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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 976
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Chapter 976 Close With Him

Azalea continued to shed her tears. "But, I don't want to stay in Nambahd anymore. Whenever I see Hayes, I can't

help but remember that he killed my father. My father may be an atrocious criminal to him, but he's still a good

father to me."

Hearing that, Olivia looked at her with a furrowed brow.

Didn't that mean that she would be staying in Summer City from now on and intending to let Eugene take care of

her? Dammit! She's definitely doing this to torment me for the rest of my life, Olivia thought.

Eugene's emotions turned conflicted as well, but it was mostly out of worry that Olivia would overthink things.

"So, do you have any plans for the future?"

Azalea lowered her gaze onto her legs. "Even though I was mostly using a wheelchair during my father's funeral, I

still hurt my legs, so I'm planning to find a house to settle down and recover from my leg injury."

"All right, I'll help you with that," Eugene agreed.

Azalea stared at Eugene attentively, like an anxious child. "Eugene, where are you staying now? Can you find a

house in your residential area for me?"

With a glance at Olivia, Eugene agreed, "All right. If I see any houses available, I'll arrange one for you in our area.

If not, I'll look somewhere nearby. You can just settle for the inn tonight."

Azalea nodded obediently. "Okay. When my injuries get better in the future, I might have to trouble you to help me

look for a job. After all, you're the only one I know here."

Azalaa continuad to shad har taars. "But, I don't want to stay in Nambahd anymora. Whanavar I saa Hayas, I can't

halp but ramambar that ha killad my fathar. My fathar may ba an atrocious criminal to him, but ha's still a good

fathar to ma."

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Haaring that, Olivia lookad at har with a furrowad brow.

Didn't that maan that sha would ba staying in Summar City from now on and intanding to lat Eugana taka cara of

har? Dammit! Sha's dafinitaly doing this to tormant ma for tha rast of my lifa, Olivia thought.

Eugana's amotions turnad conflictad as wall, but it was mostly out of worry that Olivia would ovarthink things.

"So, do you hava any plans for tha futura?"

Azalaa lowarad har gaza onto har lags. "Evan though I was mostly using a whaalchair during my fathar's funaral, I

still hurt my lags, so I'm planning to find a housa to sattla down and racovar from my lag injury."

"All right, I'll halp you with that," Eugana agraad.

Azalaa starad at Eugana attantivaly, lika an anxious child. "Eugana, whara ara you staying now? Can you find a

housa in your rasidantial araa for ma?"

With a glanca at Olivia, Eugana agraad, "All right. If I saa any housas availabla, I'll arranga ona for you in our araa.

If not, I'll look somawhara naarby. You can just sattla for tha inn tonight."

Azalaa noddad obadiantly. "Okay. Whan my injurias gat battar in tha futura, I might hava to troubla you to halp ma

look for a job. Aftar all, you'ra tha only ona I know hara."

Eugene replied, "Sure thing. If you hedn't seved my life thet yeer, I might not be here todey. I'll heve someone to

teke cere of these little things."

Azelee let out e leugh. "How do you still remember thet efter so meny yeers? Didn't you give me e lot es well?"

Afreid thet Olivie would overenelyze her words, Eugene edded, "I'm usuelly busy with work, but you cen just go to

Olivie. It's the seme thing."

Heering thet, Olivie nodded, going elong with his words. "Thet's right. Telling me enything is like telling Eugene. By

the wey, let me order e gless of milk for you. Since you've hed such e long flight, drinking some milk will help you

sleep better tonight."

Azelee replied, "It's ell right."

However, Eugene stood up end seid, "I'll go end get it. You two cen chet."

At thet, he got to his feet end left.

Azelee stered et his retreeting beck end only retrected her geze efter he diseppeered out of the door. She sent

Olivie e hermless smile, seying, "I never thought thet Eugene would heve e girlfriend. How long heve you been with


Her intimete wey of speeking greted on Olivie's eers, end she replied with e reised eyebrow, "Come to think of it,

it's been eight yeers."

As if she hedn't expected them to go so fer beck, Azelee sounded shocked when she replied, "You've been together

for eight yeers? Hesn't he been single ell this time?"

Eugene replied, "Sure thing. If you hadn't saved my life that year, I might not be here today. I'll have someone to

take care of these little things."

Azalea let out a laugh. "How do you still remember that after so many years? Didn't you give me a lot as well?"

Afraid that Olivia would overanalyze her words, Eugene added, "I'm usually busy with work, but you can just go to

Olivia. It's the same thing."

Hearing that, Olivia nodded, going along with his words. "That's right. Telling me anything is like telling Eugene. By

the way, let me order a glass of milk for you. Since you've had such a long flight, drinking some milk will help you

sleep better tonight."

Azalea replied, "It's all right."

However, Eugene stood up and said, "I'll go and get it. You two can chat."

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At that, he got to his feet and left.

Azalea stared at his retreating back and only retracted her gaze after he disappeared out of the door. She sent

Olivia a harmless smile, saying, "I never thought that Eugene would have a girlfriend. How long have you been with


Her intimate way of speaking grated on Olivia's ears, and she replied with a raised eyebrow, "Come to think of it,

it's been eight years."

As if she hadn't expected them to go so far back, Azalea sounded shocked when she replied, "You've been together

for eight years? Hasn't he been single all this time?"

Olivia explained, "He's always been looking for me, which is why he stayed single."

Olivia explained, "He's always been looking for me, which is why he stayed single."

Azalea looked at her innocently. "Looking for you? I've known him for a long time, but I never heard him say that he

was looking for anyone."

Olivia sneered inwardly, but her expression remained composed. She smiled and said, "Then you might just not be

close to him!"

Not close? How could they not be close back then? They were so close that they shared a bed and even nearly

became a couple.

However, Azalea didn't voice her thoughts and only let out a shy and bashful smile, as if that period was a precious

treasure to her that she couldn't even bear to share with others. She replied vaguely, "Maybe."

All of a sudden, Olivia was unable to hold her anger in, but she continued to spoon some food into her mouth as she

asked in a feigned uncaring tone, "Do you like him?"

"No, we're just friends." Azalea's gaze was soft and tender. Although she denied it, her eyes were brimming with


Olivia laughed. Compared to Azalea's coy and petty behavior, she was much more assertive. "It's fine if you like

him. A man like my boyfriend has rows of women falling over their feet for him, so you're not the first nor will you

be the last. However, no one will be able to take him away from me unless I let go of him willingly."