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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 529
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Chapter 0529 Chapter 0529 Chapter 0529 Lowering her onto the large bed, she quickly rolls on her side, but her eyes don't open. I pull the sheets up over her and take the seat near the window to watch her.

There had been a lot of discoveries in the night. Brax was certain that Silas was speaking his truth. But it wouldn't be the first the had missed something and I wasn't willing to solely rely on him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Serkan wanted Silas to take Neah to White Cliffs regardless of her saying no. So what will he do if Silas doesn't return with her? Will he cafter her himself? Will he cfor the boys when he learns of them? How much of a threat will he be to my family and my pack? Did we outnumber them? He had Lycans and Wolves, but so did we.

I consider sending Samara, like Neah suggested. It would be a way to get more answers, but it would still be unfair to send her somewhere completely unprepared. Especially as she was just finding her feet and then there was Damien too and he had Dorothy.

I don't sleep. I pace. I watch my mate and I order more room service, but I don't sleep. I needed more definitive answers and there was only one asshole that could give them toand I couldn't wait until later for the meeting.

The sun was already present and Neah is still fast asleep.

Grabbing the little notebook by the telephone. I write a note to Neah. Telling her to stay put and order more food if she needs too. That I was just a link away if she neededand that I would be back before tonight.

I dress and kiss Neah's forehead and quietly slip out the door. Taking the car back to the sspot by the beach. Parking my car, I could already see Silas coming out of the water. He runs his hands through his hair, combing it back from his face and puts a hand up when he sees me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He's patting himself down with a towel as I make my way towards him. "I thought we agreed on a later time?" He asks and looks up behind me. "No mate?" "No, I want to speak to you alone." *You have questions about Serkan that couldn't wait?" "We have barely breached the surface." I mutter "I agree." He tells"But you are not who he wants. I don't know how my words will be of any benefit to you. And I'm more concerned about other things." "My mate is who he wants but she carries my child." I almost said children, but I needed him to continue believing it was just one. Just to be on the safe side.

"You think he will hurt her?" He asks I nod. "And I know you believe there is a possibility that he will. It really sounds like the man wants his granddaughter to take her place there." *He is the Alpha." "No he isn't, not anymore. You called him a stand in. Said he had to take back the position. If he were the true Alpha, Neah wouldn't exist. But she does and she is thriving without the need to be in a place called White Cliffs." He mulls over my words.

"I have seen her link Lycans. I have seen her turn bitten Lycans against one another. I have watched her bring have enjoyedycans to theixkneesed herm enjoyed witnessing her rip out hearts.

I have seen her partially shift. Her prophecy is true. She is the female Alpha. So tell me, why does he really want her there, because I call bullshit." *I've told you what I know. Your guy even confirmed it." *And you are second guessing what Serkan has asked you to do." I reply "Don't deny it. I know what I hear and I

know what I see. You don't want to die but you know that if you return without her, you will You also don't e. like how the plan has changed. You don't like that the invitation has beca demand. But yet you will not say that to him." He picks up his things and treads through the sand towards his place. He looks over his shoulder. "You coming?"

Silas doesn't talk until we are at his house. He tosses the towel ontbla "Earlyrhorning chair. "Early morning swims are brilliant to freshen you up." Ashburn