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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 The Coctail Event

With that thought in mind, I called Ivanna and asked about the coat. She exclaimed, “Oh, I

forgot it’s still at the dry cleaners!”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll pick it up myself,” I hung up and was about to get up when I

remembered not having Atlas’s number.

I sat back down and searched for it on my laptop but failed. I couldn’t find a trace of Atlas.

It seemed he wasn’t a significant figure at ATL Empire. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be this


As I recall, his presence and charisma were extraordinary. However, for a company as big

as ATL Empire, anyone they hired wouldn’t be lacking.

Before I could figure out how to get Atlas’s number, I received a call from Matthew, asking

me to come to

his office.

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When I arrived, I realized he wanted me to cross–reference the information from my last

visit to ATL

Empire. I explained things to him, ensuring we left no stone unturned. After all, this was a

significant deal,

and Tanum Corporation was my brainchild.

I couldn’t allow any actions that contradicted Tanum Corporation’s development. I

specifically reminded

Matthew to focus on the exclusive new product line.

Before I could finish explaining. Johnson entered and reported to Matthew. He mentioned

an industry

association cocktail event after receiving an invitation and a attendees list.

I glanced at the list and hatched a brilliant plan. It was an excellent opportunity since

many major companies were on the list, so I volunteered to accompany Matthew to the

event. Although he wasn’t

keen on the idea, I insisted on broadening my horizons.

He eventually relented, and we attended the event together.

I rarely attended such gatherings in the past, often leaving the public appearances to

Matthew. After all,

he was the head of the family in my eyes, and I was content to remain in the background.

Still, he was no longer the same Matthew I knew. I couldn’t afford to let go of any

opportunities that

allowed me to connect with this industry.

At the event, I spotted Atlas. He carried himself well, not less impressive than the portly

CEOs present. He stood beside an elegant middle–aged man, conducting himself with

composed grace.

I discreetly inquired and discovered that the middle–aged man was Nick Wright, the

General Manager of ATL Empire’s Genovia headquarters. He was the key figure who

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

should’ve appeared during the bidding


I chuckled because it meant Atlas might be his assistant or something similar.

Many clients I recognized attended the event, maintaining long–standing relationships.

They seized the opportunity and asked about my retreat over the years.

I stood beside Matthew, playing the role of a doting wife. I mentioned I had been focused

on family life.

Meanwhile, Matthew was charming and treated me with care. Although our company

wasn’t large, his charisma and demeanor held their own against anyone. He chatted and

laughed, his manner polished. 1

Still, looks could be deceiving.

Just as we put on a public display of affection, Atlas followed Nick toward me with a glass

of wine. His

deep gaze swept the crowd, finally settling on me.