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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 240
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Chapter 0240

“What do you mean she sl*pped into a coma?” Theo asks with an unmistakable tremble in

his voice.

My heart was once again thudding against my ribcage. It felt like it wanted to punch a

whole right through my F***ing chest.

I try to think clearly, but it’s like my brain can’t function. Time slowed down as the doctor

spoke. All I

heard was a ringing in my ear.

I stumble back and fall on the seat I had vacated. Gabe and my dad put their hands on

me, but I shake them off. I didn’t want their comfort. I wanted the doctor to tell me that

the surgery had been a success

and that in a few hours Ava would wake up.

ch, and “She had a total of four bullets. One hit her head, the second hit her chest, the

third hit her stomach, the final one hit her thigh. We were able to remove three of them

successfully, except for the one in her skull. It was lodged too deep and removing it would

have killed her.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Fuck. I don’t know what to feel or think about that. He is telling us that Ava will have to

live with a bullet stuck in her head. How is any of that fair? She was okay this morning

before things took a turn for the


‘At least she’s alive,‘ a voice whispers.

I ignore it. She was alive, but would she stay alive? That was the main F***ing question.

“We were able to stop the bleeding, both internal and external. We, however, had to drill

her skull to drain. fluid, which helped with the swelling in her brain. She flat–lined twice.

It’s after the second time that she

sl*pped into a comma. For now, she’s in ICU.”

If I thought nothing could hurt me worse than seeing Ava get shot, then I was wrong.

Hearing that we

almost lost her twice destroyed me. It is like being stabbed by a thousand sharp knives. I

wouldn’t wish

anyone this F***ing pain. Not even my worst enemy.

“Will she wake up?” I breathe hoarsely. “Will she be able to make a full recovery?”


“At this point, we can’t really say. This isn’t an induced coma, and we can’t assure you that

she’ll wake up in a few days. She might wake up tomorrow, in a few days, in a few months,

or she might not wake up at all. For now, we’ll give it a few days to see whether she’ll

wake up.”

The possibility that she might not wake up nearly brought me to my knees.

I push those thoughts away. I can’t think like that. She’s strong; she’ll wake up. In a few

F***ing days, she’ll be up, glaring and snapping at me.

“What about the bullet in her brain? Will living with it have any effect on her?” Nora asks

as tears run down

her cheek.

I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this must be for her. I can’t ever imagine facing

the likelihood of losing Noah. It’s just too much to even think about.

“There are some who live perfectly normal lives, and there are others who are affected.

She might have trouble remembering things, have speech and hearing issues, or have

trouble recognizing words, letters, and numbers. These are just a few things that might be

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

affected by the kind of injury to her brain. Right now, we can’t say for sure. We have to

wait for her to wake up.”

If she wakes up.

He doesn’t say the words verbally, but it’s in the way he looks at us. The uncertainty is in

his eyes.

Nora nods as more tears fall down her face. Theo pulls her into his arms and hugs her

close to his chest. The strong couple I know is nowhere to be seen. The only ones standing

in their place are two concerned,

heartbroken parents.

“Since it’s already past visiting hours, you’ll have to come back tomorrow, and even then,

we will only allow one person in the room with her. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll take my


We nod at him, and he leaves just as mom comes back with the boys.

Noah immediately comes to me, while Gunner goes to his father.

“What did the doctor say? Is mom okay?” He looks up at me with hope, shinning his eyes.

This is the hard part of being a parent. Knowing whether to tell your kid the F***ing truth

or lie to them. Should I tell him that the doctors aren’t really sure his mother will wake up

from the coma, or should I lie

and tell him that she’s okay?