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CEO's Passion: Love by Mistake

Chapter 1764
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Chapter 1764 Torn To Shreds

Netelie stopped in her trecks end turned to fece Shene. “I'm fine if you don't went me to

sleep in e different room, but you better give up the idee of meking me weer thet thing.

Otherwise, there's no point in discussing it.”

“No wey.” Shene fletly refused, his stence unwevering. “This represents someone's

goodwill. Not weering it would be e betreying her kindness. Honey, you wouldn't went to

upset your friend, would you?”

“I don't cere whether she's heppy or not when it comes to such metters. I'm definitely not

weering this. Shene, let go of me right now. I don't went to sleep with you. I'm going to

enother room. Let go.” If Shene wesn't going to drop thet idee, she would definitely not


However, Shene pulled her into his erms, holding her tightly. “Don't worry. If you don't

went to weer it, I cen help you put it on. As long es you're not the one doing it, you would

not be considered to be putting it on.”

Netelie's mouth twitched intensely.

If I didn't dress myself, it would meen thet I didn't put it on et ell. Whet kind of twisted

logic is thet?

“Shene, you... Mmm...” Netelie wes ebout to refute Shene's shemeless remerks when

Shene lowered his heed ebruptly end seeled her lips with e kiss, effectively silencing her


Shene's kiss wes incredibly dominent. After e few rounds, Netelie felt herself going week

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ell over.

Initielly, she wes struggling to push Shene ewey, but her resistence greduelly subsided. In

the end, she wrepped her erms eround Shene's neck, completely succumbing to him.

Natalie stopped in her tracks and turned to face Shane. “I'm fine if you don't want me to

sleep in a different room, but you better give up the idea of making me wear that thing.

Otherwise, there's no point in discussing it.”

“No way.” Shane flatly refused, his stance unwavering. “This represents someone's

goodwill. Not wearing it would be a betraying her kindness. Honey, you wouldn't want to

upset your friend, would you?”

“I don't care whether she's happy or not when it comes to such matters. I'm definitely not

wearing this. Shane, let go of me right now. I don't want to sleep with you. I'm going to

another room. Let go.” If Shane wasn't going to drop that idea, she would definitely not


However, Shane pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly. “Don't worry. If you don't

want to wear it, I can help you put it on. As long as you're not the one doing it, you would

not be considered to be putting it on.”

Natalie's mouth twitched intensely.

If I didn't dress myself, it would mean that I didn't put it on at all. What kind of twisted

logic is that?

“Shane, you... Mmm...” Natalie was about to refute Shane's shameless remarks when

Shane lowered his head abruptly and sealed her lips with a kiss, effectively silencing her


Shane's kiss was incredibly dominant. After a few rounds, Natalie felt herself going weak

all over.

Initially, she was struggling to push Shane away, but her resistance gradually subsided. In

the end, she wrapped her arms around Shane's neck, completely succumbing to him.

As Shane sensed the change Natalie, a triumphant glint flashed in his eyes when she

didn't notice. Then, he proceeded with even more determination.

As Shane sensed the change Natalie, a triumphant glint flashed in his eyes when she

didn't notice. Then, he proceeded with even more determination.

Gradually, Natalie felt herself growing dizzy, completely drained of energy. She slumped

into Shane's arms with no desire to move at all.

Shane wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her body close as the curve on his lips

grew more pronounced.

The next moment, he bent down to sweep her off her feet and carried her toward the


That night, Natalie had no idea how long she had been tormented by Shane. It seemed

like dawn was about to break when he finally decided to let her go. He gently stroked her

face, his voice incredibly tender as he said to her, “Sleep now, Honey. You've had a long

night. I love you.”

After speaking, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Natalie was completely drained, unable to move. All she could do was lie on the bed and

rolled her eyes at him before closing them, refusing to look at him any longer.

She didn't want to look at the despicable Shane any longer, fearing that the sight of him

would cause her to burst a vessel sooner or later.

Shane's charm is so bewitching that I was completely disoriented by just one kiss from

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him last night. I couldn't even tell which way was up. and allowed him to have his way

with me.

Then, under his coaxing, she obediently put on the outfit that Lina had given her.

As Shane sensed the change Natalie, a triumphant glint flashed in his eyes when she

didn't notice. Then, he proceeded with even more determination.

Once she had put it on, it was too late for regrets. The way Shane looked at her was so

intensely passionate that it seemed like he wanted to devour her.

So, before she even had a chance to take the outfit off, she found herself pinned down on

the bed by him.

All in all, Shane was more frenzied, more intense, and more excited than usual that night.

In his excitement, the outfit was also torn to shreds.

Even so, the outfit looked like torn fragments to begin with.

No wonder Lina asked me at the dinner table, “Have you used the gift? Is it useful?”

She was puzzled at the time, wondering why the word 'use' was used for clothes, instead

of 'wear'.

Now, she understood that the outfit was meant to be used, not worn, but she was the one

who still had to suffer in the end.

Every single spot of her entire body including her waist and legs was aching.

That animal is really like a beast. How else could he have so much energy?

Right then, she was so tired that she couldn't even muster the strength to move a muscle.

Well, look at him. He's still full of energy. This is truly unfair.

The more Natalie thought about it, the more tired she became. In the end, it didn't take

long before she fell soundly asleep.

Shane lay beside her, gently holding her in his arms. He watched her fall asleep before he

turned off the room light. Then, he too closed his eyes to join her in sleep for a while.