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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 118
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Billionaire's 118 Chapter 118 As the Elevator door closed behind Derek and Sandra, Derek casually leaned against the wall, his mind already working on the next steps.

He slipped his phone out of his pocket and quickly composed a text to Evelyn: [Taking Sandra to lunch. I just sent you something important. Check it out when you can.] With a swift motion, he forwarded the recorded conversation to Evelyn, ensuring she had all the evidence he had just acquired since it had everything to do with the both of them. As he slipped his phone back into his pocket, he turned his attention to Sandra. "Did you cin your car?" he asked, his tone light as if the question was merely a formality. "Yes, I drove. Why?" She asked with a cheerful smile.

Although the day had started out in such a shitty way, she was happy being with Derek this way and having him take her to lunch.

"I was thinking it might be easier if we took separate cars, so you don't have to cback just to pick up yours. That way, you can go straight to your office," he explained, not wanting to endure her company in the drive to the restaurant.

Sandra's expression faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered, her voice taking on a playful lilt. "Oh, Derek, you're such a gentleman. But I really don't mind. I enjoy spending twith you. We can go together, and I'll just cback here with you afterward." Derek's smile was polite, hiding the mild irritation he felt at her insistence. Before he could respond, the elevator dinged softly, signaling their arrival on the ground floor.

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The doors slid open, revealing the busy lobby of the office building.

As they stepped out, their eyes immediately landed on Michael, who was approaching the elevator. The surprise on Michael's face was almost comical as he took in the sight of Sandra by Derek's side. "Sandra," Michael greeted, his tone laced with mild confusion. "What are you doing here?" Sandra's heart skipped a beat. She had acted without informing Michael. "I just cto make sure Derek wasn't mad atanymore. You know how I hate it when we're not on good terms." Michael's eyes flicked to Derek, who was watching the exchange with a neutral expression. "My feelings are hurt.

You cared about Derek so much and didn't even stop by to say hello to me?" Michael asked, clearly taken aback by Sandra's boldness.

Sandra shook her head, her hair bouncing slightly with the motion. "I planned to cover and say hello to you when we cback from lunch," Sandra assured him with a sugary, sweet smile. Derek decided to step in before the tension could escalate. "We're heading out for lunch, Mike. Care to join us?" His offer was casual, but all he wanted was to see how Michael would react. Michael shook his head, a tight smile on his lips. "Thanks, but I've already got plans. You two enjoy yourselves." Derek nodded, watching as Michael walked away, his posture stiff. As soon as he was out of sight, Derek turned to Sandra, his voice light. "Shall we?" Sandra beamed up at him, "Let's go." She was not going to worry about Michael. If Derek loved her, that was all she needed. She knew that Michael would never expose her. Not when doing that would mean exposing himself since they were partners in crime. They walked out of the building together, the sun shining brightly overhead as they made their way to Derek's car.

The drive to the restaurant was filled with small talk- Sandra prattling on about work while Derek responded with polite, if distant, interest.

Now that he was in a relationship with Evelyn, he found it even more difficult to pretend to like Sandra as he had done the last time. He wasn't even in the mood to hear her talk.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, a chic place that Sandra had suggested, they were promptly seated at a secluded table.

As they settled into their seats, Sandra wasted no time, her tone taking on a slightly accusatory edge. "So, I was meaning to ask you. Why did you let Evelyn answer your call the other day?" Derek raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by the sudden change in her demeanor. "I was driving," he explained calmly. I don't take calls when I drive, so I asked her to answer the phone. I didn't know it was you." Sandra pouted, her lips forming a slight frown. "You could have calledback instead of letting her handle it." Derek suppressed a sigh, keeping his tone even. "I didn't think it was a big deal. But if it upset you, I apologize." Sandra seemed to accept his apology, but her expression remained wary. "Is it true that you're still doing the interview? Why are you so determined to have Evelyn do it? I could easily handle it, you know." Derek leaned back in his chair, taking a moment before responding. "Evelyn and I had an agreement. Besides, I prefer to keep my private life and work separate." Sandra's pout deepened, and there was a flicker of something darker in her eyes. "I'm just worried that Evelyn will try to seduce you under the guise of the interview." Derek kept his expression neutral. "Didn't Michael tell you what I told him?" Sandra's frown deepened in confusion. "What did you tell Michael?" Derek leaned forward slightly, his voice lowering. "I told him that I was in love with Evelyn and that I wanted her to do the interview because I wanted to get to know her. But after seeing how she treated you and how she's been acting, I realized she's not suitable for me. I've moved on from her, Sandra. That's why I'm interested in you now." Sandra's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and pleasure washing over her features. "Is that true?" she asked, her voice almost breathless. Derek nodded, his expression sincere. "Yes. So, there's no need to worry about Evelyn anymore. She's not a threat." Sandra looked partially mollified, but there was still a hint of bitterness in her at the thought that Derek had ever liked Evelyn in the first place. She reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. "Can we take a picture together?" she asked with a smile, her tone almost coaxing. Derek smiled tightly, shaking his head as he wondered what she was thinking now. "You know I'm not a fan of taking pictures." Sandra pouted again but quickly shrugged it off. "Okay, I understand." The waiter arrived then, interrupting the moment as he took their orders. Once the waiter left, Sandra leaned forward, her lips curling in a scowl. "I actually cto see you because I was sort of upset.

Evelyn cover to the house this morning. She caused sproblems forat home," Sandra said, and Derek's eyebrows lifted in interest. "What kind of problems?" He asked, wanting to hear what she would say.

Sandra sighed tically, her expression one of false innocence. "She lied againstand tried to turn our parents against me. She has always been jealous of me, but it's getting worse now that you're in the picture. I'm worried she will try to seduce you, Derek. She even toldshe was going to get you at all costs because you're wealthy." Derek's eyes narrowed slightly, but his tone remained calm. "I find that hard to believe, Sandra. If Evelyn wantedfor my money, she would have hada long tago. And I think you should stop talking toabout Evelyn- it's unattractive." Surprised flickered in her eyes at his harsh words, but she quickly flashed him a sweet smile. "You're right, Derek. I shouldn't let her get to me." "Yeah. You shouldn't. You should focus on talking about yourself toinstead of filling my head with Evelyn," Derek said, and she nodded.

"By the way, I was wondering... will you be able to attend my class reunion withnext weekend?" She asked, changing the subject.

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Derek hesitated, but when he remembered the details of the recording he had just he had just forwarded to had d Evelyn, he nodded. "With you? Of course, I'll be there," he said with a carefully calculated smile.

He needed to make sure Evelyn was safe, and if attending this reunion was the way to do it, then he would play along He had no intention of letting her get away with whatever she was planning for Evelyn. Sandra's eyes lit up with excitement, and she squeezed his hand across the table. • "I'm so happy you're coming, Derek. It's going to be a wonderful night." As lunch progressed, she chattered on about the reunion.

Derek played his role perfectly, nodding and smiling at all the right moments. But beneath the surface, his mind was racing, and he was already strategizing his next move.

He needed to be ready for whatever Sandra had in store for him, too, since he knew she planned to make him sleep with her and claim she was pregnant.

But for now, he would let Sandra believe she was winning. After all, the best way to defeat an opponent was to make them think they were in control, and he was a master at that game.

On the other hand, Sandra was blissfully unaware, lost in her fantasies of winning Derek overm completely. She had no idea that Derek was only playing along to protect the woman he truly cared about Evelyn. X