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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 242
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Chapter 0242

“That’s not possible. Emma could never do something like this.” Travis defends his sister.

Sure, he was pissed at her, but when it came down to it, she was still his baby sister. He

would defend her with everything that he had.

“Son, in my line of work, anything is possible,” Brian says tonelessly.

He then takes out a note book and begins scribbling down something. It’s only for a few

minutes before

he looks up at us.

“But seriously, Emma wouldn’t hurt her; sure, she and Ava don’t see eye to eye, but she

would never hurt her,” Travis insists, while the rest just stay quiet.

I want to believe that Emma wouldn’t do something like this, but I wasn’t sure any more.

The woman who came back months ago isn’t the same woman who left years ago.

She was filled with so much anger and hatred towards Ava. So much so that she would

threaten a child and make up F***ing lies just to get Ava in trouble.

“I’m not saying that she did it, all I’m saying is that she’s a suspect,” Brian clarifies.

“Hatred and anger are pretty strong motives to have someone killed as some sort of

revenge. It’s also not coincidental that Ava’s shooting happened not less than three weeks

after she revealed Emma’s big secret. One that she had gone to great lengths to hide.”

Looking at things, everything pointed to Emma. She’s the only one Ava has had a falling

out with recently, and given the strenuous relationship, it’s easy to see how Emma could

have snapped and hired someone

to kill Ava.

I look at Travis; he looks like he has been struck by lightning. I see it in his eyes. He

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regrets why he opened his mouth, because he might have just gotten his sister in trouble.

“What about Reaper?” I ask, remembering he had targeted Ava and Emma.

“Yeah, I considered him, but for some odd reason, I feel like he isn’t behind this. His beef is

with you. Sure, he kidnapped Ava and Emma, but from those of his men we captured that

day, he was just messing with you. He didn’t plan on killing them–well, Ava, that is. He

didn’t plan on killing her. He specifically told them not to lay a hand on Ava or he would slit

their throats.”

I’m surprised at that little piece of information, but I don’t show it.

“That’s odd,” I mutter as I feel my brows pull together.

“Definitely. Even more weird is that the man who hit Ava died in prison under mysterious

circumstances,” he adds. “Anyway, as I was saying, his target is you. It has always been

you. I believe that if he ever get his revenge, he’ll either kill you or ruin your business.”

Both Gabe and I snort in unison. The bastard can try, but he won’t succeed in ruining my

company. Many have tried. Fuck. Even the Howell’s did try, and they still failed. As for

killing me, well, we’ll just have to


“So you honestly don’t believe it was him?” Nora asks in a small voice.

“Yes. Whoever shot Ava had a grudge with her. A huge one. It’s in the way he or she shot

her. Reaper has

no grudge with Ava so he wouldn’t go after her the way this person or people did.”

He confirmed what I had already suspected. Whoever shot at Ava wanted her dead. That is

the reason for

the multiple shots. He or she didn’t want her to escape death.

“What about the number plate of the SUV they used?” Theo looks like he has aged so

much in the few

hours we’ve been here.

“Nothing on it. They took out the plate, so we only know that it was black,” Brian sighs.

“There are

probably thousands of black SUVs in this city.”

We stay silent for a while. Each of us is lost in our own thoughts. There was so much going

on in my head that I could barely think straight.

I pushed all of those thoughts to the back of my head. What matters is Ava’s health. I can

deal with who wanted her dead after she recovers.


“Okay, I’ll leave you all and go back to the station.” Brian breaks the silence. “For now, I’ll

advise you make sure not too many people know she’s alive. The last thing we need is

whoever is after her coming back to finish the job, though I’ll send two officers to guard

the door to her room, just in case.”

I nod my head, and Gabe leads him out.

“I’ll call our contacts, and you call yours,” Theo says. “Let’s make sure word of her being

alive doesn’t get out until she’s out of danger.”

“Yes.” I agree.

I take my phone and begin making calls.

This was sure as hell going to be a long night.

I wake up to someone tapping my shoulder.

Fuck. I had slept in an uncomfortable angle and now my back and neck hurt like a bitch.

I open my eyes to find that it’s already morning. I look up to find an older nurse staring at

me with a warm

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“Morning, Mr. Woods, I just wanted to inform you that I’ll be Miss Ava’s nurse.

I give her what I think resembles a smile, but I can’t really be sure.

“You can call me Rowan.”

I look at

t her room door and find the two officers still there. We had been transferred to the ICU


room sometime during the night.

“Okay then. My name is Rosa,” she says, kindness radiating from her. “Is there anything I

can get you?”

“No, but thank you.” I don’t think I can stomach anything right now. “When can we see

Ava and the baby?”

She looks down and checks her watch. “In about two hours or so. That’s when visiting

hours start.”

I nod my head and thank her. By the time she leaves, all the rest are already up. Some

looked confused at

first, until yesterday’s events hit them.

“What did the nurse want?” Nora asks.

“She just wanted to introduce herself as Ava’s nurse,” I mumble.

My thoughts were jumbled, and I was bone tired. Maybe I should have asked her for coffee

and maybe some breakfast since I haven’t eaten a F***ing thing since yesterday.

“Did she say when we could see the baby and Ava?”

I was about to answer her when someone entering the waiting room caught my attention.

Maybe it’s the fact that I didn’t sleep much last night, but it takes a while for my brain to


The minute his face registers, my face shuts down and hardens. You’ve got to be F***ing

kidding me. What the hell was Reaper doing here?