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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 46
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Chapter 46


Planning one of the most infiuential couples in the US’s golden wedding

anniversary was enough distraction from this catastrophe 1 called my life.

Georgina was adamant about two things: the intimacy of the event, that no p

apara zzi should be able to invade their privacy and the location. She wanted to

hold the event in their Malibu mansion. That’s where the couples met, and on

their first wedding anniversary. Tomas bought the mansion for Georgina,

Lucky her, right?

Even after fifty years, Tomas still loved to surprise her. Our meeting was cut

short when Tomas walked into the restaurant. Georgina couldn’t hide her

excitement. He said he’d be in a business meeting, so he wouldn’t be able to

join our meeting when in fact, he planned a weekend getaway for them here in

Roslin City.

Before Georgina left, we promised to send our proposal by next week.

“I hate this job,” Andrea murmured. We were brainstorming the theme, food,

invitations, guest list and the program, ordering refills for our coffee. We

decided to finish the proposal draft here instead of returning to the office.

“What’s up with you?” She has been in a sour mood since yesterday. “Is

everything alright with you and


“Nick isn’t answering her calls, Candice butted in.

“Don’t even mention that devil’s name,” Andrea groaned, pulling her hair up in a

high ponytail harshly. That’s a sign she was stressed out. Her hair was her prized

possession and she would kill anyone who ruins it.

“Why?” I pressed, guilt creeping up my system. I’ve been so caught up with my

problems lately and I don’t know what’s going on with my friend’s life anymore.

“What happened?”

Andrea blew a heavy breath, and her fingers stopped hitting the keyboard of her

MacBook, her shoulders slumping. “I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m just so

freaking tired of all this drama with his club.””

My brows arched, curiosity slithering through my veins. I locked eyes with

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Candice. She shrugged. She knows very little of what’s going on with Andrea,


“Well, if you’re ready to talk, you know we’re here for you,” I said, my gaze falling

on my notes. “I’m sorry if I haven’t been around lately, but you know you can

talk to us about anything, right?”

Andrea’s eyes sl anted. “That statement goes to you as well, you know. How

could you hide everything fromand Candice?” Offended, she put a hand

over her ch*st for dramatic effect, her eyes going round. “You went through all



Silence befell on our table. I understand where they were coming from, but it

wasn’t easy forto tell them that a guy had assaultedtwice.

Then Andrea reached over the table for my hand, squeezing it. I’m mad you kept

things from me, but I’m always here for you.”

“You know what? Why don’t we go out and have fun this afternoon? Just the

three of us,” Candice piped in. “Since Georgina was satisfied with our initial

proposal, let’s finish this tomorrow and spend ttogether.”

Andre and I locked eyes. “No partying,” Candice insisted. “Damian would kill me

if I took you partying. But shopping? Ice cream?”

Andrea squealed, startling us, “Oh, ice cream. I could eat a pint right now.”

We giggled and took our freshly refilled coffee to go.


Chapter 46

“How about this one?” Andrea drew the curtain of the fitting booth, strutting out

in a green babydoll, the color complementing her tanned complexion and fiery

red hair;

“Da mn. I loved that color. Too bad it’s not available in a bigger size Candice

murmured, lifting a white and yellow mini dress in front of the full-length

mirror. “If you madewear green right now, I would look like an avocado. A

fat avocado,” she huffed.

Looking at her now, she indeed gained weight. The dress Andrea was wearing

was Candice’s first choice. The laced, low-cut n*eckline was S** y, but still

conservative. Andrea might be taller than her, but they’d been wearing the same

dress size.

“You did gain a few, Can. I commented. “Are you pregnant?”

That question tumbled past my l*ps languidly. I mean, she’s married, and it was

only high tfor them to have babies. I looked over my shoulder when Candice

didn’t reply, the color draining from her face.

“What?” Andrea asked.

Candice dropped on the nearest leather seat, clutching the dresses on her lap.

“Oh my Go d,” she gasped, pressing a hand on her forehead

“What?” I sat beside her. “You’re makingnervous.”

She put a hand over her mouth, her eyes misting. “I think I’m pregnant.

Andrea went to Candice’s other side. “You think? You drank to oblivion last


Candice’s eyes filled. “I’ve been so busy I forgot to ch*ck my calendar.” She

looked at me. “But now that you mentioned in. 1 should have had my period last


“Oh sh it.” I murmured.

“What if I’m really pregnant and something happens to our baby?” panic swirled

in her eyes.

“Wait,” I said. “Calm down, okay? First, we need to make sure you are really


“But what if

her voice rose and her l*ps trembled. I’ve never seen her so terrified. “What am I

gonna do?”

“Candice, babe, snap out of it!” Andrea cupped Candice’s face. “First, let’s get out

of these dresses and go to the nearest pharmacy. There’s no point in panicking!”

“You’re panicking too.” I rolled my eyes. “Listen. Once we assure you’re really

with a baby, we will go to the doctor and make sure your baby is fine.”

Candice heaved a huge chunk of air in. “Okay. Okay. Get out of this dress.

Pharmacy. Okay.” She combed her fingers through her hair. “Oh, my Go d!”

“Is it tyet?” Andrea asked, her heels tapping against the fioor

“You asked that five seconds ago, Andrea,” I groaned, and will you please stop

marching? You’re making Candice more anxious than she already is

“I can’t help it!” Andrea jabbed back, glaring at the two teenagers who entered

the mall ladies’ room. They gasped and scurried back out the door.

Candice e sat on the counter while I stood beside her, the pregnancy test was on

my side. Candice kept peeking at it like a child waiting for the cookie to be done

in the oven, so I had to put myself between her and the kit.


09:29 Sat, Feb 10

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Chapter 46

“I set the alarm on my phone, remember?” I reminded them. “So we wait.”

“Talk about something,” Candice said. “Tell us what happened to you and Nick.”

Andrea paused and faced us with a s harp glare. “Why me? Why can’t Millie tell

us what really happened to her?” I stiffened, and Candice pinned Andrea with an

a re yo u f ucking serious’ frown.

“Okay.” Andrea raised her hand. “That’s a bit insensitive, but why me? Ugh!” She

took a deep breath, glowering.

“You guys know that Nick’s in a motorcycle club, right? And motorcycle gang

wars are always messy. He toldto stay put in Roslin City for now, said it’s for

my safety, but he won’t givedetails why my life would be in danger. I hate all

these secrets” She walked towards Candice’s other side, her voice turning soft.

“So I gave him an ultimatum. He needs to telleverything, or we’re over.”

“And he chose to end it instead of telling you the truth?” Candice asked.

Andrea nodded. “Now I’m feeling sh itty for giving him an ultimatumn. I knew

the risk of dating someone like him. I just hate that he shutsout whenever

something like this happens. Go d! I’m not sfragile Disney princess he

needs to keep locked in a tower every ts hit goes down!”

*Secrets do that, I supplied. “But I realize that sometimes we keep secrets from

the people we love to protect them.”

“I get that, but if this relationship will be long term, he needs to letin on all

the gory details of his job.” Andrea sighed. “I needed him to ctoand

realize that if he wants to keep, he needs to tells hit. But waiting sucks.

What if he doesn’t really see a future with me?”

Only Nick knows that, Andrea,” Candice murmured.

I hummed a yes. I wanted to tell Andrea otherwise, but what good will that do?

That’s the most annoying part. The ball is in his court. But I won’t wait forever

for him- The beeping of my phone cut off Andrea’s next statement.

Candice and Andrea stared at me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as I

checked the pregnancy test, gasping when I saw two lines on the testing
