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We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 Who’s the President’s Wife? 

“I’m sorry. Mr. Ramsey.” Alexa held her breath and said, “I’ll be careful.” 

Terrence tapped the table with his slender fingers from time to time. The atmosphere in

the huge 

meeting room was terribly quiet. 

Even Tiana couldn’t help but feel nervous. 

Alexa closed her laptop and was ready to be kicked out. 

“Be careful next time,” Terrence said indifferently. 

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Alexa as if she was a monster. 

They all thought, who is this girl? 

How can Mr. Ramsey forgive her? 

“I will.” 

Obviously, Alexa was also frightened. She almost lost her pen when she was writing 

Terrence never picked up his phone again, and she didn’t reply to his message. 

Alexa stood behind him and watched him in silence. Her heart was still beating fast. 

Terrence, wherever he went, was always the focus of attention. 

The meeting ended soon. Alexa stood up and was about to leave Terrence. 

But Tiana took her directly to Terrence. 

“Mr. Ramsey, I’m sorry. It’s our fault,” Tiana said in neither a humble nor pushy tone. “It’s

my fault that I didn’t tell her what she should do. Please punish us.” 

Terrence didn’t say a word. He just looked at Alexa behind Tiana. 

She lowered her head and refused to look at him. 

Although Alexa was not angry, Terrence could feel that she was secretly resisting him. 

“It doesn’t matter. One mistake is tolerable for newcomers,” Terrence said gently. He

didn’t mean 

to blame them. 

“Thank you, Mr Ramsey.” 

Tiana reminded Alexa in a calm voice. 

Alexa said reluctantly, 

Thank you, Mr. Ramsey.” 

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“You’re welcome.” 

The crisis was finally solved. After leaving the meeting room, Tiana lectured Alexa all the


Alexa looked at her innocently, which softened Tiana’s heart immediately. 

“You…” Tiana said helplessly. “Fortunately, Mr. Ramsey didn’t blame you. You’re lucky.

Send the meeting report to Mr. Ramsey.” 


Alexa especially touched up on her makeup to encourage herself. Then she went to


office with some documents. 

Unfortunately, Terrence was not busy with work now, but leisurely sitting on the sofa and



Alexa tensed up and walked toward his desk stiffly. 

“Mr. Ramsey, I’ll put the files on the table for you.” 

Alexa tried her best to make her words emotionless, but Terrence kept staring at her,

which made her feel guilty. 

There was a rustling sound behind her. Alexa turned around in fear. 

Terrence appeared at the door, and it was closed. 

“What are you doing?” Alexa realized something was wrong and stepped back


“You haven’t answered my question yet.” Terrence approached her slowly. “Chocolate and

flowers, do you like them?” 

“I don’t know.” 

“You don’t know?” Terrence frowned and chuckled. “Why don’t you know?” 

“I have given them to my colleague. Do you want some, Mr. Ramsey?” Alexa asked

deliberately with a smile on her face. 

Terrence’s eyes twinkled, and he easily grabbed her wrist. 

“Can you give me what I want 

“Let me go “Alexa frowned, “I have to go back to work.” 


Terrence pulled hard, and Alexa staggered a few steps. Then she fell into his arms and was


from behind. 

Looking at the arms around her waist, Alexa felt her whole body burning. 


She shouted at him angrily. She resisted for a while and soon gave up struggling. 

“Don’t do that.” 

“I won’t.” Terrence agreed readily. 

Then he lowered his head and rubbed it against her neck. 

He missed her so much just because he hadn’t touched her for one night. 


“What kind of perfume are you wearing?” 

“Stop it. Let go of me.” 

“Let’s have lunch together.” 

“I’m busy,” Alexa said directly. “I have to work overtime.” 

“Do you need me to tell them who my wife is?” 

“It’s unnecessary. Everyone knows that it’s Brynlee. Aren’t you afraid of hurting her


Terrence’s eyes suddenly turned cold, and he instantly released her. 

After Alexa steadied herself, he tidied up his clothes and stood aside coldly. 

“Of course, I won’t hurt her,” Terrence said coldly. “So if she is unhappy, I’ll kick you out of


Hudson Group at any time.” 

“No problem,” Alexa shrugged her shoulders and spoke. “Do you need me to write my

resignation. now? Mr. Ramsey, you don’t even need to drive me away in person.” 

Terrence squinted his eyes coldly. 

“Get out!” 


Alexa obeyed him and ran away quickly. 

For her, Terrence was like a time bomb. 

Therefore, it was normal for him to be moody 

After work, Alexa went to the hospital immediately. 

Terrence tried his best to be patient and came to her, but she was gone. 

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“Mr Ramsey…” Edwin was not surprised at all. He asked, “Do you need to contact Mrs.


“Check her position. I’ll go to find her myself.” 

Terrence rubbed between his eyebrows irritably. He couldn’t understand why Alexa was

busier than him all day long 

Terrence understood immediately when he heard that Edwin told him the location. 

Well, it was indeed the hospital. 

One or two times could be a coincidence, but how many times had he caught her there? 

Terrence would like to see how charming Kieran was that Alexa was willing to challenge his

bottom line for him. 

Alexa had just arrived at the hospital but failed to meet Kieran. 

The nurse told her that Kieran had to leave now. 

When Alexa was about to contact him, she received a message from Kieran. 

It read, “I’m sorry, Ms. Duran. I have something urgent to deal with at home. I have to go

back now. Can you have the examination another day?” 

Alexa replied calmly and left the hospital. 

She suddenly wanted to eat something 

She took a taxi to a restaurant. 

She ordered a burger. 

It tasted so good. 

It was rare for Alexa to have such an appetite. She didn’t even check her phone while


It was not until Terrence sat down in front of her with a gloomy face that Alexa realized

that there were five missed calls. 

“Sorry, I muted my phone by accident,” she said nicely. “Excuse me, what can I do for


Why did she sound like that? 

Terrence glanced coldly at the food she was eating and felt even angrier 

He looked for her all over the city He called her several times, but she didn’t answer. And

now she 

was eating a burger? 

“Alexa, have you forgotten something?”

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