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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 151
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Chapter 0151

“Wait a damn minute, I haven’t agreed to this damn idea”

Letty speaks, totally ignoring me. “We should do an extensive research, I suggest that

since Ava hasn’t had them before she’s the one to buy all the top notch brands and try

them. Her input as a total virgin to S** toys will help us evaluate what’s lacking in them

and how we can improve and make ours better”

Corrine nods her head. Grinning at the idea. I could tell she was feeling really good right

now. I wasn’t,

given I was going to be sort of their lab rat.

“Do I have a say in all these?” I ask in irritation.

“Not really. We’re going to make you lots of money so…” Letty leaves the sentence


“You do realize I don’t really need the money. I am loaded”

She just shrugs her shoulders before brushing me off. “Doesn’t really matter, besides,

weren’t you the one that said you needed something new? A challenge? Well here it is. It

will keep you busy without really

tiring you out”

I think about it for a while before sighing. I mean, how bad can things get, right?

“Fine” I sigh in defeat.

They both squeal in excitement. Hugging me close to them. Squashing the breath out of


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Seeing them so excited made excitement rise inside me. I haven’t had any in a while,

maybe this will

bring some life back into my soul.


“Now that we have that out of the way, I have something to ask you, Ava” Letty says as

we break from


I look at her in question before nodding my head. “Go ahead”

“Who is Calvin?”

I’m surprised at her question because I haven’t told them anything about Calvin, Besides,

after that day I

haven’t seen him again. Gunner comes to my house almost everyday, but I haven’t seen

his dad.

“He’s my new neighbor. How do you know about him?”

“Well, Travis told me about him” she pauses and I frown more confused about how Travis

knows about


“Apparently at the get together, Noah mentioned him. He actually did more than mention

him. He told Rowan that Calvin made you happy and he wouldn’t mind if you and him

married and gave him and Calvin’s son more siblings. Travis said that Rowan blew a


“Seriously?” Corrine asks with wide eyes.

“Yes. Travis said he was so jealous that he almost broke the table in half at hearing that”

Letty added with

a grin.

I laugh. I laugh so hard that my stomach cramps. 1

I couldn’t believe what she was saying. It all seemed insane that Noah would try to make

his father

jealous. It was even more crazy that Rowan would be jealous.

Do you know how absurd that is? If there was someone who wouldn’t care whether I

F***ed the entire

male population it would be Rowan.

“That was a joke right?” I ask her after I stop laughing.

It had to be a joke. The only one Rowan has ever been jealous over was Emma. He was

not jealous over

me and he never will be.

“It isn’t. Travis is even questioning Rowan’s feelings when it comes to you” Letty insists.

“Why is it hard for you to believe that Rowan was jealous?” Corrine asks curiously.

“Because I know him. He would never be jealous. He was probably just angry that Noah

keeps trying to push us to get back together.” I tell Corrine before turning to face Letty.

“As for Travis, please assure him that there’s nothing going on. When his sister came back

he asked me not to get in the way of Rowan and Emma getting their happy ever after and

so far I’ve done exactly that”

“I don’t think that’s it. I think he too is probably starting to realize he might have been

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wrong about you and Rowan. I think it’s starting to sink in that Rowan might have feelings

for you” Letty whispers.

I still remember the warning Travis gave me at the hospital after Emma arrived. He was

probably worried that I was getting in the way and that his sister wouldn’t get her happy

ever after.

“The only feelings Rowan Woods ever had for me is hate. No one can convince me

otherwise. What you’re all saying is insane. You can’t hate someone for nine years then all

of a sudden develop some positive feelings for them. It’s impossible”

It’s possible if the feelings were already developed inside him but he didn’t know or

acknowledge them” Coltine put in.

I shake my head in refusal. I was starting to get annoyed by them.


“No Letty, just drop the F***ing subject. I don’t want to hear about Rowan okay? Even if he

magically developed feelings for me, which I doubt, don’t you think it’s already too late?”


Letty doesn’t answer and Corrine looks down at the table. The mood was soured and now I

just wanted

to go home and forget all about this Rowan nonsense.

Why couldn’t they just let this go? Why were they insisting on something that isn’t there?

They were

insane if they believe all that bullshit. I knew Rowan and I know he has nothing but

resentment for me.

I shake my head to clear my mind. I wasn’t going to dwell on what they said. My focus now

was on my

children, foundation and this absurd new business we were starting.

Rowan was in the past and he’ll remain there. I don’t see that ever changing.