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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 214
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I'm terribly upset that Alina got away again. I don't know how she does it, but I'm going to give it to her. She's good. She knows how to use her power and influence to her advantage and she's not slacking off. She's so desperate to getout of Alpha Reagan's life that she's ready to destroy other people's lives and even go to the extent of committing murder just to get to me. She's dangerous and just like always, I need to be very wary of her.

"What's going to happen to Rhea?" I ask Alpha Reagan once we step into his bedroom. He closes the door behind him and focuses his gaze on me.

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"You shouldn't be bothered about that." He says curtly. I shake my head.

"I'm not asking that because I'm bothered. I just... you know..." I shrug my shoulders. "I just want to know what's in store for her. The extent of her punishment." "The extent of her punishment." He walks pastand stops a few metres ahead. I turn to look, but he's backing me. A frown forms on my face as I bore holes through his back with my scorching glare. I won't be surprised if he doesn't reply toand suddenly changes the topic.

He's very good at that.

"Is it possible that she be sent back to our father's pack?" That question gets his attention. He swiftly spins around and pinson my spot with a serious gaze.

"Of course not!" His denial is firm and heavy with conviction. It's like what I just asked would be an abominable thing to do. I relax under his intense gaze.

"Why not?" I dare to ask. He shootsthe "Are-you-fucking-kidding-me" look and takes two steps closer to me. "Someone was killed, Ashanti. Her attempt to poison the Alpha guests led to the death of a dear subject of mine. That's murder and it's not a forgivable crime." "So, what's going to happen to her?" "She's going to be taken to court for a trial and from there her judgement will be passed and because there's both murder and attempted murder involved, she risks getting an execution as final judgement." My heart plummets to the floor. My mind travels to my father and stepmother. If this news reaches them, they'll be completely heartbroken. My step-mother is definitely going to lose her mind because Rhea is her only precious daughter. Hearing she'll be sentenced to death because she murdered someone is going to destroy her. I'm not going to say it serves her right, because that would be inhumane of me, but I saw this coming. I never for once saw or heard my step-mother cautioning Rhea. She let Rhea do whatever she wanted to anyone and she always took her side even if she was on the wrong. Even when it was a situation which she could not handle, she would get our father involved and he'd bail Rhea out of the situation. No words of caution would be given to her afterwards. That's why Rhea grew to be so spoiled and dumb. I guess she thought her mother's influence extended over here, that's why she did whatever she wanted.

Well, too bad for her, there's nothing either of her parents can do to save her. She messed up in the wrong place and now she'll suffer the consequences of her actions.

"Ashanti." Alpha Reagan's gentle voice calls my name. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him. "Is everything alright?" The concern in his voice does not go unnoticed. I clear my throat.

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"Will our father be told about this?" "Of course he will. It's his daughter after all. He needs to know why she's being punished. I already sent word. It must have gotten to him by now." "I see." I suck a deep breath at the sensation shooting up my arm. I'm feeling everything at once.

I wonder what my father's reaction will be when they tell him that Rhea committed a terrible crand tried to make it seem like it waswho did it. He will be shocked beyond imagination. I'm pretty sure he'll be very disappointed in Rhea because he always held her in such high regard.

As for my stepmother, she's going to blme for what happened. If I were in her presence at the tthe news was being broken to her, she'd smackin the face and tellI should have quietly taken the bland suffered the consequences of her daughter's actions. Mad woman.

"I don't like the look you have on your face. Something seems to be bothering you. Tellwhat it is and I promise to deal with it immediately." He says softly with his eyes roaming over me. My skin flushes under his scrutiny. For a split second, I'm tempted to fall for his sweet words, but a disturbing thought bombards my mind and my heart rate goes from unsteady to rapid. I slap his face with a scathing look, grinding my teeth against each other so hard, my jaw hurts. I just remembered the shitty way he's been treatingfor the past few weeks.

"Now that my nhas been cleared and the is finally over, how about we address the issue of how you've been a total jerk tofor the past few weeks? It requires unbearable effort to keep myself on my feet after using that tone on him. He looks so shocked to hearbring up the issue. He's staring at my face like a puzzle he cannot solve. My anxiety grows with each second that passes. I'm ready for this fight.