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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 396
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Chapter 396

Tums out that guy really did know her mom since childhood.

Agnes continued to ask, “Granny, is there any story between my mom and him?”

The old lady found Agnes quite odd, “Why are you suddenly interested in this?”

“Something happened recently that involves this guy. Granny, I want to know everything about him, and his

relationship with my mom. If you know anything, please

tell me.”

Agnes’ grandmother took a bite of her meal, put down her utensils, and let out a deep sigh, “Michael is just a small-

time hoodlum, an orphan since childhood, grew up in the only orphanage in town. He was always a troublemaker,

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often picked fights, and was frequently taken away by the police. But, he was pretty nice to your


Agnes was a bit surprised, “Didn’t you say that mom was very well behaved and gentle when she was young? How

could she be related to such a person?”

Speaking of this, the old lady was deeply impressed.

“I don’t know how they met. All I know is that one time, that little ruffian walked your mom home after school and

from that day on, he came by every day I thought he was pestering your mom, I chased him away several times,

even called the police, but he still came around to walk your mom home daily. Later, I found out that your mom had

run into some bullies after school, and Michael saved her. He walked her home every day to protect her. But I was

worried, after all, Michael was just an uneducated little hoodlum, I feared he might have ill intentions towards your

mom, I tried my best to stop their interactions, but to no avail. He persisted for three years, sending your mom to

school every day, and picking her up afterwards”

Listening to this, Agnes felt a complex mix of emotions.

Scenes of her mother’s youth flashed through her mind.

Her grandmother continued. “For those three years, Michael pretty much came around every day, sometimes he

even helped out with the farm work. I tried to shoo him away, but he wouldn’t leave. I thought your mom was too

shy to break things off with him because of her gentle personality, but later I found out that they were actually


Agnes was also shocked, “Was mom in a puppy love?”

“There’s no such thing as puppy love. At that time, your mom was already 18, the only college student in town, but

she insisted on going to a film school. The tuition for that school was very expensive, I sold all the cattle and sheep

at home and still couldn’t afford it. It was that little hoodlum who directly gavetwo thousand bucks, saying it was for

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your mom’s tuition”

Listening to this past story, Agnes felt like she had traveled back decades, as if she had experienced it herself.

That Michael must have really liked her mother.

“I initially refused to accept the money, I didn’t know how he got it, but he later assured me that it was money he

earned from hard work. Your mom eventually accepted the money with peace of mind, that’s when I realized that

they had been dating for a while, they were very close”

The old woman sighed deeply, “I was very anxious at that time. My elegant and beautiful daughter, how could she

fall for an uneducated little thug? They didn’t seem to match at all. Apart from being good-looking, I really couldn’t

see any other advantages he had. But one thing’s for sure, he was really good to your mom, very obedient.