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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 199
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Chapter 67

Reggie and Amari step into the room. I follow them, but Bronx holds me back.

"Kas, please be careful," his face is full of worry. He places his palm on my face and caresses my

cheek with his thumb. I can feel his worry flooding through me. I close my eyes to concentrate and

block it, hold my hands against his so he doesn’t pull away. Selfishly want to feel our mate bond for a


"I'll be back out here as soon as I'm done healing Ashley. No sooner, no later," I don't want to promise

him anything. I don't feel like right now is the time to be careful. It is a time for action. 1

He leans down and gives me a soft kiss, "I'll be right here waiting, Baby."

I give him one last look before I go back into Ashley's room. Amari has situated herself on the far side

of the bed. Reggie is holding Ashley's hand up to his mouth, kissing it. When he sees me, he moves to

the other side of the room with Ashley's mom. She rubs his back while they both watch with worry.

"Alright, Kas. Lay your hands as you normally would. Ashley, I am going to lay my hands on top of

your Luna's. Try to double her healing ability, if you will," Amari explains to the sleepy Ashley.

"Ashley, if you feel any pain, any discomfort at all, tell us right away," I nod while I speak to her.

"Okay. I will,” she smiles weakly.

I put her hands down at her sides for her and place one of my hands on her chest and the other on her

slightly bloated belly.

"So, how far along are you? I can’t believe I forgot to ask," I ask apologetically.

"A month and a half. We couldn't find a good time to tell you with everything that has been going on,"

she sounds apologetic herself. Typical Ashley, always worried about everyone else.

"Okay, well, let's make the next three and a half months comfortable in there for this pup, shall we?" I

giggle a little, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, let's," she smiles back.

I look up at Amari and nod, "Ready?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

'Yes," she says. It’s just one word, but it is calm and reassuring.

She places her hands overtop of mine and takes a deep breath. I feel her warm, calming energy flow into my

hands. Pure and white, mixing in with my impatient, rolling waves of energy. I close my eyes and take a deep

breath, focusing on Ashley.

I let Amari's energy fuse with mine. As I feel it, I am tempted to pull more from her, but it feels like it would be a

breach of trust to do so. I let my essence melt from my human form and flow into Ashley. I can sense her baby.

Katie feels tired and weak, but she doesn't want to give up. I start by giving both of them a boost to strengthen

them. It will be for them to deal with the intensity of the treatment.

When I am sure they are both stable, I spread myself further, down to their organs and tissue. I can sense I am

close to the source of the problem. I am drawn to the red blood cells being pumped through both of their hearts.

Focusing further, I become more disconnected from my body and becoming part of the universe with my energy

and essence. I'm finally able to get to the cellular level. I watch as the blood cells move around me.

Dark and damaged, not able to take in the oxygen they need. I try to reach into them, but the darkness doesn't


'You need to invoke your mysticism, Kas," I feel Amari's voice guiding me.

I look around at what I see. How do I do that? How do I pull this disease out of these cells? I reach out and rake my

energy through the cells, leaving a purple aura behind as I do. Bidding the aura to pull the darkened diseased spots

into the aura and back toward my physical form. I sense a minute change in Ashley's body. When I check on Katie,

there is a slight change in her, too. It’s working! 1

I perform the action again and look around, watching the cells swirl around me, getting lighter and lighter back to

the normal red color. As I continue, my purple aura becomes darker and choppier. I pull the damaged energy

back into my physical form and continue focusing on Ashley and Katie. Then I push positive, healing energy into her

and Katie’s essence, giving them strength to replace the darkness I am pulling from them. I rake my energy

through her again. Pushing the disease out of her cells, collecting it in my aura, and pushing healing energy to the

mother and baby. I keep going until there is no sign of the disease. 2

I pull my essence back slowly and carefully. As I become more complete, I feel something is different with the baby.

I focus on her. She seems happy and content, settled into her mommy's belly. Her energy is through the roof. I take

that as a good sign and continue to pull back to my body.

I finally open my eyes and look around. Amari’s hands are not on top of mine. She is standing back against the wall,

watching me with wide eyes.

"lokaste, y-you didn't...you're a...I," Amari stumbles over her words. I’m not sure when she removed herself from

our link, but she looks like she fears something.

I turn to Ashley. She is back to her normal color and her energy is back to how I'm used to seeing her. She has tears

running down her face.

"Did I hurt you? Why are you crying?" As I speak, I feel really nauseous, but I reach forward to wipe her tears.

"No Kas, I'm happy. You did it. I feel like a million bucks," She puts her hands over her mouth and sobs, looking over

at Reggie.

I turn to look at Reggie, but the motion makes me dizzy. I grab onto the railing of the bed and stumble backwards.

He rushes forward and catches me before I hit the ground. I hear Bronx run into the room, pulling me out of

Reggie's arms.

"Kas? Talk to me. Are you okay?" Bronx asks, fussing over me. I see his eye looking at me, but my vision is spinning,

so it's difficult to focus on him. I feel a trickle of sweat slide down my forehead as my nausea gets worse.

"I'm so dizzy. 1-1 think I'm gonna puke," I stammer. Without another word, Bronx picks me up and carries me into

the bathroom. Amari follows and closes the door behind us. 1

He sets me on the edge of the tub in front of the toilet. I feel the lurch of my stomach and lean forward, letting the

dark tarry contents of my

stomach out. Bronx holds my hair and rubs my back, soothing me. The sour, acidic taste coating my mouth makes

me feel sick all over again. My stomach heaves over and over until there's nothing left to throw up.

I lean back and close my eyes. I’m still dizzy, but completely drained of energy. Bronx takes me in his arms and I

feel him pull me into his lap.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"I've got you, Baby," he whispers against my forehead. I feel a warm washcloth being wiped against

my mouth and chin.

"Amari, what happened? When did you stop helping me?" I ask, my eyes are still closed, leaning

against Bronx's chest. 1

"Kas, I didn't expect...you've developed a new ability," I hear her saying, sounding shocked, "When we

first met, were...were you able to feel my ability? My energy?"

'Yeah, of course. It feels white and pure," My eyes feel like they have sandbags on them, but I open

them enough to look at her.

"What about when you met Tessa? Did you touch her? Shake her hand? It's important," Amari says

with a serious tone in her voice.

"I remember handing her a bag with her order and giving her a card so she could contact Ashley for

asylum here. But I didn't know she was my sister.

I thought she was running from someone who was hurting her. Now that you mention it, yeah, her

energy felt, umm, blue. Strict and angry. Ready to fight."

"And I know you probably don't remember, but our sister Cora also came in contact with you. How did

you feel when you came back from being abducted?"

"She wasn't hungry," Bronx recalls for me, "She was in the hospital wing when her eyes flashed red

and she shifted involuntarily. Once she did, Lex went hunting and ate probably a dozen rabbits. Saint

said it was a pretty wild night."

"Oh dear," Amari stands up and starts pacing the small bathroom and talking under her breath to


"What is it?" Bronx asks, looking concerned.

"We need to consult with Katherine about how we should handle this,"

Amari says, standing in front of US, wringing her hands.

"Handle what, exactly, Amari?” Bronx asks again, sounding a little more annoyed.

"Kas, it seems, umm, besides everything else, you have become an energy vampire."