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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 751
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Loving You In Secret Chapter 751

Selene paused. “How can you not admit to it when we’ve already confirmed that Alex was here? Do you take me

for a fool?”

“Miss Rathborne, Alex was the one who kidnapped Gloria, not me. Please stop pointing blames at anyone you can

find,” Vicky said calmly.

Selene gaped at her in disbelief. “Vicky, Alex has done practically everything for you, and here you are, evading all

blame by casting him aside? Do you even have a heart?”

“Miss Rathborne, you need evidence to make accusations. Alex was the one who kidnapped Gloria, and that’s what

shows in the footage as well. What makes you so sure that I’m the one who kidnapped Gloria?”

“Who else can it be? Alex has no personal grudge against Gloria. Why would he kidnap her if you didn’t ask him

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“That’s just your assumption,” Vicky said. “You can go and report this to the police and tell them that I’m the one

who told Alex to do it. Do you think they’ll believe you?”

Selene pointed at her and shouted through quivering lips, “You’re just arguing for the sake of it, Vicky Shaw!”

“Maybe you should try presenting some evidence to support your claim if you don’t want me to argue with you.”

“Why you—”

“That’s enough.” Tyler’s cold, serene voice interrupted their argument, and they instantly fell into silence.

Tyler stared at Vicky expressionlessly and said, “You mentioned that others might want to hurt Gloria even if you

don’t do anything. Vicky, have you always known that this is going to happen?”

“… No.”

Tyler leaned on the couch lazily and looked up at Vicky. “I recall you saying that I can come at you if something

happens to Gloria.”

“…” Vicky was at a loss for words as she had indeed said that.

She did not think much of it at the time.

She had no intention of taunting Gloria, nor did she think it was possible for Gloria to be in another accident. Even if

she could not stop Gloria from being harmed, she could always stay away from Gloria to avoid being blamed.

Never had she imagined that Alex would kidnap Gloria once again.

When she failed to respond, Tyler commanded coldly, “Call Alex right now and ask him where he is.”

Vicky did not argue and took out her phone.

She was about to make a call to Alex when she noticed that his name was gone from her contact list.

She glanced at Tyler before opening the blacklist which Tyler had moved a few of her contacts into.

Vicky unblocked a few contacts before calling Alex.

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The call was answered almost right away.

Tyler shot her a look and she took the hint to put her phone on speaker.

“Vicky?!” Alex exclaimed gleefully. “Has Tyler Hart finally set you free?”

She paused. “Set me free? What do you mean?”

“I’ve been calling and texting you, but you haven’t responded to anything… When I called your phone with another

number, Tyler picked up, so I immediately knew that the lunatic locked you up again.” He chuckled smugly. “Since

he’s locked you up, I’ll kidnap his lover. Whatever he does to you, I’ll do the same to Gloria. Let’s see how he bullies

you again! Don’t worry, Vicky. I’ll hide Gloria well so that he can’t find her this time!”

Vicky felt her blood running cold at his words. “Are you saying that you kidnapped Gloria because you thought Tyler

locked me up?”

“Yeah! I took some time to recover when I returned to my family. After that, I tried to contact you and check on

you, but you wouldn’t pick up the phone or respond to any of my texts…so I figured that Tyler has been venting his

anger on you over what happened the last time!”