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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68

Jareth was scared stiff by the man’s cold, hard stare. Even when Acacia left him to go abroad three

years ago, he wasn’t this pis sed!

Jareth was just messing around. That was the kind of guy he was, rich, powerful, and straightforward.

He never held back with his good friends. He was just trying to rib Thaddeus, but he accidentally

crossed his line.

And Thaddeus’ line was his ex-wife, go figure.

The bartender was so scared his face turned pale. How many people in Elmsworth could get Thaddeus

this tiled up?

“Thad, have you…fallen for llana?”

Thaddeus had sobered up quite a bit, his heart suddenly clenched, sweat beading on his forehead.

“Thad, haven’t you noticed? You’ve totally changed since you got divorced.” Jareth looked at him

deeply. “We’ve been friends since we were kids. Isn’t it time you told me the truth?”

“I don’t like her.” Thaddeus spat out the words through gritted teeth, as if he wanted to chew them up.

“Alright, you don’t like her. Then let’s just leave it at that.”


Jareth ignored his fury, speaking for himself. “Thad, I’ll say it again, if you like Ilana and want to patch

things up with her, I’ll support you as a friend. But if that’s not what you want, if you’re just pis s ed

because you can’t stand seeing your ex-wife being chased by another guy, then I hope you’ll give me a

chance. Because I know what I want. I like Ilana, and I want to pursue her.”

Thaddeus felt like he’d been shot in the chest; he slowly let go of his grip, sta ggering back a few steps.

Jareth straightened up, took a deep breath to regain his composure, and pulled out the sapphire

necklace from his suit pocket.

“She…” Thaddeus was taken aback.

“She didn’t take it.” Jareth frowned and chuckled bitterly, revealing the truth. “Ilana isn’t as materialistic

as you think. After she left you, she returned everything to me. Man, Thaddeus, how badly did you treat

her in the past? Every time Ilana sees you, she acts like she’s seeing her worst enemy, taking every

chance to get under your skin. Isn’t it obvious what she’s thinking?”

Thaddeus’ lips tightly pressed together. Thinking of how he had repeatedly ignored her feelings over

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the past three years, recalling that raggedy handmade suit and the room full of gifts, his heart suddenly


After finishing work, Evadne didn’t go home, but left Jason to go home alone and she went to the

cathedral instead.

The grand, golden dome of the cathedral was so luxurious and magnificent. Cas sius stood beneath

the ma**ive cross, dressed in a black priest’s robe, holding the Bible, preaching to the congregation.

Evadne sat quietly in the back row, taking in his every word. His voice was so soothing, it felt like a

cleansing of the soul.

After the sermon, the congregation all left.

Cas sius closed the Bible, and his handsome face was carrying a gentle smile. He walked over to his

sister. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” He reached out to pat her on the head.

“Um… I knew you were busy, didn’t want to interrupt.” Evadne answered with a sweet smile.

“Anything bothering you?” Cas sius sat next to her, asking softly.

“Is it that obvious?”

Evadne sighed somewhat frustratedly, her expression slightly gloomy. “Cas sius, I messed up today. I

used Jareth to make Thaddeus mad. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t control myself! Seeing him with

Acacia, and him competing with Jareth to buy Acacia a necklace, I was… not okay. I really wanted him

to hurt for once, but we’re already divorced. It doesn’t make sense, but I just wanted him to feel

something for me, even if it’s resentment.”

Cas sius sighed deeply, wrapping an arm around her trembling shoulders. “Evadne, you still have

feelings for Thaddeus, don’t you?”

“Cas sius, I admit I haven’t completely let go of him. After all, I loved him for so long, and I’ve spent my

youth burning for him. Those deep memories are all his shadows…”

Evadne leaned against Cas sius’ shoulder, her teary eyes wetting her long lashes. “I’m really scared.

I’m afraid I’ll lose the ability to love. Thaddeus hollowed out my heart, and I might never ever be able to

love another man the way I loved him…”

“Evadne, love can bring pain, but it can also bring sweetness. People can’t help but fall into the

whirlpool of love time and again, but as long as a person’s heart is still beating. they will never lose

their ability to love.” Cas sius lowered his gaze to look at her. “Evadne, don’t be scared, I’m here. Just

be yourself and bravely pursue the one you love. That’s enough.”

I’ve chased after him, but the result is full of scars. I can’t take it.” Evadne laughed bitterly, her eyes

fragile. “Born at the wrong time, loving the wrong person, I can no longer see the one I love in my heart.

I will not fall in love with anyone else.”

Cas sius frowned slightly, feeling that it wasn’t good for her to have such a deep understanding of life

and love at such a young age. So he changed his approach, chuckling lightly, “Don’t be so pessimistic.

You once loved Thaddeus so deeply, which means there are attractive aspects about him, he’s not

completely worthless, and your youth wasn’t wasted in vain. It’s just that between you two, there was a

lack of destiny.”

“Back then, I thought I had the highest standards, and the person I loved was incomparable. But now

looking back… ha, I’m more like the blindest person in the world…”

At this point, Evadne’s phone vibrated. Jason was calling.

“Jason, what’s up?” She answered the call,

“Miss! I finally got through to you. The signal is terrible over there!”

Jason swallowed, his voice slightly excited, “Check your phone! Go to the live stream! Glynnis held a

press conference. She publicly apologized to our hotel staff!”

“What?!” Evadne suddenly stood up, her gloomy face was gone, and her eyes widened, filled with

surprised light.

“Their press conference was called out of the blue, I guess the Abernathy Group wanted to get this

mess sorted out ASAP, to minimize the fallout. But now, the number of viewers in the live broadcast

has already exceeded five million and it’s still skyrocketing! If they feel embarra**ed, they should stick it

out and show some sincerity since they’ve started this. Geez, their stingy behavior doesn’t reflect the

style of a big corporation at all. They’re miles behind the K Group!”

Evadne’s eyes flashed, suddenly realizing sormething. The Abernathy Group’s attitude changed too




Yesterday, Glynnis was all set to go head-to-head with her, and now she was waving the white flag so

soon. Something must have happened in between, forcing her to change her mind.

Frederic had always treated Glynnis like the apple of his eye, and with Elspeth’s protection, there was

no way the Abernathy Group would let Glynnis be humiliated. So, who was putting on the pressure?

Could it be… him?

Evadne shook her head forcefully, trying to dismiss this thought, but in the Abernathy Group, other than

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Thaddeus, no one else could make Glynnis cave.

If it was him, why would he do this?

Evadne took a deep breath, quickly hung up the phone and entered the live broadcast.

At this moment, the live broadcast room was buzzing like a carnival, with numerous comments

covering Glynnis’ pale face!

And Glynnis was already standing on the stage, bowing to a crowd of reporters in a black dress. Her

face was pale yet somewhat flushed, like a ripe tomato, looking worn out.

“Haha, this is what you get! Big corporations can’t control everything, can they?!”

“Did Glynnis put on makeup? She’s wearing makeup for this? Has she lost her marbles? At least try to

look the part!”

“Sigh, is this the supposed dumb blonde?”

“Dumb is just dumb, a beauty? Kinda sorta!”

Evadne watched the screen filled with nasty comments, a wicked smile slowly appearing at the corner

of her mouth.

“Due to the loss of my personal belongings, I temporarily lost control and took out my anger on an

innocent hotel employee, causing her to have an epileptic seizure and almost making a big mistake. I

deeply regret this and apologize to the employee…”

Glynnis bowed, pretending to be pitiful, finally squeezing out a couple of tears after a long struggle.

“But like everyone else, I’m just a normal person, I have my bad days and times when I can’t control my

emotions. So I hope everyone won’t be too hard on me. These past few days. I’ve been subjected to

unprecedented online attacks, I haven’t been able to sleep properly, and I’m on the verge of breaking


“I admit my mistake, but I hope everyone can look at this matter rationally… don’t attack my family,

don’t insult them, please…”

“What a joke! Glynnis’ apology still feels like she’s acting!”

“You insult others and now play the victim, the one being insulted hasn’t even complained!”

“If it wasn’t for the netizens’ accusations, she wouldn’t have apologized to that girl! This matter could

have been swept under the rug!”

“Her remorse is so insincere, I can’t feel any sympathy for her!”

Evadne narrowed her eyes like a fox, her smile growing wider. Glynnis had always been the darling of

the Abernathy family, so today was undoubtedly her toughest day in twenty-five years. She must have

been upset, but she deserved it. If she surrendered so easily, that would be too boring.

Suddenly, another call came in, interrupting Evadne’s enjoyment of the live broadcast.