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We Will Collide Someday by Scarlett Sanchez

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108 What Nonsense Are You Talking? 

The current atmosphere was simply as strange as it could be. 

A strange look suddenly flashed through Terrence’s deep eyes, but in the end, he gave up

on the idea of going up to help and sat back down on the sofa. 

The noodles that had just been cooked were steaming. Alexa directly reached out and

grabbed it. The sticky and hot feeling made her frown. 

After cleaning up this mess, Alexa boiled the water again and cooked the second bowl of


Terrence silently looked at the figure who was busy in the kitchen in an orderly manner,

and his confused heart calmed down again. 

It was better to ignore him than to leave him. 

Alexa stood by the stove and looked at the noodles rolling in the 


She was still hungry, yet now she was very sleepy. 

Her eyelids began to fight, and she seemed to be able to fall asleep while standing. 

Alexa absent-mindedly reached out to hold the pot, inadvertently touching its edge, and

she immediately withdrew her hands due to the heat. 

The next second, the pot titled, the noodles were poured out without any warning. 

The hot soup, mixed with noodles, instantly stuck to her feet. 

Alexa was wearing a pair of sandals, and this time she was simply scalded badly. 

She cried out in horror and realized that Terrence was still in the living room. She forcefully

suppressed the pain and panic. 

Why was there no end to her bad luck? 

Alexa suddenly felt an inexplicable anger in her heart. The angrier she was, the more she

wanted to 


With tears in her eyes, she bit the back of her hand and wished she could slap herself

twice hard. 

Simply trash! 

Before the mess under her feet could be dealt with, a figure suddenly popped up and

grabbed her 


Terrence grabbed her all the way upstairs. Alexa walked in a hurry and didn’t know where

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her shoes 

had fallen. 

Looking at the cold and stiff back in front of her, she clearly felt Terrence’s anger. 

When Terrence was angry, he was simply like Satan! 

Alexa instinctively wanted to escape and pulled her hand back in vain as Terrence

tightened his 


In the end, he kicked open the bathroom door and directly dragged Alexa in. 

Alexa staggered a few steps before barely holding onto the wall and looking up, but

Terrence was already blocking the door. 

“What are you doing?” she cried out with some displeasure. 

Anyway, there were not many days left to live. Alexa did not care whether she would

anger him or 


Terrence seemed to be low-spirited because of the rain and looked terrifying. 

“Wash yourself clean,” he ordered coldly. 

“Move aside. I want to go back to the kitchen.” 

“Who told you to go back? This is my home. I am the boss, understand?” 

“Sure,” Alexa said in anger. “Then I will go. I will definitely not stand on your expensive



After saying that, Alexa walked past him to open the door and did not notice how gloomy

and terrible Terrence’s face looked. 

“Alexa, you are awesome. You dare to say anything stupid!” 

“Mr. Ramsey, since you do not want to see me, I can just scram immediately. Even if I die

outside, you don’t need to care about me,” Alexa said indifferently. 

“What did you say?” Terrence frowned, and the anger that accumulated in his heart

reached its peak in an instant. “Alexa, say it again!” 

Alexa ignored him, took a deep breath, and silently pulled the door handle. 

Terrence was so angry that he directly picked her up and strode to the bathtub.. 

“Let go of me!” Alexa broke down crying. 

Terrence turned a deaf ear and stepped into the bathtub with her in his arms. 

Her drowning in the pool last time was still fresh in Alexa’s memory. 

Soaking in the water, Alexa frantically pushed him a few times with her elbow, trying to

crawl out. 


Terrence tightly circled her and could not bear it any longer. 

“Can you stop and listen to me?” 

“No,” Alexa said angrily. 

Terrence gritted his teeth and said threateningly. 

“You haven’t explained the matter between you and Kieran.” 

“Then what else do you want?” 

Seeing her reaction, Terrence forcefully suppressed the anger. 

“Nothing,” he said in a deep voice, his tone ironic. “Even if you want to protect an

outsider, you don’t need to act so obviously in front of me.” 

“If you have something to say, just say it,” Alexa said impatiently. “If we really can’t come

to an agreement, let’s divorce.” 

“Divorce?” Terrence’s attitude instantly became cold again. “The agreed time limit is not

up yet. Do 

not mention it again.” 

After Alexa calmed down, Terrence reluctantly let her go. 

Alexa instantly left the bathtub and kept a distance from him, her body dripping with


“What are you afraid of? Will I eat you?” 

“If you have something to say, we can say it like this.” 

Seeing Alexa being so guarded against him, Terrence felt very uncomfortable in his heart,

mixed with a strange unwillingness. 

After the air became quiet, he asked. 

“Do you really like Kieran?” 

de sove 

When Alexa heard Terrence’s inexplicable question, she was speechless. 

“He is not a virtuous man,” Terrence said disdainfully. “His family background, education,


appearance are average.” 

He had never looked down on a certain person in such a comprehensive way, yet Kieran

was worth 

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Kieran was not as outstanding as him at all! 

Terrence couldn’t understand what was wrong with Alexa. No matter how good he was, he

was not 

as good as other men. 

Terrence was like a resentful wife at that moment. He did not notice that his thoughts


became strange. 

And Alexa really could not bear to listen to him slandering Kieran. 

She gathered her courage and said, “He is not like what you thought of him. Why do you

belittle him like that?” 

“If he is not like what I said, then what is he like?” Terrence instantly flew into a rage.

“You’re way too much! How can you stand up for him?” 

Alexa thought, forget it. There is nothing else to say. 

Alexa chose to be silent, but Terrence was still muttering on the side. 

Outsiders couldn’t know that the president of the Hudson Group, who was silent and

unapproachable, was shrewish. 

“Alright, I’m going to sleep.” 

Alexa said lightly and silently left the bathroom. 

“This isn’t over!” 

Terrence frowned and immediately chased after her. 

Both of them were drenched, and their bodies were dripping with water when they came


Alexa wrapped a towel around herself and rummaged through her nightgown in the


As soon as Terrence came out, he took off his clothes in front of her without hesitation. 

Alexa could bear to see him taking off his shirt, but he took off his pants! What the fuck? 


“What’s wrong?” 

“How can you change your clothes here?” 

“If you mind it, you can close your eyes for the time being.” 

What a hooligan! 

Alexa blushed and immediately ran to the bathroom. 

By the time she changed her clothes and came out, Terrence was already lying on her bed.

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