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Never See You Again

Chapter 458
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Chapter 458

Upon discovering Marve's intricate plan, Levi's lips curled into a faint smile.

“If Conner finds out you're playing tricks on him and swindling his investment funds, he won't let you off easily,”

he commented

“It’s only a few hundred million. The CEO of the Jefferson family shouldn't hold a grudge over such a sum, should

he?” Maeve replied. Despite her nonchalant words, she had long anticipated that Conner would eventually see

through her scheme.

Although Hackett Group and Mirage Group had business dealings, Conner had no idea she was the CEO of Mirage

Group. Naturally, he wouldn't know that she was behind the transfer of trainees from Hackett Group, effectively

sabotaging the project.

However, secrets don’t stay hidden forever. Maeve’s open boasting in front of Conner would surely make him


Nonetheless, she was ready to face Conner head-on.

Leviremarked, “Training those trainees costa fortune”

“Isn’t hundreds of millions of dollars enough to cover that training?” Maeve questioned, taking a seat across

from him. “I promise, once these trainees debut under Mirage Group, Hackett Group will receive its due


“As a businessman, I'm only interested in numbers,” Levi stated, extending his hand. “I want this figure.”

Maeve asked, “A billion dollars?”

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“Ten billion, within two years.”

Ten billion?

She Drowned at Levi's request. “Mr. Hackett, that’s daynght cobbery.”

While trainers could be profitable, ten billion dollars was no small amount. Achieving that land of pure profit

would require creating the top and most lucrative group in the industry.

“I have faith in you. Especially since you've taken our carefully selected trainees.

“Fine Ten billion it is,” Maeve agreed, shaking Levi's hand to seal the deal

Meanwhile, at Jefferson Manor, Connor was reviewing the documents Bailey had delivered, his eyes filled with

coldness. “Are you saying the trainee project is ruined?”

“Yes, Mr. Jefferson,” Bailey responded.

“News from Hackett Group Indicates that due to sissues with the show, all the trainees are quitting. It

seems Mason is spearheading the charge.

“Hackett Group is now facing substantial penalties to the production team. And most critically, Serwithdrew

his investment yesterday, so our funds are likely already..”

Conner’s eyes narrowed as he recalled Marve's bold words. “Mare, what aclever move.”

Maeve? How could it be her? The Scott family has long been bankrupt,” Bailey said, puzzled.

How could a bankrupt heiress cause such losses for the Jefferson family? The trainee project was a significant

investment. How could she manage to sabotage it so quickly?

“Mr. Jefferson, could it be Mason? Is he trying to oppose you?” Balley suggested.

“Mason? When that women left with him, they didn’t take a penny. He couldn’t even afford his own penalty fees.

How could he persuade everyone to leave? Fool!” Conner snapped.

Bailey stammered, “Y-Yes, | hadn't considered that.”

“Macw is far more cunning than she

appears. Investigate everyone m

connected to hee | Wea? to kiow who

hee deding with and who else

is supporting her, besides Zion and

Sergio, Conner commanded. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

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Conner had already been keeping

tabs on Zion, notin hey he-hadmt


recently. It seemed unlikely The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

ly that the trainee project was connected to him.

Aside from Sergio’s abrupt

withdrawal, he hadn't aided Macys

either. Tig mpl that someone

else as hacking her from the

shadows. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest B

chapter there!

Conner had underestimated Maeve all the while. She was the one truly formidable opponent.