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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3249
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Chapter: 3249

It’s just that the trapped dragon rope is too rare. Looking at the entire world, there are

only a handful of them.

And the owners are all top sects.

They really didn’t expect that an unknown woman would have such a treasure.

What is the origin of the other party?

“Stop looking, it’s important to help your senior brother.” Li Qingcheng urged.

“Oh yes, yes…”

Several Golden Blade Sect disciples woke up from a dream and did not dare to hesitate at

the moment. They immediately rushed forward with the trapping dragon rope and quickly

tied up the frantic Feng Yao Wuhua.

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Although Feng Yao was extremely powerful, he had no ability to resist in front of the

trapped dragon rope that could tie up the Grand Master.

Zoe Tay Teaches Lee Ah Mooi

Old Age Home Residents…

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After being tied up, no matter how hard he struggled or howled, it was all to no avail.

“hang up!”

The disciples of the Golden Knife Sect worked together to pull Feng Yao directly to the

tree, leaving him unable to move without any support.

“so close!”

Seeing this scene, Shi Hao couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief.

He already clearly felt that his strength was exhausted. If he continued to fight, his life

would probably be in danger.

“Ho! Roar! Roar!”

Feng Yao, hanging in the air, kept struggling and roaring.

The veins on his face protruded, his physique increased again, and the muscles all over

his b*dy were stretched to the extreme.

Cracks spread all over the b*dy.

At first glance, it looks like an inflated ball.

“No! He’s going to blow himself up! Get out of the way!”

Shi Hao’s expression changed and he quickly pulled the Golden Blade Sect disciple back.

However, only halfway back, there was a loud “bang” sound, and Feng Yao’s b*dy

suddenly exploded.

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Zoe Tay Teaches Lee Ah Mooi

Old Age Home Residents…

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A terrifying energy wave, centered on the explosion point, swept away in all directions.

Wherever it passes, the hurricane roars and the dust is flying, like a landslide and a

tsunami, it is unstoppable.

Zoe Tay Teaches Lee Ah Mooi

Old Age Home Residents…

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