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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 618
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Chapter 618 Nobody Can Protect Elise Anymore

In the Elite Class, Sophie was growing impatient from waiting until the door finally opened, and her eyes

lit up. Sure enough, Martin walked in with Leon.

As soon as Martin entered the door, his gaze locked onto the back of the classroom. “Miss Sinclair,

someone reported that you were fighting on Snack Street not long ago. Is that true?”

Sophie gloated inwardly, but she still pretended to be innocent and said to the boy with glasses next to

her, “I didn’t expect that someone quiet like Elise is actually a gangster. You really can’t judge a book by

its cover, don’t you think?”

However, the boy with glasses didn’t bother humoring her at all. He glanced at her and retorted, “Mr.

Kamp has been targeting Goddess Elise for a long time. Maybe he’s just causing trouble for no reason


Sophie’s expression froze. Did this person become stupid from studying too much? How could he blindly

support Elise without knowing what happened?

“Elise led a gang fight? Are you alright? She didn’t even look nervous when I was answering the


“It must be another false alarm.”

“Ugh, why does Mr. Kamp trouble Elise all day long? To be honest, this kind of teacher is the most

annoying kind.”

Sophie’s face turned red with anger. She couldn’t believe that these people were willing to stand on

Elise’s side and refused to listen to Martin, a reputable teacher who had been hired by Tissote University

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with a huge amount of money!

There was a look of dissatisfaction on Sheldon and Elliot’s faces, and they turned to look at Elise to ask if

she needed help. However, Elise shook her head impassively, motioning them to remain calm.

Seeing that the students were getting restless, Martin hurriedly walked to the rostrum and picked up the

cane, tapping it on the table twice. “Quiet down!”

At that, the chatter stopped.

Leon leaned over. He covered his mouth with his hand, pretending to cough while he whispered, “We

don’t know the truth yet, so just ask Elise to come out alone. It isn’t ideal to discuss this in front of


“No, Mr. Haas. Elise is a very cunning person. We can’t give her time to react. We must find out the truth


Saying that, Martin ignored Leon holding him back and connected Sophie’s phone to the projector using

Bluetooth before he played the video. As the video played, the originally quiet classroom burst out in

chatters again.

Sophie leaned over again and asked the boy in glasses in a gloating tone, “Now that the truth is

presented before you, do you still think Elise is innocent?”

The boy stared at the video on the projector intently and pushed his glasses up. With a look of adoration,

he said to himself, “Was my goddess always this cool?”

Sophie was confused. Cool? Men in science really have a strange way of looking at things.

The other students couldn’t help but cast concerned glances at Elise.

“I can’t believe Elise actually fought people like a gangster. Is she going to be expelled?”

“I can’t believe she’s actually a part of a gang. I read a once where the popular girl was actually a

mafia leader. Look, it became a reality!”

“Huh? What kind of s are you reading?”

“Is this the time to talk about that?”

Seeing the chaos that ensued, Leon couldn’t directly speak up to defend Elise, so he could only try to

control the situation by playing dumb. “This is the only video we have right now, and there isn’t any

sound. We cannot confirm that Miss Sinclair is in the wrong…”

However, before he could finish speaking, Sophie stood up with a clatter.

“Mr. Haas, the truth has been revealed. What else is there to say? Aren’t you just trying to defend Elise?

If word gets out that students of this school deliberately hurt people, who else would dare to study at

Tissote University? As for the rest of us, I’m afraid that we’ll be criticized when we go out as well.”

Sophie was persistent in her pestering. “Elise is a liberal arts top student. If you wouldn’t let anything

happen to her, would you let us science students be ostracized by others?”

Leon’s palms were sweating at her words. Of course he didn’t want that. Elise was his student, and so

were the others. He didn’t want any student to be harmed. However, if he didn’t make a decision now

that things had come to this, once the credibility of the school’s leaders was questioned, the school’s

reputation would be in crisis, and Tissote University would become the focus of public opinion. By then,

the issue would snowball into something that couldn’t be solved simply by expelling a student.

On the other hand, Sophie was still tirelessly trying to stir the relationship between Elise and Leon. Leon

knew that he couldn’t wait any longer.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then looked at Elise and asked solemnly, “Miss Sinclair, was

it you who broke the boy’s leg in the video?”

“It is,” Elise admitted calmly.

The crowd burst into an uproar.

Seizing the chance, Martin urged, “Mr. Haas, Elise has admitted it. You can expel her from Tissote

University now!”

With a sigh, Leon lowered his gaze and nodded in acquiescence.

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As though he had won the lottery, Martin became energetic in an instant. He parted his lips, about to ask

Elise to get out, but he came to a halt right before he spoke. Every time he tried to put Elise on the spot,

Kenneth would definitely show up. Could he have heard the news in advance again this time? No, he

had just reminded Sophie not to speak out, and after looking for Leon, he went straight to the classroom.

It was impossible for Kenneth to know.

Still, Martin turned his head and glanced at the door of the classroom. Fortunately, the entrance was

empty, and there was no trace of Kenneth, let alone Elise’s husband. No one could defend her anymore!

Martin’s heart was full of glee and he puffed out his chest, announcing loudly, “Miss Sinclair, in violation

of the school rules, you are required to drop out of school. Please pack up now and leave the Elite


Elise raised an eyebrow impassively. “I only admitted that I hit that person. Did I say that I was leaving?”

“It’s not up to you whether you leave or not!” Martin roared.

“Oh? It isn’t up to me, but is it up to you, Mr. Kamp? I didn’t know that Tissote University was now owned

by foreign teachers.” Elise had never wanted to start trouble with Martin and was just going to tolerate

everything. However, since he found her presence so intolerable, she would make her stand.

“That’s right, Mr. Kamp. You don’t have to be so impatient. Miss Sinclair still has something to say, so

why not let her finish?” Leon didn’t really want to expel Elise after all. In any case, he was still the

principal, and Martin couldn’t just do whatever he wanted.

After a pause, he looked at Elise gently. “Miss Sinclair, just say whatever you have to say. You don’t have

to hold back!”

After thinking for a moment, Elise looked directly into Martin’s eyes and said, “In the whole classroom,

only Mr. Kamp and Sophie firmly believe that I broke the law and committed a crime. I have a question

for you then: If we get to the bottom of this matter and it turns out that you’ve misunderstood me, can I

ask you to leave this school as well?”