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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 You Have Arrived

“I apologize, I struggle with controlling my emotions,” Vera quickly softened her gaze and looked at

Walsh with an innocent and apologetic expression. “I’m truly sorry. I didn’t mean to speak so harshly.

We’re not living together anymore. I will pass on your message to Eileen. I hope you don’t mind.”

Walsh gave her a strange look in response. His initial fondness for Vera had completely. disappeared at

that moment.

Not good at controlling emotions? That’s a polite way to put it. Doesn’t it simply mean she can’t pretend

anymore? When she first came to class, she was kind to everyone. Her gentle and submissive nature

made others feel protective of her.

After Walsh left, the private room was empty.

The once lively atmosphere had vanished completely.

Everything was fine at first, so Vera couldn’t understand why things had turned out this

After leaving Primas Plaza, Eileen began learning the harp, calligraphy, and eventually dancing.


It seemed like Eileen had been blessed with an incredibly flexible body. However, she lacked

coordination and couldn’t keep up with the beat. Whenever she caught a glimpse of her reflection

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during a landing, she felt like she was dancing like a monster.

But the most painful part was the stretching, as she hadn’t practiced for three months. It was around

half past eight in the evening when she left the practice room. Eileen was so exhausted that she

collapsed on the ground, almost considering calling an ambulance. She even thought about spending

the night right there.

Since Alan had gone to pick up Vera, Eileen had no choice but to take a taxi home late at night.

Wrapped in a thick black coat with her hands tucked into the pockets, she closed her eyes, lay down in

the car, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

The driver turned his head and asked, “Hey, Miss! You haven’t told me where you want to go!


“Head to the Undella Mansion,” Eileen said as she leaned against the car window, on the verge of

falling asleep.

Meanwhile, at Caerulus Corporation.





“Mr. Snow, your business class ticket to Mocset, departing in an hour and a half, has been booked. We

can set off in about half an hour.”

Gavin had prepared all the necessary documents. Eric was always the last one remaining in the


Due to the time difference in Mocset, they had to leave at this time.

After sending the last email, Eric quickly unplugged his computer, packed it into his laptop. bag, and

said, “You go ahead.”

“Understood, Mr. Snow.”

Just as Eric picked up his suit jacket and prepared to leave, his phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Eric quickly answered the call.


“Hello, may I speak to Mr. Snow?” The voice on the other end of the line wasn’t Vera’s, but a


After the other party explained the situation quickly, Eric frowned and put down his laptop. bag.

“Keep an eye on her; I’ll be right there.”

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Eric walked away briskly, while Gavin remained clueless about what had just happened.

Meanwhile, at Blue Bar, Vera had passed out after getting completely drunk.

The bartender patted Vera on the back. “Mr. Snow will be here soon, so please hold on a little longer.”

“Get away! Don’t touch me!”

Vera pushed the person away with all her might, nearly losing her balance in the process.

Suddenly, she crouched by the roadside, spotting a dazzling high beam in the distance.

Its license plate number was familiar.

Glancing sideways, she quickly noticed the car pulling up in front of her.

Eric got out of the car seconds later. As soon as Vera saw him, she immediately stood up with joy, ran

towards him, and jumped onto him in an instant. “What took you so long, Eric? I’ve been waiting for you

for so long.”



As he caught her, Eric’s vision suddenly blurred, and he saw Eileen’s face along with her. unreasonable


“You’re so late! I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Your punishment is to carry me on your back

all the way home!”
