. You haven’t eaten,


“Come, come, sit down. Let’s eat together.”

However, they did not fuss over it. Instead, they smiled and invited. Evelyn to sit down to eat.

Haylan frowned.

He had called Evelyn over to dispel his parents‘ doubts and worries. From the looks of it, his parents

seemed to have taken a fancy to Evelyn?

Just as he was about to ask Evelyn to leave and not ruin the happy scene in his house, Floris had

already brought over a bowl and placed it in front of Evelyn. She chuckled and said, “Miss Schuber, you

work in the bank. You must be very good at managing accounts.

“You have to help me supervise my brother. Don’t let him spend money recklessly.”

“Yes, yes, yes. Get him to save the money so that he can buy a house and marry in the future.” Felicia

nodded in agreement.

Under their kind invitation, Evelyn sat down willingly.

Chapter 65

Felicia scooped Evelyn a bowl of rice and brought it to her. “Miss Schuber, here. Eat more.”

“Evelyn, Haylan is a spendthrift. He spends a lot of money. You have to restrict him in the bank,”

Charlie said earnestly.

“I’ll try my best.” Evelyn hurriedly smiled.

Charlie, Felicia, and Floris were full of enthusiasm. They invited Evelyn

eat and kept putting food into her plate and bowl.

From the looks of it, they were treating Evelyn as Haylan’s wife.

Evelyn was also very good at telling people what they wanted to hear. With just a few words, she made

Charlie and Felicia laugh happily. Even Floris and Tracy were amused by her. The house was filled with


Haylan frowned slightly when he saw this scene. He had mixed feelings.

He did not like Evelyn because she was too snobbish and was not a good match for him at all.

However, he especially admired and was happy that Evelyn could coax his parents into laughing so


It was a big deal for him that his parents and sister could laugh happily.

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Hence, although he knew that Evelyn was here for his money, he did not expose her motive.

To him, spending some money to make his parents laugh was worth it.

After they finished their meal happily, Felicia even peeled an apple for Evelyn. She was completely

treating her as her future daughter–in–law.

“Felicia, there’s no need to trouble yourself. I want to take a walk with Haylan outside,” Evelyn said.

“Take a walk?”

Felicia looked at the sky outside and immediately reacted. She immediately pulled Haylan up and said

with a smile, “Yes, yes, yes. This is the time for you youngsters. Haylan, take Evelyn out for a walk and

watch a movie.”

“What’s a movie? I want to watch a movie too,” Tracy blinked and said.

“Tracy, stop fooling around. Let Haylan go himself,” Floris said in a hurry.

“If Tracy wants to go, then let’s go together,” Haylan said.

He did not know why Evelyn was looking for him, but it wasn’t a bad idea to take Tracy out for a walk.

“Haylan, Tracy is just a child. Don’t mess around. Hurry up and

accompany Evelyn out for a walk,” Floris said in a low voice.

Charlie and Felicia also chased Haylan out immediately and asked him to accompany Evelyn.

“Charlie, Felicia, see you again next time.” Evelyn waved sweetly and walked out.

Looking at Haylan and Evelyn’s backs, Felicia and Charlie became more and more delighted.

“Evelyn is really beautiful. She’s so gentle and kind. She’s also a bank employee and Haylan’s high

school classmate. She must know Haylan inside out and is reliable,” Charlie said.

“Yes, her butt is very perky. It’s obvious that she’s good at giving birth.” Felicia nodded.

“Look at her figure. In the future, Haylan’s children won’t go hungry either,” Floris added.

Tracy ate a piece of meat and scratched her head, her eyes filled with confusion.

What were her grandparents and mother talking about?

What did it mean that the child would not starve?

The world of adults was really complicated!

As Tracy thought about it, she ate another piece of caramelized beetroot and revealed a satisfied


“This beetroot sure is sweet and delicious,” she thought.

Haylan and Evelyn walked out of the door. After leaving his parents‘ sight, Haylan said, “Thank you.”

“We’re classmates. Why are you being so polite?”

Evelyn smiled as she looked at Haylan. The more she looked at Haylan, the more handsome she felt

he was. She seemed to have thought of

something and suddenly said, “By the way, do you want to come with me

to our high school reunion in three days?”